12/29/23 - Donuts and Sunshine!!!!!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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at last, after all these grey days......yep, the skies are a lovely blue, the sun in shining, and tis 18°. LOL, no wind, tho, so far, nor snow, but it is truly great to see the sun again. Another long weekend coming up, hope you all have a wonderful one. Take care, God Bless, Happy New Year!
Same here, Poirot! Sun coming out, 51, going up to 56, and no more rain predicted until Thursday. Good news for those braving the crowds at the ball drop.

Last work day of the year for many of us, let's hope it is a good one!

Happy Friday..... a day not spent in a car..... woo hoo..... It was fun seeing family wished it could have been longer, but I'll take every moment I can.....

It is a clear cold day here.... tomorrow they are saying we will hit the 50's and then it will plummet to the highs in the low 30's which is what I guess is normalish for around here....

I did enjoy the "cold" weather in Phoenix, it was 69..... they warned of making sure to put a coat on ....
It's another cloudy day in the 30s. Brrr. Sunshine tomorrow and in the 50s.

The garage door is fixed. He was here less than 30 minutes. I'll get bill later in the mail. He wasn't
the smartest man. He parked on driveway and my car outside. Part of his truck in yard. Now there's
a rut in it. Men.

I took time and dusted the top of doors and door frames. I have a few more to do. It's something that
should be done more often, but I don't think about it until I saw all the dust.

robin, I'm glad you had a nice visit with your family even though it wasn't long enough.

Poirot and Wilde Woman enjoy the sunshine.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Hello! I got home night before last. Daughter and son-in-law brought me and stayed until today. As soon as they left I took a 2-hour nap. Hadn't had a chance to nap in a week. Now I've got laundry going and everything unpacked. Starting to feel "normal" again. It's sunny but cold here. I need to catch up on reading from the past three days. Hope everyone is okay.
Woke up to the 30s temp went u to 50s will drop to 30s again tonight.
On the weather they said it's been over a year since the temps dropped below freezing.
The temps will moderate and go up for the next everal days