2/11/17 - Donuts & Cinnamon Toast


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Nov 23, 2006
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Morning all, grey, overcast, a mite foggy here, but believe it or not, is 30°..which is just a degree or so below zero in Muzza's area. We were up to around 34 yesterday, and guess today will be more so. LOL

Farmer's Almanac, on radio, talked today of how smart ravens & crows are, that their brain power is about equal to a chimpanzee, or a 7 year old child!!!!, that they have quite a vocal language, about 14 different sounds, that to us, all sound the same, Caw, Caw, Caw. LOL
Happy weekend everyone. Despite my plans to sleep into 9am for a change, I was restless after 6 hours sleep. Dawn is breaking with gold, rose and white streaks against the blue sky. The next week is predicted to hover at 78F with full sunny days.

My errand list today is daunting so it is time to eat a falafel with a handful of blueberries and get moving. My afternoon has a lovely cleaning list attached to my name.

Make your Saturday a memorable one!

Poirot: My family always read the Farmers Almanac. It had a good track record and interesting facts to digest.
Morning all. I too had plans to not get up this early. But, oh well. Maybe I can nap later in the day.:rotfl:

I have a haircut later this morning. Then a trip to storage. Company is coming and need to not look so cluttered. Mr Gus loves the trip and the guarding of the car as stuff is moved from car to unit.

Perhaps I should also start to think about getting the packet of goodies ready for my tax man. That is one thing that is an actual "chore". Valentine's sent to grandkids yesterday. A day I don't celebrate. But my dislike of the day shouldn't color their day.

Happy Saturday.
Guess I was not alone in the "plan to sleep later, but didn't. 5:45 a.m. again. Far cry from the 7-30 I wanted!

O.K. this MAY sound morbid, but was something I read with mouth open in a bit of shock....Relatives of a 75 yr. old man who passed away (in Texas) posted an evidently very honest (in their view) obit about him.....Seems he is survived by two very relieved children, his hobbies were drinking, abusing his family, expediting a trip to heaven for various pets......oh, there is so much more......read for yourselves!

Good morning everyone!

Cloudy and 50 right now. Supposed to get to 66.

That's interesting about the ravens and crows, Poirot. I wonder what we sound like to them.

Noel, good luck with your long errand list.

Robin, the image of Mr. Gus guarding your car at the storage unit made me giggle.

The fiance and I put a deposit on an apartment yesterday. We sign the lease on March 10th and will move in on March 16th. I have a lot to do between now and then.

Today will be a day of cleaning and doing taxes. So much fun.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Poirot: that is an unusual obit to say the least.

Red: congrats on putting a deposit on your apartment! It is barely a month until you move and begin decorating. How fun and what great memories will be created. Enjoy.
Good morning everyone! I finally sat down at the computer and decided to pop in and say hi. I've had internet fatigue the last few months, but that has done wonders for helping me shorten my book reading list. I read 10 books in January and I've already finished 2 this month.

The girls are doing great. Ava won 1st place for kindergarten in the school science fair. She was insistent on making a volcano and learning about them, so that was her project. Annabelle is getting ready for the county livestock show with her show pig at the end of this month. And she's going to be 10 years old in a few weeks. 10! The time is going so fast.

We also had piglets this week. Only 7 as it was first litter for the new mama pig.

We're not in winter at the moment. It's supposed to be record-breaking temps today, reaching 90 degrees. That means cold front tomorrow bringing us back down to seasonable 50s. So we're getting outside today and enjoying the weather.

I hope everyone has been well. I'm going to poke through some of the Donuts threads to catch up a bit.
RF: It is great to hear from you and know you are all safe. The winter dangerous storms had us concerned for you/family at times. An internet break is a good thing if the time let's you read great books. Enjoy your sunshine day and catching up at Donuts.
JS: you are speeding through your to-do list today. Kudos. Sizzling moths gives a unique aroma I am certain. Hope your "ideas" prove successful.
OC: relieved your hot spot is working even when those pesky vultures are nearby. I decided to order one of those bug zippers JS recommended too. Your niece was quick on the draw with her new gift. Cheers to yours arriving this week. Keep dodging those wasps and have a good Saturday.
Hello everyone. I will have a high of 78* today. I'm going to need to mow the grass soon, at this rate, lol.

how smart ravens & crows are

Crows have even documented using tools. That is smart!

Relatives of a 75 yr. old man who passed away (in Texas) posted an evidently very honest (in their view) obit about him

I don't find this morbid. I wish I could have done the same about a certain someone!

Stay safe.
lol, when you read the entire obit......well, perhaps a great many people wish they had told the truth. I guess sometimes when we read a short one, born/died,survived by........no funeral service.....perhaps we can suspect that it isn't just that there are no funds to do more. :rolleyes:
Did anyone see the comet last night? It got hazy here and even the moon was a little fuzzy. I could have watched online, but thought I'd see the video later. I haven't been able to find a video, though.
Tho I saw the moon beginning to rise...all orangy and big, the sky clouded up and nothing was visible here. My niece, who is vacationing in Texas, posted a pic on Facebook, of her & her hubby standing on the beach, with the "snow moon" over the water. Yes, she called it that. !!!
I just got home after my busy day. It's in the 80s, but no outside time today.
I did get 5 cans of sticks and leaves up yesterday.

Since the morning was nice, Goldie and I walked before 6:30. I did most of my
usual errands then I met some of my Sunday school ladies. We had lunch
and saw a movie at one of the ladies apartment complexes. We saw
"Queen of Katwe" A very good movie.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day :)
OC, my area has been under a burn ban the last few day because of the wind. It's supposed
on rain Monday. I hope so.