2/12/19 - Donuts & Lincoln's Birthday


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Nov 23, 2006
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Once upon a time this day was a holiday for schools, kids loved it, I think it was a 1/2 day holiday. But Congress needed another 3 day weekend for themselves so......instead of this and Washington's birthday on the 22nd, we have President's day on a Monday in Feb. LOL
Still dark, and I am sure it snowed during the night, cannot tell about now, only know the winter storm warning is active til midnight.
The weather had been so weird & wacky, it is no wonder all this illness is no rampant. I know we hear this often, but ....wash hands often. Keep your hands off your face unless you just washed your hands. And yep, we all are guilty of that.
Guess tho, the weather is keeping many of us home and inside, so that is good......tho eventually boring.
Sooooooo, last night watched this old, old movie, Naughty Marietta, with Nelson Eddy & Jeanette MacDonald. They had such wonderful voices and sang so well together. And then, Oh, man, The Good Doctor......such a powerful and emotional episode, once again. Love that show. Had to miss Manifest, wish they were not on opposite each other.
Good morning everyone. It is cold and raining here. With snow coming again tonight. Our governor has already banned truck traffic from the turnpike and I-80 from here across the state to the New Jersey state line due to freezing rain, especially in the mountains. Smaller sections of other interstates out east are also included in the ban.

Meanwhile, I have to go to school this morning. Thank goodness it is only a few miles away. The roads are nasty rivers of water. Hopefully they'll be dryer by the time I have to go back this afternoon for the second class. I guess I'll need to check my basement at lunch time.
It is light now, and yep, snowing like mad! After all the accidents on interstates involving semis......no wonder the gov. banned the traffic today. 40 car pileup yesterday on I-94 outside EauClaire, that route comes up from the south then goes to Minneapolis.


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I should have checked my weather before the walk today. It was windy last night.
I didn't realize how windy it was this morning. I would have worn my ski mask
if I knew. We did get around twice today. Wind got stronger after we got home.

I did a quick vacuuming this morning since I missed yesterday. Next Monday,
I'll be home to do it properly.

I'm going out this afternoon to see Green Book with one my female friends.
Tonight is circle meeting. I won't be home long before I go out again. This
morning, I need to work on two Bible studies because Wed I won't have time.

Poirot, I hope you won't to go out today. How's your dryer doing?

rs, be careful on the roads today.

Lil0, I'm glad you're getting some melting.

manda, praying for you and your family.

I hope everyone will have the best day the can.
Definitely staying in.....Lil0.........is your pkg still "coming", or did the post office finally make it thru?
Kat.......wind is awful, takes one's breath away. Do you have an extra ski mask you can tuck into your jacket pocket for a "just in case"?
Dryer worked last week for2 times, then ....back to problems. They figure it is clogged or the flap in vent frozen shut or something, but so much snow, and the cold & wind........cannot put a ladder up to check..........
A quick good morning. I went to bed before 10 last night, woke up at 2. Tossed and turned until nearly 5, went back to sleep until 8, so I'm running late. Will be leaving around 10:30 to go to Lowe's. Still don't know what I'm getting but I must get something.

Thinking of all of you, especially Robin's grandson and Manda's family, and all with bad weather.
Hi gals, My visit with the pastor was great. I'm so thankful for him. He can see how much this medication that I'm on and these visits with him has helped me so. And I will still go to see him about once a month.
Morning all.... terrible night's sleep last night.... hope I make it through the day today..... I can see our "diabetic" woodpecker is back draining the hummingbird feeder as they dive bomb and squawk at him/her.... nature is so much fun to watch....

Mr. Gus and I were out last night at 2:30 and again at 4 and again at 5...... don't know if it was me keeping him up or he sensing I was in discomfort woke and I worrying about sleeping in dog piddle woke and took him outside....I must say I long for those 70 degree overnight lows.... it's chilly at 37 or less......

rk... glad you had a good discussion with the pastor.....

Stay safe and warm and remember to bundle up as we have to do here today because it's a cold start to the day...... the afternoon should be nice however...
I'm back at the office. The lead teacher went on maternity leave early, and the substitute didn't send the permission slips home for the parents to sign. That meanings no screenings today and tomorrow. I was able to cancel 2 adult programs at the end of the month to get the kids' screenings in.

We weren't supposed to have monsoon rains today, and places are already starting to flood. I went home to check my basement when I left school, and the water was just starting to come in. I took the pump off the furnace reservoir again, and put it in the coal cellar. That'll give me peace of mind until I get home after 4:30.

Poirot - That pileup is awful. I sure hope that one truck was a car carrier and that a truck didn't go under moving cars.
Our governor has now ordered a reduced of 45 mph speed for cars on the interstates and turnpike. A decision is to be made shortly whether to close them or not.
They need to figure out a new way to vent your dryer. I'm sure others in your development have had the same problem.

Muzza - I can't imagine taking the train to work every day. Do you buy an extended pass or do you have to pay / but tickets or tokens each day?

Lil0 - I don't know how you deal with so rain so much of the year. I can't stand it, and I get depressed.

kat - Enjoy the movie. Please let us know how it is.

OC - I hope you find tile, etc. at Lowe's that you like for your tiny house. I shared your weird sleep pattern last night. I fell asleep sometime around 9:00 last night, and was awake at 2:30 this morning.

rk - You're very fortunate to have someone to talk to.

robinsnest - It is so sad when our furry children become older and aren't doing well. Mr. Gus has been very lucky to have you for his human.
Poirot, I'm glad the dryer is working again. Great suggestion about the ski mask.
I need to get another one.

