12/9/2023 - Donuts and a long day of HS Wrestling


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Shortly after finishing this, HB and I will be off to cheer on Grandson at his High School Wrestling matches. I'm hoping most likely incorrectly that after paying the entrance fee I can get a sticker or something and come and go as I need to as I'll have the BEAST in the car..... And this thing is an all day, well, hopefully all day thing.... I'll take a book and find a place in a corner to read..... and I will mask up......

I hope everyone who drops by today has a great Saturday.......
Morning all....another gloomy looking day, the forecast is a bit of snow, but it is not showing on radar. Called a friend, who is rather hesitant, but agreed to take my car for a short spin around here, since it has been sitting for nearly 2 weeks. She has some errands first, I offered her to take my car to do them, nope, so at least she will put a couple miles on, tho I'd like if it was about 5......beggars cannot be choosers. Just grateful she agreed, plus she will then pick up my mail! My son was going to do this, as he was supposed to come up yesterday, but alas, covid put an end to that for him.........
Going to call later and see how he is doing.
I do have someone shopping groceries for me, and also who made some meals in advance for the weekend, just heat up in microwave. Plus that friend mentioned above offered to pick up anything at store, or fast food if I need, so pretty lucky. Not taking advantage of anyone, just grateful. Am doing better, just a tiny bit unsteady at times, but that has gotten a lot better.
Have a good weekend, my friends, please keep sayin a prayer. Thank you!
It's sunny now and in the 50s. Temps drop tonight to the 30s.

I'm making cookies this afternoon for the circle group Monday. I hope it goes well.
When I make cookies and something always goes wrong.

Poirot, you're not taking advantage of someone who wants to help you. If there is something
you need, let her know.

robin, enjoy your day and good luck with parking.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable day.
when my girls were is h.s., one was a cheerleader, and the other in the ......i forget what it was called, but like a pom pom squad. Anyway, this meant I went to games, contests, etc. The cheerleader was dating (and yes eventually married) a guy who was a wrestler in addition to captain of football team. Thus I got to go to wrestling matches, which I quickly knew were not a sport I enjoyed watching. I know it was just me, and all the team members trained really hard and well, but it just bothered me to see them struggling so hard to maintain whatever advantage or to get it in the first place. Never bothered the team members at all.........just me watching. LOL Give you a lot of credit Robin, with planning to stay all day (if it works that way). Good luck to your grandson.

called my sick with Covid son......who is rather miserable, is by himself, of course, running a fever and all the rest. Says he sneezes a lot, sleeps a lot, didn't or couldn't talk but a couple minutes.

Take care of yourselves...bet some are putting up decorations. I would do a bit, if I was able to get to the containers. Oh, well...more impt. to get bACK TO feeling normal. Have a lovely day.
Sexton, too bad about the missing snow slope. It's good you are able to go to so many activities though. There seems to be a lot going on all the time where you are.

Poirot, the way you described your feelings about wrestling is pretty much how I feel about all sports, especially team sports or any kind of contact sports. But the fact that many people find them appealing is proven by the gazillions of dollars invested in such activities. It's wonderful that you have some people helping. I know the feeling of not wanting to impose or take advantage, although it is true that most people are happy to help when needed. Hope your son kicks that stinking Covid soon. A lot of people around here are now getting the flu and other things.

Kat, I hope nothing went wrong with your cookie making. That's how I feel about cooking anything at all--something always goes wrong!

Robin, it seems like you and HB moved to Kansas at a good time to be a part of his family's lives. Those chances pass by so quickly. You are a good sport to go along on so many of them.

It's sunny but quite windy here today, much cooler than yesterday. At least it keeps the gnats away. Glad I went down and turned on the heat lamp at the well yesterday, as it will freeze tonight and tomorrow night. No precipitation expected though.

Well, my trapping effort didn't go as hoped but at least I know I had the trap set up right. I caught a big ol' o'possum! Poor critter looked terrified when I pulled back the tarp and discovered him. I took a picture and backed off to a distance and waited for a long while to see if he'd come out but he didn't. Went back out later to check and he was still there but had turned around to face the other direction. Looked like he was napping. I guess maybe he's waiting for dark to come out. I'm glad it wasn't a raccoon. I welcome possums and hadn't seen one in a few years.
OC, the cookies seem fine. The recipe said it would make 24 cookies. I barely got 23. Maybe I need to
get a smaller scoop. I used a cake mix. I only needed to add oil and two eggs. If I make cookies
that way again, I'll add something in the batter like chocolate chips or something. It's interesting you
got a possum. Better than skunk.

rf, I hope you had nice time at then event even though the snow slope wasn't there.
RF....since there is not much chance you get snow naturally your way, did they use to make the snow (machine snow)??

It is so odd to have it getting dark at 3 p.m. up here, but today just added to it. They said probably snow flurries (any we had all melted) but instead, it rained. Figures, since it was around 41.....and still is. LOL "they" claim it will "cool off" for the next 4 days, and then go back into the 40s for 1 or 2..........we'll see. I don't know if we are in for mild winter, or a sudden slam bang big snow and below zero season. But very unusual to have no snow here.........yes they make it for the skiing......but the snowmobilers will not be happy. Plus the lakes have very thin ice, so definitely not safe.
For us locals it remains.......we will know what the weather will be.........when it gets here. LOLOL
Take care all. Enjoy the rest of the day. :)