11/9/21 - Donuts and Mother Nature


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It was a crisp 44* when I left for work at 6:45 this morning. Temps are supposed to rise near an unseasonable 60* today then SNOW coming tomorrow. Mother Nature needs to get with the program. For goodness sake. Halloween is over. Stay with the cold, and quit teasing us with warmer weather that shouldn't be here. GRRR

Rant over. Can't wait for my snow to arrive.

Going to a local preschool this morning. Woohoohoo! I'm glad I don't have far to go today after a night of weird dreams. For real I had a referral returned yesterday due to the address being a vacant lot. After calling the school nurse, she sent the family service worker to check it out. Yep, just a grassy space. So my dreams last night picked up from what happened at work yesterday. In my dreams, the little boy had been kidnapped from somewhere else in the country, and brought to this little town in my county. When the fake mother realized the police and FBI were after her, she took off with the child.
A dreary morning here with clouds and cooler temperatures. The sun is suppose to be
out. I'll believe when I see it.

I'll be walking soon. Then do some outside chores. Tonight is circle. It's our first meeting
since last March.

rs, enjoy your snowy weather. I hope you find your referral.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day and evening.
Very chilly here this a.m......22°, but they say up to 52° & the sun is out. Temps will be dropping rest of week, rain tomorrow, and maybe even that S word come Friday. Who knows? Only Mother Nature, who has been having a ball all year, delivering unusual or unexpected weather all over the country.
Got only about 3-4 hrs. sleep tho I stayed in bed, in the dark, just tossing & turning. Hate it when so tired, yet still unable to really sleep.
Hard to believe how long it takes for responses from various inquiries, notifications, etc. Bad enough trying to deal with things in your home, let alone these far away "headquarter" offices.
Mother Nature is very busy here too. High winds. 30 to 40 mph with gusts to 55mph. I have a neurologist appointment this afternoon, and getting to it could prove very interesting. I have to take the ferry to the other side. The water is going to be very choppy. And there is no way to get to the ferry without going by very tall trees -- which tend to come down or lose branches in these wind storms. All in all, I'm not looking forward to this day.
You know, I really like Hallmark movies. I do. Currently they are running Christmas movies all the time, all their channels. And there the characters are, walking thru snow covered forests, roofs covered in snow, drifts everywhere, all glistening and sparkling. Looks beautiful. But the characters are wearing unbuttoned coats, no hats or scarves, shirts open for the men, low cut blouses/tops for the women, no breath showing when they talk.......lol. O.K. Yes, I live in what becomes a winter wonderland, and know whereof I speak. If the weather is warm enough for the coats and jackets to be open, the snow would be melting. Worse is when characters go outside with NO coat or jacket, stand and talk for quite a while (yes, happened last night). Female wearing a light, lacey looking top, long sleeves, she sort of shivered a bit when she first came outside...but that was it. The guy had no warm jacket on, was also outside, just standing at the porch railing contemplating something or other.
And when I found myself commenting aloud (to myself) about these things....began to laugh, as getting too used to picking at a soap.........even prime time does the "stupid" things. Gotta program myself to just sit back, enjoy!
Have a good day, my friends........
Good Morning.....
I too had been having weird dreams... then I stopped taking the pain pill at night... bad enough to be strapped in one position.... don't need mind altering medication in addition.
last night was really tired and had planned to go to bed, then I saw Guys and Dolls was on.... so midnight was the bedtime.....blech.... but I liked the movie... enjoyed the play....knowing Brando and Sinatra couldn't stand each other made it even more fun to watch.....
My car passed smog and I was able to register it so all is good there, now I have to make an appointment for a kinda recall repair. I pay for the starlink service and it is retiring it's 3G so I need to have the car updated to 5G..... it's free with my subscription service so okay...... now to find out how long it will take and when a time works for HB and the car since I won't be driving this has to work for him....that will be fun.... (not)

LIl0 be safe.....
Poirot this weekend we watched Mamma Mia (a show I enjoy just not the movie) and I kept commenting on how tough it must have been to have to build A or B and how the set dressing must have been a nightmare for the crew.....

While I avoid Hallmark movies at most costs.... I do like watching a TV show trying to convice me they are in deep winter, "snow" on the road but no breath showing, and why is the snow always pure white..... wasn't that way but two days when I spent a month in Alaska in February.......
Gosh, I put on TCM & it had Seven Brides for 7 Brothers, which I had just seen last week or so, thus went to Hallmark, changed to Friends for a bit, back to Hallmark. I love Mama Mia, (parts of it) also Guys & Dolls.......LOL. Did not know either was on. Dang it.
Good afternoon!

The mystery of the vacant lot has been solved. One of the caseworkers here said that we have a client who lived next door. It had been a block of apartments owned by the county's low income housing authority. They moved all of the families to other locations, and tore the buildings down so new apartments can be built for them. I then called the housing authority, and they could only verify that the buildings were torn down, and the families moved. Of course they couldn't disclose names or locations.

The child's mother never updated their new address with the preschool. I then called the preschool, and said I'd deliver the referral tomorrow to be sent home with the child since so much time has elapsed. The school nurse and I have no hope for the mother to do the follow up. She suspects they were moved out of that school district.
Long day here. I went for an eye checkup. Nothing like having an eye checkup when you've already got a migraine. Also, I was there for two hours! Mostly waiting. I'd never had to wait that long at their office before. The doctor told me everything looked good, so far as any eye disease, then he asked if I'd like to come back another time for the vision exam, but since we were already halfway through it I said to just go ahead and finish and be done with it. I had taken a pill and it was settling me some but I felt bad all day, queasy stomach, etc., but we did most of the things we intended to do. I decided to skip a couple of stops and come on home. We are going much farther tomorrow. I hope I sleep better tonight than I did last night.