12/5/21 - Donuts & a nasty snowstorm!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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It may be morning, but not a very good one.......The snow began while we were sleeping, woke at 5 a.m. & could see it was very white outside, despite still being dark. LOL. Well, around 7:30, the wind really began to exert itself, snow blowing every which way, off roofs, tree branches, piling up in drifts here and there. For sure am stayin in.
It's another sunny, warm day. It's in the 70s now. If I didn't have plans this afternoon, I would be outside
doing something. Rain in forecast later today. I hope so.

This afternoon, the big city library is having a bell choir play Christmas tunes. I could watch at home, but
I decided to go in person. Masks are required at that library. I plan to get there early so I can wander
around the library. I usually have my items ready for pickup on Saturdays.

Poirot, I hope you won't get too much snow today and you can get out during the week.

I hope everyone has a relaxing, restful day.
I was up early, well early for me, and off to a fund raiser activity I had signed up for. I made a glass ornament. Well, actually all I did was twirl the molten glass into the colors I wanted then the glass guy blew the ornament and put the top hook thingie on. It was LOTS of fun. It was a fund raiser for the Bonsai club. I don't have a picture of the ornament as it has to sit in a oven for the next 12 hours to cool down so it won't shatter. But as soon as I get the ornament I'll snap a picture to share.......

Poirot so sorry you are getting a good dose of snow.... we sure can use it out west..... sadly this country can only ship oil across land not excess water on the east coast to the parched west coast..... we are still too warm..... at least we are out of the 80's for now.....

Good Sunday to all....

Just heard that Bob Dole passed away...... RIP Bob....
Kat, I hope you enjoyed the bell choir performance. I've always enjoyed seeing those.

Robin, I look forward to seeing your ornament. About transporting water from where they get too much to where they get too little, I've always wondered why that couldn't be done. If oil can be piped that far, why not water? Bob Dole, another WWII Veteran gone.

Poirot, I feel for you. With each passing year the very thought of snow or ice--or even cold temperatures--seems more dreadful to me.

Today is a "tossed salad" kind of weather day here. This morning it was overcast and humid, around 50*, felt quite chilly with a breeze. Then the sun came out, so right now it is 79* but wind has picked up. Tonight after midnight it will drop to 43*. Tonight and tomorrow we'll have wind gusting to 45 mph out of the north.

Niece and I don't want to be out in the cold wind tomorrow so this morning we fed all the cows and moved hers across the road. It went easy except it appeared that 2 cows left babies behind. Long story but that's what you don't want to happen when you move cows. They eventually got back to their calves but the question remains whether we'll be able to get all of them back with the herd by Thursday, when they are to get worked.

I came home and did things outside for a couple of hours, trying to get things out of the way of wind and cows. Now I'm trying to stay awake until bedtime. Went to bed at midnight and woke up at 4:15--or was it 3:15 this morning?? This is becoming a habit and a vicious cycle. Not enough sleep at night so I take a nap during the day. Repeat. Never get rested.