2-14-2016 - Donuts and a Birthday



Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Muzza! I hope you get spoiled!

Good morning and a very Happy Birthday Valentine to Muzzaman. What a PERFECT cake! Wonder if he is out camping for his special day.
5 below zero here, and to snow later this afternoon. Should be back from church before it starts. Enjoy your warm, sunshiny weather, folks. Have a greaattt day!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Happy Birthday to Muzz. Kt, what a perfect cake for him!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. When I mentioned it was Sunday and Valentine's Day, my husband said he should have gotten me something. I told him I'd get sick from the smell of flowers, I can't much eat chocolate, and I definitely do NOT want one of those humongous teddy bears! So even if he were able, there's not much of anything I'd want for a present.

Everyone with the snow and cold temps, stay warm and safe!
Good morning everyone. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday Muzza! That IS a wonderful cake for him! And looks really good, too, lol.

It's very cold here today--windy, clear, and a high of 19F or so, but tonight will get to a low of 12F. Have to get to work, and then the gym later, but otherwise won't be out of the house very much during this weather.

Have a nice, warm day all.
Happy Birthday Muzzaman and Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

It's sunny but only 26 degrees so I can only imagine how cold it is for those of you north of me.

Working 3-10. No idea how busy it will be since Valentine's is on a Sunday. I suspect we will be busier than normal but hopefully not psycho levels of busy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and stay warm!
Happy Birthday Muzza and Happy Valentine's Day everyone. We've just been working on cleaning the girls' bedrooms today. I gave them their Valentine's treat bags my mom puts together so we've got candy and little trinket toys everywhere now. No school tomorrow and class pictures on Tuesday but it should be a slow week otherwise. I hope everyone has a great day.
I hope I can give you some of my amusement for the day. I was sitting outside with a sweatshirt on over a t-shirt. Well, I got hot, so took off the sweatshirt and hung it over the doorknob of the open back porch door. I then walked into the back porch to cool off for a minute. Do you see where this is going, lol? Remmy just stood at the back porch door barking and barking. It took me a minute or two to realize she would not come in past that vicious sweatshirt, lol. Once I moved it, she was fine. It just wasn't supposed to be there, lol!
kt:rotfl::rotfl:Darn that rogue sweatshirt.:rotfl:

I just love driving home at night while it's snowing. NOT. It was a long 30 miles. Way too many idiots out driving. Some flying and others being slow pokes. I was driving at a reasonable 55.

Hope everyone has a warm and safe night!
Good morning everyone and thank you fro all of the birthday wishes.

KT.....I LOVE that birthday cake and if it were just a few degrees warmer I'm sure we would be trying to find a way to get out camping. LOL! I had a great birthday weekend with some friends over on Friday night for games, Saturday was spent out west of Calgary in the mountains doing a hike because there is NO snow or very little of the white stuff which is so strange for the middle of February and yesterday dognapped our friend's boxer/beagle (body of a boxer and marking and face like a beagle) and went for a big walk to the dog park then did absolutely nothing. It was a great day.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and Valentine's Day.