12/19/23 - Donuts and Lemon Pizzelles


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everybody.

Woke up to over 4 inches of snow this morning. It looks like a beautiful winter wonderland!

Waiting for my pizzelle iron to finish heating up. The batter is ready to make the first of the lemon pizzelles. I'll need to make at least 3 batches. The friends from my southern county gave me a huge amount of chocolate ones so I need to reciprocate with lemon ones.

Hope everyone in the path of the storms that are sweeping the country is safe. So many are without power in the awful weather.
Good morning.... it started off chilly but warming up..... we should get rain here tomorrow afternoon..... but they are forecasting a warm Christmas Day... great potential for wet but warm.... as I'll be elsewhere it just means I don't have to worry about pipes freezing.....
BEAST is at DayCare playing and totally unaware of the fun to be had in the coming days......

squirrely I'm glad you are taking it easy with the cookie baking..... when I had my hip replaced in Nov I told family there would be no cookies that year.... they were sad and some were rude.... like really? We need our cookies...... people are strange around food gifts......

WW I'm glad you can see clearly now what with the rain being gone and all..... :)

Back to the chores of the day.....
We have had sunshine, tho now it seems to be clouding up a bit. Seems odd to read of those of you getting snow, and not just a light dusting either, while up here in the north woods, barely have some sprinkled here and there. Last year, at this time, we had 13 inches. LOL, this year, nothing to measure. Wacky weather continues. We are pretty cold, tho. 15°.
Lost my helpers for the next week or so, thus on my own, and we will see how I do. Even my neighbor is leaving....tomorrow, after she takes me to Dr. appt.
Not worried, I am careful, very careful. Pretty sure I have all I need from store, and have some frozen meals in the frig. All will be fine.
It was in the 20s when I woke up this morning so I postponed my walk until after 10. It's sunny and in the 50s this afternoon.

I took the recycled items I got from church to the recycling center. I usually go Sat, but rain in the forecast for that day.
Summary is done. I plan to do some reading. Tonight, I'm watching "Elf". I haven't seen it before.

rs, are you on your Christmas break? Enjoy the snow.

Wilde Woman, I'm glad the rain is over for now.

robin, I hope the Beast had fun today. At least, he's out of the way since you're packing.

Poirot, I hope your week goes without your helpers.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Good afternoon. Reading your posts brings into focus for me that things are winding down toward the arrival of Christmas. I haven't done one thing toward getting ready to go to Dallas on Saturday. At this point I'm not even sure if that's going to happen. My daughter and her daughter (now home from college) are both sick. My daughter has been in bed since yesterday and when she goes to bed I know she is really sick! Their symptoms sound like how I felt the first few days of Covid but they probably won't go to the doctor or get tested. They've both already had Covid several times before. It could be something else. LOTS of stuff has been going around even out here where I live.

Yesterday morning my niece drove me the 65-70 miles to my appointment with the dermatologist. She has a lot of morning chores with her animals and it's always hard for me to get up and get ready to go somewhere, especially that far away. So it was an effort for both of us. Imagine my shock when I went in and and was told they didn't have me down for an appointment. Not then, not anytime. I was pretty sure I had a card at home but it wouldn't have done me any good because the doctor is not there on Mondays and Fridays! The apologetic receptionist said if she were there they would work me in but she just wasn't there. I don't know how this happened but I did find my card when I got home and it did say the day and time for the appointment was yesterday morning so at least I felt a little better knowing the lapse in reality was someone else's and not mine. I make enough messes without any help from anybody else. Well, so there we were. We went and ate at Cracker Barrel and did a few other errands. Traffic and stores were a nightmare. We're not used to city life, especially what it becomes during the week going into Christmas. On the way home we stopped in the smaller town where I go to the doctor and drug store. It occurred to me I wouldn't have enough migraine pills with a regular refill (only get 6 pills at a time) to get me through my visit in Dallas, since I've been taking more than usual lately. So I went to the clinic and asked the nurse to call in extras for me before I left town. (I knew it could take days to get through and make an arrangement by phone). All ended well but I was drained and yes, Kat, I did sleep pretty well last night. Thank you for your good wishes.

The home repair guy came today and was here all morning. He fixed the leak on my roof, worked on the washing machine drain pipe--inside and outside--and the HVAC condensate pipe, and took the shower mechanism all apart to fix the leak in it but didn't have the right fitting so alas, he'll have to come back, after Christmas, to fix that. All this has been like wiggling a loose tooth, trying to get it out, but I'm happy somebody finally came a few weeks ago and returned today, leaving me hopeful he'll come back and finish. I'm pretty sure he will, since he hasn't let me pay him anything yet.

Robin, are you not concerned your pipes might freeze while you're gone?
Squirrel, I'm so glad you got your beautiful snow.
Wilde Woman, happy to hear your rain has stopped.
Kat, I hope you enjoy Elf. I've never seen it either. I recorded A Christmas Story a week or so ago and have only watched less than half of it, in small segments. I can't get into sitting through movies anymore.
Poirot, I remember how your winter was last year. Seems strange that you have such little snow now. I heard early on that it would be a milder winter up your way. But then the same report said ours would be wetter than normal. So far that's been a big miscalculation.
OC, how awful that you traveled all that way due to someone's mistake. The time and cost of the gas needed would've had me seeing red.

Quit after making 2 batches of pizzelles. My bad foot and ankle are so swollen from standing that they don't look like they belong to me. I had to struggle to get a boot on so I get get the garbage to the bin then get the mail.Oh well, there will just be smaller cookie trays.
OC that sounds like a nightmare..... I'm happy you were able to get some good out of it.....

rs.... my ankle broken 2012, still swells when I stand on it too long if I'm on concrete or some other non-giving ground, Elevate, Ice and rest....

OC HB's daughter will come over if it gets really cold while we are gone. I will turn the heat down to 65 and keep the cupboards open so we should be okay....

It's really strange, I used to get cold in 80° weather, then I broke my ankle.... I keep the house at 71 currently and it's warm most of the time, I even open the house up and throw another blanket on HB who is freezing most of the time. He once left AZ for Kansas in December and got to Wichita without a long sleeve shirt!! or a coat!! he did eventually get a jacket because he was making people uncomfortable in shirt sleeves. it's like we've switched.....

I'll try to check in daily....on the trip.... y'all behave..... and I mean you Wilde Woman...... Muzz, I'm just hoping your bail won't be outrageous..... :)
OC, I'm sorry to hear about your wasted trip for your appointment. I try to remember to take my appt
cards with me since I had that happen to me once. I hope you'll be able to visit your family.

robin, I hope you have a safe trip and a nice visit with your family.

rs, I hope foot and ankle are better tomorrow.