12/21/23 - Donuts and Winter solstice


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good morning all..... Yesterday as we were driving..... just outside of Wichita I said look at that big bird flying.... we watched him or her and realized it was a bald eagle!!! Hunting just a few miles from our house.... it was a great omen for the trip......
I also heard someone on the radio tell me to make the most out of the last day of Fall..... which seemed funny.....
it is crisp, clear in Santa Rosa, New Mexico and the stop gap hotel is filled with dogs, not just the one and imaginary one in my room..... at least both in my room are behaving and not barking their heads off.....
off to the free breakfast then back on the road again....
Earlier this a.m. a curious me looked up when exactly we start to get additional minutes of light....For way up here, another week or so. LOL. 6 days of 8 hrs. 38 min of daylight...then on the 27th we gain 1 more minute, and by 31st, .....hey....8 hrs. 41 min. LOLOL

Lots of grey skies ahead,,,,,,but hey, we are moving to the plus side. Yayyyy.
Here, here Lil0. And so it begins.

Robins, the bald eagles here have stayed throughout the winter and nest along the Bow River. The reason why they've stayed this and in past years as well, is due to the river not freezing over leaving open water for them to fish.

Kat, a great meme for today and look forward to the longer days eventually being noticed.

Good morning, it is being reported that this has been the warmest December in 140 years with many records having been broken this month. Yesterday a few communities broke records hitting highs in the double digit (Celcius). Calgary got to 9*C (48.2*F). Hard to believe that one year ago we were sitting at -40*C with the wind chill and I think Celcius and Fahrenheit are the same at that temperature.

My beach 4's volleyball team have been playing in Intermediate + and staying in the middle of the pack each season but last week we were all re-seeded, the we were bumped up into the competitive league for the first time. Both games were SO close but in the end we lost both games. The second game was lost by one point and did not have the chance to play out the set because the bell rang. We played out the rest of the set just for fun and had the bell NOT rung, we would've won. Oh well, it was fun to play against the other teams and I don't care about losing as long as the games have good rallies and gets the heart pumping.

I have one more gift to buy and I'm done. Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning everybody. A tad warmer today so my beautiful snow is melting. The weather folks are saying it'll be around 50°F wirh rain for Christmas Day. :cry:

Made Chex mix for my cousin this morning. Now I quit baking for Christmas presents. My one friend (babysat me when our dads were at their union meetings!)picked up her cookie tray this morning. I also called the brothers next door to see if they were home, and one came over to get their cookies. He didn't want me to fall on the path between the hedges. 3 more trays to go out.

Bald eagles have made a great comeback here, too. They look so majestic! Definitely nicer to look at than turkey vultures.
A cloudy day here. The morning wasn't the best.

I decided to rake before I ate lunch. When I was done, it started to sprinkle. More rain is suppose to happen tonight.

robin, I hope the rest of your journey went well.

rs, sorry to hear the snow is already gone. Good luck getting the trays done.

Muzzaman, good luck with finding the last gift.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Squirrel, an eagle would indeed be much nicer to see than turkey vultures! I'm still hoping to see one someday, now that I know they've been spotted within 10-20 miles of here.

Kat, I hope you get more rain than we did. There were a few almost-invisible sprinkles.

Wilde Woman, lovely pictures. Wishing you blessings too!

Muzz, it's nice you always have fun things to do regardless of the weather.

Robin, I hope your trip has been uneventful unless in a good event. I also hope all of your family stays well during this visit.

Poirot and Lil0, I'm glad you'll soon be seeing a bit more daylight. Your nights get too, too long!

I may be the only one who doesn't mind the shorter days. I'm okay with starting to get more light though, until we hit Daylight Savings.

I spent some time this morning cooking up stuff to take to Dallas with me. My daughter's eating habits don't fit with mine so we each end up taking food when we visit the other. I'm still not sure she's going to be well enough to carry out the plans. A note last night said she and her daughter were feeling a little bit better but they are coughing.

The heifers we've got isolated in the pasture here around my house have been hanging out right near my cattleguard at the county road, which is unsettling. Makes me think they have ideas of getting out. So this morning I put out a big bale of hay for them up nearer my house, at the haylot, in hopes they'll stay around that for a few days. They do like to come into my yard for one reason--to play with my wind sock (streamer). For some reason cows are fascinated with those. They chew on them and tear them down. I need to put it somewhere higher but I don't want to climb up a ladder to do it. So I try to take it down before they get close but don't always make it.
Personally, I really wish they'd do away with daylight savings time.......there is no need for it.....and this country got along fine for hundreds of years before it was brought in a a temporary help during the war.
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the nice pictures Kat and Wild Woman.

Poirot, I hope it gets lighter earlier here too.

Squirrel, hope everyone picks up their trays. You deserve a much needed break.

LilO, I saw you mentioned you used to live in Lanley. That's where my sister and family live now. It's nice there.

OC, you are so hard working. It's obvious you love your cows.

Muzza, our weather here in Edmonton is currently 3 Celsius 34 F. Good luck with your shopping.

I live a 3 hour drive South from Calgary so we don't get the Chinooks like Muzz.

Games on tonight...Go Oilers Go! Ha

Hope every one has a good evening.
Woohoohoo!! Another hockey fan!! Now Muzzaman and I aren't the only ones.

Mrs. Clean, I'm an hour north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, so a Penguins fan. Muzza and I had a bet on a play off series one year.

One more cookie tray went out the door. Cindy was out with her son so they stopped by to pick up their cookies and other things I had for them.

OC, I hope your family will be over Covid so you can still have your Christmas visit.
Never realized so many here lived somewhere up north. (I am 265 miles to The border of Canada) Somehow it seemed most everyone lived south......Florida, Texas, New Mexico, GA, Missouri, Illinois, PA.......
Well, here I was thinking that except for those in Canada, I was up north by myself, and what an eye opener. LOL. Blame it all on being so ill. for so long ....hey, any excuse........ :)
Well, my day was going okay till I took the trash out this evening. I tripped and fell on the empty trailer pad next to mine. A neighbor from across the way saw me fall and rushed over to check on me. He helped me up and after I assured him I was okay, he carried my trash on to the dumpster.

Other than a scraped elbow and wounded pride, I am okay..... If I'm not sore tomorrow.
robin, enjoy your day at Scottsdale. You're traveling again on Saturday right?

rf, sorry to hear you fell. I'm glad someone came by to help.