12/8/2020 - Donuts and another 80 degree day


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Welcome to the desert. I'll wear a sweater to work as it's "cool" in the low 50's and then either forget it at work or carry it out to the car. Yesterday just wiped me out and then I had dog training classes where I told the instructor he was much better last week, but I really failed him this past week. Hard to get 3 training sessions in when I'm out of the house 8 hours a day.

Have a great Tuesday, be safe, be kind.
Good morning robinsnest and everyone stopping in later.

I'm still fighting with people to get their clearances. GRRRR They've know about this since the first week of June, but some keep dragging their feet.

robinsnest, Vinnie just might surprise you. It seems he does well in class when you least expect it. He definitely has a mind of his own. Loved the picture you posted of him at doggy day care yesterday.
Happy Tuesday friends!

Robin: I'm glad some people are enjoying this 80 plus temps. It was 86F on our patio yesterday afternoon -- which translates into 106F in the full sun. I fight getting the blues when we have such a hot year and a milquetoast winter! So sorry you are so exhausted but it is understandable. Wishing you a brighter and more energetic day Robin!

RS: you're so right about dogs during training. And the picture was adorable. What a frustrating Tuesday you are having at work when people are 6 months behind on their clearances!! Maybe a long peaceful lunch will restore your patience as you wait on these coworkers to complete their assignments. Sure hope so RS!

Wishing each of you who post later a great day!
Anther nice day today here. It's sunny and will get close to 60. I put a sheet in the
washer before I took my walk so I could hang it outside. I walked at 7 so
I could do Bible studies this morning since I'm doing the summary today.

Sad news for me. My neighbor friend's dad died early this morning. I've spent
time with him over the past few years at dinners and his 90th birthday.

robin, I hope your work day is going well.

rs, try to think happy thoughts.

Poirot, I hope you can rest some during your busy day.

Noel, how's your husband doing?

Wishing everyone a good afternoon.
I don't remember if I told you yesterday that I found a job. I collate workbooks for the 2nd semester. They are put in standard paper boxes. A box of math, a box of science, a box of English language and one of social studies. So I pick them up off the floor, put it on a desk and then repeat till I have the subjects lined up and start putting them together. I've done Kinder-4th grade. Now, I just have 5th grade so that shouldn't take too long. But picking up those boxes oy..... then carrying stacks of work books to the counter where they will stay till the parents come in after the winter break to pick them up.... lots of weird muscles used.

Vinnie's daycare did a big print up of Poodles and showed one of their doctor's dogs a beautiful Standard and featured Vinnie as an example of toy poodles. So he is a star now. I had given them permission to use him in advertisements if they wanted to.

Lunch is over, tomorrow is the 3rd injection with my knee. I hope he is able to do a better with placement tomorrow.
rs, I love your office door.

robin, I'm glad they found something to do at work. Good luck with getting
your shot tomorrow.
Good Afternoon Everyone,

I've been here 3 times trying to post and keep getting pulled away for work. So much to do, so little time.

RS - beautiful decorations

Robin- that sounds like some heavy lifting, but I'm glad they've found something to keep you buys. Always knew Vinnie would be famous some day.

Kat - so sorry to hear about your friend's father.

Poirot - I hope your crazy day goes smoothly.

Noel - I could not deal with the constant heat you and Robin have. I'd be so miserable. I don't know how you do it.

Have a great evening everyone
Kat, I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor's dad passing.

Robin, congratulations on having a star in the family! I hope your shot helps.

Poirot, you are in my thoughts, for all the things happening in your life.

I was gone most of the day. I went to town and made a stop at the livestock auction place, then took my car through the car wash and went in Walmart for a few things, which I hadn't planned to do, but it was right there next to the carwash so I couldn't resist. I did need a couple of things and decided it was preferable to going a long route home to stop at the small grocery store in another town.

Struggling to stay awake for at least another hour or more. Can't stop yawning. Eyes watering and blurring. Guess I need to get off the computer.