12/7/20 - Donuts and Pearl Harbor Day

Let's remember Pearl Harbor, as we did the Alamo,
Let's remember Pearl Harbor as we go to meet the foe.

Old, old song, no idea why I remember it, probably my mom had a record she played.

Back to the restless night, waking up several times, tossing, turning, dozing off for 20 min., sometimes evidently an hour. Oh, well. 30 here, and it snowed a bit during the night, not much, but the street is white, as is the driveway, but doesn't look like like grass is covered, but then, it might have melted or something??? Hard to tell in dark, but as it starts to get a bit lighter, can see roofs got some. barely. Have a good one, my friends.
A good frosty morning here too, Kat. Thanks for starting the thread. It was supposed to get down to 31* last night but it is 28* right now. It will be sunny and calm though, with a high in the mid 60s*. My niece and I have to go to our county seat town this morning to take care of some business. I have a lot to take care of this week. How much of it I'll get done is another thing. There's always that clutter table!

Poirot, I don't think I ever heard that song. But yes, let's remember Pearl Harbor Day. My dad was in the Navy during WWII but later. I wonder how many young people today have even heard of Pearl Harbor.
Good morning everyone. Our temps are in the high 20s today with a few snowflakes. All of our beautiful snow from last week's storm is gone.

Just in the office working on setting up the 2021 spreadsheets for all of our offices. Fun, fun, fun. Just thankful that I don't have to be in school this week since they're all closed through at least the end of the year.

My Dad was already in his early 30s and an "essential worker" in a steel mill, but enlisted in the Army Air Corps the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. He requested to serve in the South Pacific.
Remembering those who sacrificed their lives at Pearl Harbor and those that survived that carry the painful memories deep in their hearts today.

Kat: I sure wish I could send you some local sunshine today. Enjoy your beautiful walk!

Poirot: what is it about insomnia as we age? I seldom sleep more than 3 hrs a night now but doze off in my chair during quiet times when I least expect it. Maybe it's years of rotating work schedules still. Hope your day is energized by the hope of a good nights sleep tonight!

OC: good luck with your errands and enjoy your time with your niece. She's a helpful family member and I'm glad you have good company today.

Robin: I hate it we're going to be in the 80's for several days. We finally reach under 70 - barely on west side - and now if you're 80F then we'll be 85/86F. After record summer heat every month I want to experience cold for a few days. Still I know you will probably love it so enjoy it before the heat arrives in a couple of months.

RS: Good planning & preparation always make work more efficient and less stressful! Smart lady! Hope your weather stays lovely and not over active in the blizzard department.

Wishing all my friends a great start to this new week.
Good Morning Everyone,

Chilly this morning, but not too bad. W still don't have any snow which seems so odd. We had a busy weekend. Saturday my friend took Gena Christmas shopping for me, so I snuck out and did a bit of shopping for Gena too. It's so much harder as a single mom. It's hard to sneak gifts into the house when she's always home. Yesterday was laundry day after church, gotta love spending the afternoon at the laundromat.

Kat - I hope you had a nice walk.

Poirot - I hope you can sneak a nap in today.

OC - not that it's historically accurate, but Gena and I have watched the Ben Affleck movie Pearl Harbor. She skips the "romance" part of the movie, and just watches the attack and battle. We both cry every time, she and I talk about how important it is to remember history so we don't let the same bad things happen again.

Robin - sorry it's getting hot again, I hope you get some of the "r" word.

RS - oh no, sorry your snow melted.

Noel - I'll pray that you get snow, somehow at your home in the middle of sand country.

Happy Monday!
Hi all! I just got home from vacation last nite. Had a great time. However, my ankles are swollen which happens when I travel.

I came home and no longer have NBC on my DirecTV so no Days for me. I will try to do online later. I need to read the summaries to catch up with what is going on.

Just got my dogs back so we are cuddling. I missed the little stinkers.

So I found out my Uncle and Aunt that I stayed with Sat nite got Covid earlier in Nov and now my aunt in AZ thinks she has it - she got it at the rehab facility she has to go to after breaking her fibula. Am praying I don-t get it from staying at my Uncle's house.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Dachsie -- Be careful! Hope you don't get Covid.

Where I live, we have 3 seasons. Winter from 0 - 35 degrees, Summer from 80-110 and the OTHER season with temperature difference of 30-40 degrees from morning till night.

Been working with updating all our financial records. My husband does the filing but usually not correctly. It's a mess. I have a phone conference with a financial advisor tomorrow, so have to finish everything today.

Poirot: Please get some sleep. Maybe I can get some also.
dachsie, I'm glad you had nice trip. Hopefully, you can stay home awhile to make
sure you don't have COVID.

Poirot, thanks for posting the song. I hope you had time to take a nap today.

OC, I hope your trip to town was successful.

robin, I hope your forecast is correct for what might be coming.

rs, I hope you can keep busy the rest of the year while the schools are closed.

Noel, I hope you have a good week. How's your husband doing?

manda, I hope you're having a good work day.

nanahl, I hope you can get your financial papers in order. The end of the year is
coming up too fast.
Nana, we live a long way apart in Texas but your temperatures sound pretty much like mine. Hope you get everything ready for the meeting with the financial advisor. It just occurred to me a couple of days ago that it will soon be time for me to start getting things together for taxes.

Dachsie, glad you had a good trip. Hope your ankles go down soon. I get cramps in my feet and legs when I travel. I sure hope you don't get the Covid. My Dish Network has also cut off NBC.

Manda, how nice that you and Gena each had a chance to slip out and buy for each other. The time you spend talking with Gena about history is the best way for kids to learn, in my opinion. So many people don't have time or are not inclined to interact with their kids these days.

Noel, 3 hours is way too little sleep for someone your age who has a family requiring your attention and time. I wonder if your would sleep better if you lived in a climate that was more suited to you. Futile to wonder such things, I know. I feel bad for anyone who can't get enough sleep.

Squirrel, I'm glad you're getting a break from schools, since the virus seems to be spreading. Your dad is to be admired for serving when it wasn't required of him.

Robin, I wish you would get some of that rain and some more cool temperatures. I don't like cold weather but I don't think I'd like winters as short (or nearly non-existent) as yours.

Poirot, I know I would enjoy that song, but alas, the sound on my computer still doesn't work. I'm hoping to get it fixed next week when my son comes.

My trip to town went well. The office I had to visit had a table set up outside. They aren't letting people come inside due to Covid concerns so they are coming outside and having people sign papers, etc. at their table out there. Glad it didn't take long for my business because it was in the shade on the north side of the building and there was a chilly breeze.

I'm not one who typically enjoys dollar stores. I rarely go into one. But this little town has one that's fairly new (a few years). It's small but it's clean and well organized, and it has more things than I'd expect. So I stopped there and got a few things after taking care of business. Almost no people in there so I took my time and browsed. Then I stopped briefly at the cemetery. My niece had to postpone her appointment until this afternoon because she was in the middle of things with her cows.