2/12/19 - Donuts & Lincoln's Birthday

Poirot - every school around me had classes cancelled today as well, including the colleges. It has finally stopped snowing here, Gena reported to me through Messenger Kids that hubby and one of the upstairs people shoveled at my house. How thoughtful of your son to help all the neighbors, I hope he didn't push himself too hard.

Shan - that sounds horrible, I hope your snow as finally stopped.
Am glad the snow ended for you, Mandy, still going strong here......tho weather person says it should move out late tonite......I don't know if it will be going toward squirrely or over toward Lil0 & Shan........Muzza is gonna luck out cuz it is not moving north, lolol. They are actually saying that on Thursday, we may get FREEZING RAIN!!! Egads..............
RS - I usually buy a monthly transit pass which is I think around $110.00/month and if I do no buy a pass it is $3.75 each way. My commute is about 20 minutes. around 25 minutes door to door.

Poirot - I heard we were to get a big dump of snow but that has since changed and we're just going to stay cold. Mind you, it will only be -15*C (5*F) tomorrow or Thursday then back to bitter cold.

Shan - Good luck in all of your snow. It's gotta end sometime.

It's funny how if you worked for the government and lived in Ottawa, they have warning to employees to make alternate arrangements for work tomorrow but we NEVER see these messages when it's cold out west like it is now. One of the big beefs of our government is how everything revolves around the east and that the perception is they are the be all to end all.
Heck, not even the midwest exists. Witness today, the TV eastern station pre-empting everything to tell folks it had snowed a little, then was sleeting a bit. they pointed out roads were fine, showed camera shots of them, traffic flowing nicely, but sheesh, the area actually had some flakes, and some sleet. so everything must halt. Meanwhile, areas of the country were being buried under never ending snow......but ...only the East counted. Same goes for when it rains out east. Programming is pre-empted so they can stand outside in an umbrella and tell you it is raining. LOL Nothing is closed, everything is going on normally.........ahhhh. Muzza, know how you feel.
I sort of enjoyed the movie. I didn't like the bad words...Otherwise,
it was a good movie.

That was beautiful, Muzzaman, thanks for sharing.

manda, I'm glad hubby and shoveled.. great exercise.

Poirot. what a thoughtful son to help others.