12/30/2023 - Donuts and a day of rest


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good late morning..... After resting yesterday, today is a day of finally unpacking the boxes of gifts and getting the Thank you notes written and perhaps off to the mail.
It's a cloudy day but it's supposed to be the last warm day of the year.... My sister and her grandkids walked to the Santa Monica Pier to see the big waves before they flew home......the waves were pretty spectacular she said.... but luckily the pier was safe.... can't say the same for some of the areas of the coast line.

I hope everyone has a great Saturday.....
So this area woke to icy road, slippin' and slidin'. My younger son came into town to pick up a couple things and see me (he jokes about making sure I am still alive!), is staying out at the cabin and wanting to fix a couple things. He leaves on Monday, and was upset as he could have picked up what he needed yesterday, and now today it is really bad driving.
Hope all are enjoying the holiday weekend, gonna end too quickly for some, am sure. Take care...........
Good afternoon. I'm still two days behind in reading but I did read about everyone's Christmas Day. I was in such a whirlwind of activities, I don't know when I'll get my days of the week straight again! I spent Sat., Mon., and Tue. nights at my daughter's. Sunday night at my oldest son's. Church with daughter on Sunday morning--candlelight service. Meal and gifts at her father-in-law's on Monday. Same thing at her mother-in-law's on Tuesday. Overnight Sunday at son's. His 2 girls are still old enough to do Santa the next morning (but at the stage where they and parents know but nobody says it). A fun thing there on Christmas Even night, after the kids were in bed, my son asked me what is my favorite Christmas movie. I said, "The Shop Around the Corner," which of course he and his wife had never heard of. I told him they probably wouldn't enjoy it and didn't need to watch it on my account but he insisted. Turned out they both did enjoy it.

More going when my daughter and son-in-law brought me home on Wed. and stayed until Friday. I had cleaned out my refrigerator before leaving so there was nothing to eat here. We stopped and ate before we got here (another long story but I'll spare you that one). Then we made two trips to town to eat over the next day or so. I hadn't expected them to stay, even overnight, let alone two, but I was so glad they did. It helped ease me from the abruptness of going from extreme activity around other people to being totally isolated with no deadlines or anything that I must do. Also, they fixed a few things for me, such as my tv with the messed up aspect ratio (wide squatty picture), which had happened on Thanksgiving, and an issue with my new trail camera, and a broken meter on my small elliptical stepper. Well the stepper meter can't be fixed but my daughter got online and tried to order a new one and they are no longer available. But at least I now know.

Wishing all of you good days ahead for the coming year. I'll do some more reading as I can. I've spent the morning cooking so now I have dishes to wash and more clothes, etc. to wash.

Poirot, the holiday can't end too soon for me but if I had a job I wouldn't feel the same about it. Your son has a time getting there and getting things accomplished, between his own home responsibilities and the weather. Seems the home responsibilities thing is true of all the younger people. I'm glad you get (or got) to see him anyway.
It's sunny and in the 50s this afternoon. There was a heavy frost this morning. It's going to be
cloudy and cooler the next couple of weeks.

I'm going to try and do inside stuff done since I can't be outside for awhile. Maybe I'll wash more
doors and dust off the tops.

OC, I'm glad you had a nice time with family even though it was busy.

Poirot, I hope you have on your to do list for your son to help you stream on your TV. Be sure and put that
on the list for the next visit if he doesn't have time.

robin, good luck getting your gifts put away. Is the Beast happy to be home?

I hope everyone enjoys the last weekend of the year.