12/22/2023 - Donuts and the Countdown

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I'm running out of days to get ready for my trip. My daughter is planning to come get me tomorrow. The last of my Amazon orders is supposed to arrive today. The big question is, "Where will they leave it"? For a while now I've had an excellent delivery person. He leaves things on my back porch, which I requested of him one time because it is shaded and on the east. The front porch is on the west side of the house (rock house) and it gets unmercifully hot there with the sun beaming on it all afternoon. But it seems UPS schedules have been rearranged leading up to the holidays, with new drivers filling in, which means I've been back to the "guess and search" system for the past week or so. Earlier this week a package was left ON my cattleguard! It spent the night there and got rained on and there's no telling when I would have found it if my niece hadn't come over to feed that next morning. This was at the county road. Even if it didn't get rained on or run over, anyone passing up and down the road could easily have taken it. My mailbox is only 1/4 mile from the house but there are two hills in between and no way to see from the county road that there's even a house here.
So then yesterday I had two packages coming from Amazon--gifts for two granddaughters. The notice online said it would be delivered before 9:00 pm. I checked all day to see if it had been marked delivered, also looked on front and back porches throughout the day, until 9:00 last night. No. At 10:30 I was about to go to bed but couldn't get out of my mind that it might have been left at the mailbox or cattleguard. The weather was misty and icky and I almost never leave my house after dark but I drove down there and sure enough, a big bag was on the ground, leaning on the mailbox post. I will give them credit for putting the boxes in a plastic bag, due to the weather, but do they think I live in my mailbox?? It would have been there all night and would be a most tempting target for dishonest passersby this morning. Glad I went.
Chilly and sunny in NY, started out at 28 degrees, not only 35. Warming up over weekend.

OC: You painted a very clear picture of your Amazon trials and tribulations and glad it worked out. I can relate, even though I am in an apartment building. Since the pandemic, most packages are left in the mail room and vulnerable to theft. We actually have had thefts recently, and some thieves were caught on camera. But they will probably never be caught. When I get a notice that my package was delivered, they include an image of where, and sometimes it is at my front door, sometimes in the mail room. I do my best to go down there as soon as possible and have been fortunate so far. Seems like brick-and-mortar stores are slowly going away, and that is sad. Love the convenience of Amazon, but sometimes it is nice to browse in a store.

Wishing all a wonderful end of the (typical) work week (since we all have different schedules).

Wilde Woman, I know in residential areas in towns and cities there is a big problem with theft from front door deliveries but I'd never thought of how deliveries would be handled in apartment buildings. (I lived in apartments in Dallas and another city for about 15 years back in the 1960s-'70s but there was no Amazon then). In your situation it's a good thing the delivery people do what I so wish they would do here--put on the delivery notice the location of where the package was left. We've put requests for it on our orders but it gets ignored. If I follow "track the package" instructions it always lists the same place--Wichita Falls, Texas, which is the last processing center it left as it went out for delivery. That's 70 miles from here so no help.

I just heard from my daughter. She's feeling much better and will be here around noon tomorrow so now I really must get serious about getting my stuff together. It's like packing to take an infant on a trip! I'm not an easy or comfortable traveler.

Hope Robin is safely settled. I just saw on the news that Ventura County CA is dealing with heavy rain and flooding. I'm thinking that may be north of her but don't know for sure where she is.

Sexton, I hope you're not too sore or stove up from your fall.

May all of you have a joyful, blessed Christmas.
One time the info said pkg left in driveway! Mind you, was shorter to bring to door than leave in driveway, went outside, and there was this very little pkg., standing straight up smack dab in middle of the large 2 car driveway. Only time............
but then was waiting for a much larger pkg, once, which I found dumped right by my mailbox, on the ground, next to the highway. Yep, anyone could have taken.
glad your daughter is feeling better, hope she doesn't overdo. When I lived in apt. bldgs. years ago, they always rang the doorbell, then when you yelled down, just said delivery, left pkg. and were gone. So could go downstairs right away and get it.
I just do not think service and delivery is as alert or caring as they were in the past.
It's cloudy, dreary with spots of rain or drizzle. No walk this morning because of the rain.

