2/10/24 - Donuts and Cloudy Day


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Feb 19, 2018
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Most of the rain seems to be staying well north of me. I am fine with that. Boomer hates to walk on wet grass.
Possible flooding north of Houston.
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Good Saturday morning..... we had Pizza last night in honor of National Pizza Day.... it was grocery store pizza and honestly I've had cardboard that was tastier..... at least they were cheap and I was only out $6.00 for the two of them.... you know SUPER BOWL party food..... I guess if I was over drinking al la Sloan Peterson Brady they'd have sopped up some wine.... I told Hunny Bunny to not even save the left over as the first overs were so terrible I had no plans on eating more......
So to cleanse the palate I'm dreaming of French Toast....not that I'll have it but a nice French Toast with melted butter and syrup..... oh yum.....

The weekend is upon is.... make the most of it.......
for some reason, the "merge" option no longer appears for me........so did the best I could.........
It's cloudy here. The high will be in 50s. A lot cooler than yesterday. Rain in forecast for this afternoon. It wasn't
listed yesterday. Rain late tomorrow morning. White stuff Monday.

robin, sorry your pizza wasn't the best. You'll have to make your own. I've seen pizza crusts in the store. I like
French toast with powdered sugar.

rf, I hope you won't get too much water.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.

FYI, I fixed the problem.
A taste of Spring here at 57 degrees, but overcast. No rain...yet.

rfsexton: I hope there is no flooding in that area.

Robin: Don't you hate paying for something that is not good? I can recommend DiGiorno Rising Crust frozen pizza. It never disappoints. The French Toast sounds better, though!

Kat: We might have some snow/wintry mix Monday/Tuesday, as well. Crazy weather patterns again.

Wishing all a great Saturday afternoon!

Hello, another cloudy day. It barely rained this morning. Front walk was dry but deck in back was wet. I got up at 7:00 but have gotten nothing done except meals and talking on the phone. But at least I didn't take a nap today. I'm going to get "stove up" if I don't start getting more exercise!
snowed again some more last night, 25° was our high. Supposed to be colder all this next week.........and no sun. have put off going to store, but have to go, as out of too much now. Stay warm.......It's even chilly inside the house.
Thanks for the suggestions on pizza crust.... I ah.... I generally make my own crusts.... or I have started doing that here in Wichita as I haven't found a pizza place where I can have garlic and olive oil as the "sauce" as I can no longer handle tomatoes in or on my food..... I'll make a big batch of spaghetti for everyone and a small dish of pesto from me.....

It's cold and the clouds have wandered in..... I watched the Celebration of Life for Bill Hayes.... it is wonderful.....

Off to make a chocolate pudding pie for HB's birthday tomorrow.....