12/23/23 - Donuts, fog, rain


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Am sure you all are done with shopping, may have a bit of wrapping yet, either baked, bought or were gifted with some scrumptious cookies. time to sit down, relax, think about dinner for Sunday & Monday, or travel plans, watch the weather, enjoy the scenery. Usually I have my radio on all day, but hasn't been on for a few days now, Hallmark doing their usual good job of holiday movies. Still cannot get around like normal, but much better. My family is spread all over the USA, with none here, which is why the TV is on during the day. LOL
rained here again, puddles all over, and foggy currently, so misty grey skies are all we got for now. Just realized there will be no mail Mon. AND Tuesday....Usually I get a lot of Christmas Cards, over 50 for sure. This year....a total of 7. Folks just aren't sending cards any more, and with the current price of postage, can understand. Plus some use the internet to send their greetings. Post Office is probably learning a huge lesson, which won't matter as they will just raise postage again, probably.
Do hope those who will be celebrating have their Christmas sweaters all ready. And that any baking of goodies is all finished. God Bless.
We will celebrate Christmas tomorrow at my brother's house. Christmas is not the same without my parents. Last year was our first Christmas without Mom. My brother was in the midst of remodeling so his family took me out to dinner.
38 degrees with overcast skies. Might get a bit of rain later.

Poirot - So glad you are starting to get back to yourself. Agree about cards. I also cut back on mailing them due the cost of the cards plus postage. Jacquie Lawson offers a lot of wonderful cards for every occasion for a nominal membership fee. It's about being remembered, not the format, that people appreciate. Sure, not the same as an actual card, but a nice way of sending good wishes.

rfsexton: Enjoy your holiday festivities.

Hoping everyone has a nice Saturday.

It's partly cloudy and in the high 60s.

I worked a little bit outside hoe, hoe, hoeing. I'm not sure how to fix ditch unless I fill it
up to make it flat. Too much water behind my house now and more rain coming tonight.

rf, I'm glad you'll be with family over the holiday.

Poirot, I gave or mailed out over 30 cards this year. I've gotten six.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your three day weekend.

I hope everyone has a pleasant rest of the day and evening.
Poirot, Mike and I would love to have you over and wake up to a stocking.

Rf, how was dinner nner? What did you have?

Kat, are you still working away at that ditch?

Well we woke up this morning to snow, after all that beautiful weather.....but it's supposed to probably melt a lot of it by Christmas. Still nice to wake up to and not be cold so I walked Watson, shovelled my driveway then shovelled 7.other driveways in my cul de sac. It felt so nice to get the exercise with just a sweater on.

We are making Poppycock, lemon poppyseed cookies, and cleaning to host our my best buddy and Mike's cousin. My buddy and I have a skydive planned for his bday in June......can't wait.

Have a great day everyone.
Muzzaman, I only stayed out about 20 minutes. I need to redo my compost. If you want to come visit me, you can help
with that. I need to take the top layer off and move dirt. I can put the dirt in the ditch.
Good evening. Daughter and I made it to her home in Dallas about an hour ago. Son-in-law is cooking hamburgers on the grill. Granddaughter home from college so it's great to see her. We came through rain all the way across Fort Worth and Dallas. Supposed to clear out tomorrow.

Glad I can check in and keep up with what the rest of you are doing.
Glad to hear Robin, enjoy your holidays.

Muzz, I think, for once, we have less snow than you guys. You are a busy generous man. My hubby and I do that for the 2 neighbour's on each side of us and they do the same if they start before us.

OC, I'm glad you have family visiting.

Kat, please don't work too hard. Have some tea and snuggle up to watch a movie.

Poirot, hope you're feeling better.

Have a great Saturday!
Got to Santa Monica, checked into the hotel, called my sister she insisted we come over for dinner. Her grandkids were there, it was a blast. They went out with their parents today and saw the Grinch!! But he was a nice Grinch not a mean Grinch. I was assigned Monster status after dinner, not sure how I got that job, but I had to "pretend" to grab and growl and the kids. Not sure who had more fun with that assignment.

Lots to do tomorrow, Fish Market for Eve's dinner, Meat Market for lamb for Christmas dinner, local market for ice, set up the tent. Help with floor cleaning..... you know Christmas prep.....

Happy Christmas Eve's Eve