OC and robin, I hope you both sleep better tonight.

rk, I'm glad your pastor visit went well.

rs, sorry to hear about your wasted trip. I hope things go better the
next time you go.
Kat, I was told that some homeowners take some kind of screen off. Everyone must not have the problem, since over half the owners here go south somewhere for the winter. So their dryers are not being used as much as the year round folks' are.
Gad, it is like a blizzard out there......visibility has to be next to Zero. You really cannot even see headlights. The thing here, honestly, is the snow stays pure and white. No turning dark & dirty.......thus hard to see the road, where it turns, etc. I am so glad I was able to get the oil changed yesterday, bless their hearts at the dealership. Sure would not want to be out there today.
RS.......could you possibly go home early today? Same goes for you Mandy? I mean, it is so nasty. I saw on Facebook, Heather is in chicago, and it is raining, and she said she hopes she gets home tonight. Better rain than snow, however, I don't think Chicago is getting the kind of rain RS is getting. Plus....it is snowing in Milwaukee/southern WI. Actually, I thought it would be snowing in Chi town as well.
Our weatherman posted a pic......he had shoveled his driveway, and could not even get into his car to go to work, and the plows came, and filled it all up again. Oh, been there a lot of times, when I lived in IL. At least he was humorous about it, said it was a good workout, since he gained too much during holidays, so has to lose. LOLOL
Morning Everyone,
I think my mind has gone numb today, as I seem to be functioning better today than yesterday. I think we've gotten 4 inches of snow since midnight and it's supposed to continue until midnight tonight.
Gena was absolutely crushed when I told her the new last night, but we cried together and talked, then we laughed thinking about him being in heaven, finally able to use his legs again after 65 years, swimming and playing basketball like he loved to do before he had polio.
If any of you watch Bull, my cousin was on last night's episode, she was the personal assistant to the writer.

Poirot - it's early yet, but they may close the office early. I try to stick to the roads designated as emergency routes, which are plowed almost constantly, which gets me all the way to my street, but then it gets dicey.
RS - so sorry that you had to make a wasted trip, but were able to curb the flooding in your basement before it got bad.
Lil0 - glad you'll get your package eventually
Muzz - stay warm friend
OC - I hope your shopping trip goes well.
RK - I'm so glad you talk with your Pastor was productive.
Kat - glad you made it out before the wind got worse.

I'll check back in later.
27 inches and still snowing. All schools and Universities are closed. We shoveled at 5:30, 6:15, 8:30 & 9;15 last night and still woke up to a good 7 inches. He went out and shoveled at 5:00AM this morning. I have an awful cold and cough - I'm done! Throwing in the towel and moving away - I WISHED!
Yay! Falcon and I made it down to the mailboxes [approx 2 blocks] and I found 2 packages crammed into my box! Love those postal workers!

Falcon is onto me. When we got back into the house, I wanted to check for snow accumulation on his legs and underbelly. He wouldn't let me. He glued himself to the carpet as tighly as he could so I couldn't reach my hand under him. lol [I've been putting him in a sink full of luke warm water as soon as we get in the house so I could wash the snow off him.] I guess he decided he had had enough of that.
Poirot: suggly up when it is cold, snowy and icy outside is wonderful if you read a good book. TV - disappoints me more every year but at least now I have all 3 Hallmark channels. That picture of the semi crash looks awful!

Muzza: stay warm on that different train in the same weather.

RS: oh my if it isn't snow it is rain for your area! Be safe on those wet slippery roads and hoping it clears very soon.

Lilo: glad your area showed a small degree of thaw, and hopefully it will continue tonight.

Kat: Enjoy the Green Book and your activities today. You certainly will be having fun in the group.

OC: have fun at Lowe's and hope you unexpectedly find something that is just perfect for your new home!

RK: great news that your visit with the pastor was uplifting and encouraging! I know it is for me when I see my pastor too. Hope your day is a good one.

Robin: dog runs in the middle of the night with older dogs are not much fun. Hope you have a secret caffeine source to get you through the day and then sleep through tonight. Prayers continue for your grandson, son, and sister-in-law and YOU!

Manda: telling our children is always the most difficult part of grief. The fact that you & Gena could cry together, share memories together and giggle in joy at the knowledge your special uncle is now dancing in heaven is healing. Stay safe out there on those icy roads and please give yourself time to grieve alone too. Hugs!

Shan: oh my that sounds brutal shoveling all those hours and still facing 7 more inches before dawn. With all those closings you may be in for a difficult drive home. Stay safe and as warm as possible friend.

My time is up -- so back to work, hi ho!
I just opened the garage door to take a look at our driveway.......if I tried to drive out of my garage I would get stuck right there is the driveway. Would not even get to the street. if I did, would get stuck there, despite 4 wheel drive. Boy, am so so glad I got that oil change yesterday. Still snowing, I don't know how they will be able to plow with the little thing they have used, as now, they truly need an end loader with a plow.
Sure hope everyone makes it safely home if they got out this a.m. All our schools are closed in all the counties around us, plus head starts, meals on wheels, libraries, colleges, all sports cancelled, all evening activities of any kind, meetings, just a complete shutdown. I did think it was going to stop this afternoon, no such luck.
My son lives middle of state, woke at 4:30 this a.m. so got out early, plowed his driveway, the sidewalk for the entire block, then did his neighbor's driveway.......he had just had pacemaker installed. I imagine he has done it a couple more times now, keep thinking of his dogs trying to be out there. One is 13 yrs. old, the other just over a year.The thing is, those plows need gas, and if you don't have cans of it stored up, you cannot get away from your area to drive for it. Our streets are not plowed! Not even one path! (my son said this a.m. he did not know where to put the snow anymore.