I had a haircut this morning since the next two Monday's holidays. I decided yesterday to go back to
the mall today. I jumped into Walmart to return two things. I found a good spot at the mall so when I left
I won't get too wet. I walked the mall almost three times waiting for stores to open. According to the
map I got, I probably walked over a mile. I had to wait until after 11:30 for the store I wanted to shop
in on Wed. to open.

OC, I'm glad you found your package. I guess he was too busy to let you know the package delivered. The
last package I got Amazon was illegally put in my mailbox and no email to tell me it was delivered. I hope
you have a nice visit with your family.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the sunshine. I might have sun tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise, the next few days
rain or clouds.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
So, a neighbor lady is at my door, with 2 pkgs. from Amazon, which were put in HER mailbox. both from Amazon. (Guess they have sub postal employees for the holiday weeks, lol) Both were in big envelopes, but the one, when opened, had some sort of big white dots which I assume were supposed to help seal pkg shut, and whatever the white stuff was, it was like powder that got all over my clothes, the floor, just one big mess. So annoyed me, really did, I think I will return the item inside, still all sealed up, as it just seemed to be all slapped together, with a who cares look about it. The pkgs. were partially torn..........so disappointed. Guess when you cannot get out this is what happens when you rely online ordering. sigghhhh. hOPE THE ice grips work for a cane I have. I don't use the cane, but living in snow and ice country, I have one I keep for "help". :)
Some packages from Amazon either come via UPS, the post office or an Amazon truck.. The package I got came from
an Amazon truck and they aren't allowed to put anything in mailbox. I saw the van pull away. I didn't realize he or she
put something my the mailbox.

Poirot, it's probably good your packages were put in your neighbor's box since you can't get out.
True.... I figure I will be out of milk & bread by Sunday, so called a friend to ask when she goes to store, could she pick up those couple items. LOL, She just came home from store. Figures. Said, tho, she can go tomorrow, told her no big rush (my best friend here). So many folks are gone to be with family, not many around now.
Good afternoon everyone. It has been a drizzly day here, and I drove out to the mailbox since the car needed turned around anyway.

I've had Amazon packages delivered by Amazon truck, FedEx, UPS, and the US Postal Service. The only time I receive a picture of the package or box sitting on my porch is when the Amazon truck brings it. I also like that the Amazon app shows how many stops before the Amazon truck reaches my house.
I like the Amazon map too when something brought. That's how I knew the box came since no email sent.
I wanted to let Amazon know that package put in mailbox, but I couldn't figure it out how.
Nice day here
We had our Christmas party at the center. It was nice to see everyone since the center was closed for a week due to staff vacation and staff illness.
Today has been exhausting..... beast had to go potty at 4:30 of course we are in a hotel so I have to fully dress to walk to the doggie place... at the time could see some stars but mainly clouds. Get back to the room, get undressed and back to bed.... HB and BEAST leave for HB's doctor appointment, I try to go back to sleep but am unable. It is POURING rain, wind, lightening a storm..... HB and BEAST return it's stopped raining..... I'm ready to go and leave, it doesn't rain again for me until I get to the off ramp for the hotel..... wipers on high it's night streets poorly lite and cars coming in my direction, where are the lines on the road????? Drive hotel, can't even see it.... they hadn't turned on their outside lights. Get the gps out and even with that I couldn't see the hotel through the rain..... I am finally able to do so....and get back..... Step Mother and I had a good day, I made the spinach dish, I took her to the post office and the bank and the grocery store. We also had an IN&Out Burger, her favorite.... it was a good day. At the hotel while I was out ad about in dry but cloudy skies, HB and the BEAST were in a Weather event. It started raining shortly after I left this morning and never let up..... Wacky.....
Tomorrow we head to California.... my son's surgery went well they got all the skin cancer..... his sideburns will never be long again.....or one will the other eh not so much...... his face hurts and he can't wash till Saturday when he can take the bandage off and start the easy washing and cleaning and medicating his soon to be scar....

Good Friday evening.....
Robin, thanks for the updates. Glad you made it through the storm safely. So glad they got all the cancer on your son. Hope he heals well and quickly.

Poirot, sorry about your crummy order. Glad you have a friend to pick up food for you.

FedX does a better job here but I rarely get anything delivered by them. Occasionally things get transferred to USPS for final delivery.

Sexton glad you got to enjoy the party.

I must get to bed.....