12/30/22 - Donuts and end of year


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I can't believe 2022 is almost over.

It's sunny today, but not as warm as yesterday.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and good weekend.
I agree, Kat. It sure flew by. Glad you have sun, so do we. Currently 51 here.

Happy to report that I tested negative for Covid. Relieved. Still a bit congested, but nothing like it was. Grateful, grateful, grateful.

Wishing all a wonderful last Friday of the year.

still not feeling great.... and it's grey and gloomy outside... so that works.... slept till almost 9 am did the summary... napped..... I've eaten dry cheerio's hoping those stay put.... hurts to swallow, talk and cough still.... covid test still negative....heard from my sister this morning.... she has the same thing..... just took hers longer to break through.....
have to take Christmas down, but don't have the energy.... it will keep
Hope those of you with sunshine have enjoyed it. It's been cloudy here today. Not as warm as yesterday. In the 50s* and chilly but it helped that the wind wasn't blowing.

Wilde Woman, so good to hear you are on the mend!

Robin, stinkin' on it, you've had more than your share of sickness. Yes, the Christmas tree and a lot of other things can keep! Just get the rest you need for now.

Kat, thanks for the explanation about leaf raking. I've never done that and it always puzzles me as to how they ever go completely away, since they blow back and forth in spite of how much raking is done. I vaguely remember raking some when I lived in Pennsylvania but I'd forgotten that--probably on purpose. Clearly not my favorite thing about living there.

Poirot, that was strange, about the sand coming in through your water and not the neighbor's. My water came back to normal pressure yesterday afternoon but my niece still has only a dribble, which is curious, since the repairs were NOT between my place and hers. They were before me, and she lives at the end of the line, after me. Possibly for that reason, she sometimes has trouble getting them to pay much attention to her.
Good evening everyone. An unseasonably warm day here in tge 50s with spits of rain and a cold wind. Rain all day tomorrow...yuck!

Today was hair cut day. I made appointments for both Cindy and me to make it easier for me. Then took her to a computer repair place to see if anything could be retrieved from her old tablet that wouldn't charge...no luck. Finally trips to Walmart and Aldi.

Prayers for healing continue to go up for robinsnest & HB, Wilde Woman, and Dachsie.