12/18/23 - Donuts and Brrrrrr!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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eGADS... woke up to 12°, with a high expected of 20°.........and it snowed during the night! Yesterday was in 40s.
Hope you all having a much better Monday. (been awake since 5 a.m. ugh)
Morning, Poirot and others yet to join. Nice to see you posting again and hope each day you are feeling better and better.

WIlde Woman, - how's the rain? Is it letting up yet? Crazy to be getting rain this time of year, I would think.

As for us in Calgary, we are still above normal temperatures. At the moment it is 2*C (35.6*F) and expected to reach 5*C (41*F) and to continue this trend up to and beyond Dec. 25. It's looking like we could have a brown Christmas.

It was a pretty quiet weekend overall. Played some beach vball, had too many Christmas drinks with a buddy of mine on Saturday night. It's the last week before Christmas so it will likely be a quiet week. I still need to to do my shopping for Mike and a few friends. We'll be having our buddy, Otis and Mike's cousin for Christmas eve and morning with us.

Hope everyone has a good Monday and start to the week.
Good morning to all...... it's currently 38 out.... but we are warm and cozy inside today. HB was up and out of the house to take Grandson to an event he was to attend. Alas no one could wake the teen so HB came home. Event will continue just without Grandson. Currently BEAST and HB are sound asleep in HB's chair so all is good in this local.....
I'm in the collecting every thing to go into the car stage so tomorrow I can stuff it all into the car. I really wish for a larger car for trips like this, the Subaru isn't big enough, but I don't have an additional 1500 to spend on renting an SUV let alone fill it with gas to drive to the coast. I know the time will fly by and yet seem to take forever at the same time. Hey maybe, I've moved to Salem????

Next Monday is the big day..... 6 shopping days left.....
Robin........I do hope all is o.k. with your grandson, and he just did not want to get up.........it would scare me if I could not wake a person. Am on the recovery path, slow but sure. Just not wanting to overdo and set myself back instead of ahead. LOL
Well, we got snow overnight, & it's 15° right now. I have to go to the bank, but someone is taking me, so can drive under the overhead, right next to the door .......and then bring me back.....
Thanks to all who are asking about NY. Some parts got it much worse and lost power. The rain is a bit lighter now, though still heavy and steady. The wind intense but not as harsh as earlier. I swear, looked like trees were going to be uprooted. Got up to 61 degrees, now it is 53, and will be dropping as the day goes by. Due for more seasonal temps later this week. If pigeons could get on my terrace, they would have a nice swim.

Poirot: Take care out there!

Muzza: Yes, it is crazy for so much rain this time of year but so much better than snow! Hope all your activities work out.

Robin: Glad all is well, and the best to you on your appointed rounds.

Everyone please have a great day!

It's sunny this afternoon and will be in the 40s. It was in the 30s when I walked.

A busy day at church picking up recycling and fixing the pews. I'll be studying this afternoon.

Poirot, take care going out today. I'm glad you have someone to take you out.

robin, good luck packing your car tomorrow. Have you thought about getting rack for the top?
I see vehicles with covers on their tops.

Muzza, good luck with your last minute shopping.

Wilde Woman, take care during the odd weather.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
Am back home, sure is icy out in places...snow melts, then freezes with these cold temps. Was glad to have someone with me. I used to have a cane with an attachment for the bottom, prongs or grippers for walking in icy or snow areas...My older son took it....I have to try and find the gripper attachment and add to cane I have.
Good afternoon everyone. Our 3 days of rain has now become beautiful fluffly snowflakes. Unfortunately the ground is too wet for anything to stick so far.

I came home with a migraine last Thursday, and it took a few days to get over.

I hadn't even started on making cookies for the cookie trays. Spent Saturday making different cookie doughs. Then baking yesterday and today. Today's last batch is in the oven. Instead of 20 dozen of each kind, I'm only making 5 dozen of each. Everyone will just have to get used to getting smaller amounts. I've even crossed a few people off my list since they "demanded" cookie trays. Everyone else told me not to worry about giving them cookies this year so they'll still get them.

The 2 most labor intensive cookies will have to wait for the next few days...Italian pizzelles (lemon) and clothespin cookies.

Poirot, I pray that you're getting stronger every day.

Muzza, I hope you get your quiet week. I need to catch up reading posts to see if there is any news of your missing wallet.

robinsnest, safe travels to the coast.

WW, stay safe in that awful weather you're getting. It looks horrendous on the weather maps.

kat, I hope everyone appreciates all of the extra things you do for them.
Poirot, in catching up on posts...

On 12/15, garysgirl suggested you get a ROKU at Walmart to connect to your tv so you could watch Peacock on it.

I sent one to you a few months ago!!

It is that little black rectangle, a few different cables ( use the one that connects to your tv), and a remote control.
How sweet, RS! I hope she can find it and it works out..
Glad you are doing better, but don't over do with those cookies, so you won't have a set back. I like your response to the cookie demands!!

The cabin's HOA had a meeting scheduled for today at 4pm, but I live in Central Time Zone so the meeting was at my 6pm. I postpone dinner, send HB and the BEAST away so I can listen to the meeting and take notes to forward on to the other cabin owners (cousins, siblings). Anyway, I log in and get everything working the president of the HOA logs in and informs us (the 5 who were logged in) that the meeting was being cancelled they will let us know when it will be held later this month......