12/26/2023 - Donuts and more Rain


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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fINALLY getting a bit light out, rained during the night again, and still, in the early a.m. hours. Puddles all over. Been awake since 4:30, hate when I cannot get back to sleep. Already watched Days, tho usually not this early. LOL
Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, the family, friends. were gifted with nice things you either wanted or can use. And if TV was keeping you company, that you enjoyed whatever you found to watch.
I need to get to the drugstore for just a few things..........I know today will be busy for many who have to return or exchange. Good Luck, God Bless.
A dreary, rainy, chilly (45 degrees) day in NY, but still preferable to snow. While snow is certainly prettier than rain, it causes more problems. So rain is the lesser of two evils, to be sure. I'm one of the few working in my office today, but I expect it be quiet. Good catch-up day.

Poirot - Sounds like we are sharing a rainy day. Good luck at the drugstore.

Wishing all a great last Monday of the year!

HAPPY BOXING DAY! I had a lovely Christmas dinner last night at my older daughter's house. Both daughters, plus their kids and the kids' mates, plus a high school buddy of the kids were in attendance. This was my older grandson's girlfriend's first intro to the family. We had our usual "figgy pudding" tradition. It was the first time for 4 of those present. I love watching the reactions of newbies. When we turned out all the lights except the candles and tree lights, my granddaughter's boyfriend said, "Is this a cult thing?" :rotfl: Then we ignited the pudding!!
Good morning everyone.

A rainy day here in the 50s F again. Nasty Yuletide weather for me since I love snow, and you know how I feel about rain. Rain is supposed to stay for the week. Then I'll finally get snow again for New Years when the temp drops to normal for this time of year.

My local PBS station in Ohio had a marathon of Call the Midwife Christmas specials over the weekend. The new 2023 Christmas one was on last night. Another tear jerker so have the tissues handy if you watch it on line or through the app.

Lil0, that cult remark is too funny. Thank you for the laugh.

rf, prayers for your aunt's healing. I'm 70, and still not totally healed from fracturing my foot and ankle in 4 places last February. It takes so much longer the older we get.
Wild woman LOVE the lighthouse

47 feels. Iike 42 here
No rain expected
Please pray for my Aunt Dora she broke her ankle on both sides and will be having surgery s she's in her 80s
I love lighthouses, rfsexton...though far from a sea-faring maiden!

Prayers going up for your Aunt Dora's surgery and post-surgery recovery.
It's a mostly cloudy day with the sun trying to break out. It was in the 30s when I walked this morning. The full moon
was just going down when I was out.

I went to church this morning. The offices are closed today, but I have code to get in. I knew there would be a lot of
bulletins from Christmas Eve. There were over twice as many as I usually get.

Poirot, is someone taking you out today or are you driving yourself?

Wilde Woman, enjoy your quiet day at work.

Lil0, do you make actual figgy pudding or something else?

rs, sorry to hear you're getting rain and not snow.

I hope everyone has a pleasant afternoon.
Poirot, it is my paternal grandmother's recipe. She was born and raised in Birmingham, UK. So, it is a version of figgy pudding. Also known as "plum pudding" which actually refers to the raisins in the pudding. The dried fruit I use is currants and raisins -- fairly traditional. I don't use alcohol because I have always served this to children as well as adults. It is my impression that there are a number of versions to this dessert. It is heavy, dense, moist, and is steamed for a long time. Other than dried fruit, some versions also include nuts. Mine does not.