12-4-16 - Donuts and Birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, Shanrick. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Good Morning.

I was up very late finishing some decorating. Sleeping soundly because not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The children were snuggled all safe in their beds, while visions of last night's sugar cookies danced in their heads.

There arose such a clatter I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Then what to my wandering eyes did appear but
two children giggling, and three pets playing. Then what did I hear but cheerful "we made you snow Mommy!"

I turned on the lights and much to my delight the moon through the window gave a soft golden glow. Boxes lay discarded by the back door and beads of Styrofoam covered the floor. As the children had danced around the unadorned tree it was covered in their "snow" like a flocked tree. The hardwood floors.and furniture looks like it is wrapped in a winter glow.

I said not a word but you could hear me whisper a slew of colorful metaphors there were not Merry Christmas! This stressed ole elf returned to her bed, pulled up the covers and mumbled to herself good night. :wink:

Happy Birthday Shanrick! You are a joy to know. Wishing you a day filled with much love, peace and celebration.

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Happy, happy birthday, Shan! I hope you get to do whatever would make you happy today!

Noel, what a night you had! It's good you were able to leave the "snow" and go to sleep. I love your poem.

Cold and cloudy here but rain has passed until tomorrow. We don't have much to eat in the house. I don't think there is any meat, other than bacon, which I had for breakfast. Maybe we'll just have some canned beans and tater tots.

Kt, I hope you get you stuck keys unstuck. You put in a hard day. It was time to give it a rest last night.
Hi all, bad drive into town this a.m. It snowed during night, was still snowing, definitely slow going. Took me double the time. As I neared town, there was a county plow going the opposite way, naturally, but also spreading a bit of sand. I skidded just a bit twice, even with the snow tires on. Mostly when starting up after coming to a stop.

However, the roads were very wet, but mostly plowed for the return home. The church youth group had a pancake & bacon fundraising breakfast for their adult leader who has been ill and medical bills getting out of hand. So that was nice. Never had so many different things on my pancakes...strawberries, chopped walnuts, whipped cream, and yes, syrup as well. LOL

We have had a couple inches of snow, it stops, then starts up again, that heavy, wet stuff. I have to take my car in early tomorrow a.m. because last Thursday & Friday, the brake light kept coming on when I had to stop. Of course, once I made the appt. did not do it on the way back home Friday, nor going in or returning home today. You know like the toothache that disappears after you make the appt. with the dentist. LOL But there had to be a reason, so perhaps they will find out the "why". Bet not. LOL
A busy day for me. Church, Sunday school, walk the dog, eat. My friend and I
left around 1 to go to school. I got another big box and small box of books
labeled. I found several labels wrong. I'm not sure how it happened. Some books belong
to the other teacher and I was supposed to code them differently. I fixed the
labels and I highlighted my mistakes on the pages. They will get fixed later
Oh well. I put in over 500 books.

It's been another dreary day here. Some rain in the AM. It's supposed to
be cloudy all week :(
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May I say that baking cookies when you are on a liquid diet and can't eat the end result or the dough (yes I know all about raw eggs and the dangers) sort of takes the fun out of baking. But the biscotti smell wonderful and look like they should. I can only guess they will taste as they should. Have the ones bagged up to be shipped tomorrow. The rest will make the drive to Santa Monica for the holidays.
I hope she's resting. Nothing on her Facebook page either.