2/15/24 - Donuts and a Warm Up


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
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Good morning! It's much warmer this morning. No jacket needed to walk Boomer. Saturday and Sunday will be cold....at least by my standards.
LOL, and we had a jim dandy snowstorm yesterday evening and thru the night. But here we are at 9 a.m. with blue skies, sunshine, & a slight wind, enough to have snow falling off pine tree branches here and there. Funny thing, brand new snow, and yet this a.m. my front yard is all trampled. No idea if it was a dog, a deer, rabbits , birds, or who knows. ?? Same for house next door. And it was already done by 7 a.m. Not in back.......but the front yard. And not the driveway right next to it. Weird. No idea.
Bad night's sleep, or lack thereof. Midnight it was 30 ° and snow was falling. 6 a.m. it was 19, and the snow was done. The one dog down the street passed away, so..........no idea.
But, we are definitely a winter wonderland now, all dressed in white. They have plowed the street, and the driveway, but since there is still snow all over, yes, stayin' in. We are to get colder and then next week, back up into 30s. Who knows?
Sunny and 34 right now. The calm before the storm they predict, though not a big deal at all. Perhaps a few snow flurries Saturday morning.

rfsexton: Enjoy the warmer weather.

Poirot: You always get the snow, but thankfully it stopped for now.

Everyone have a great day whether it's cold or not that cold where you are.

LOL, and we had a jim dandy snowstorm yesterday evening and thru the night. But here we are at 9 a.m. with blue skies, sunshine, & a slight wind, enough to have snow falling off pine tree branches here and there. Funny thing, brand new snow, and yet this a.m. my front yard is all trampled. No idea if it was a dog, a deer, rabbits , birds, or who knows. ?? Same for house next door. And it was already done by 7 a.m. Not in back.......but the front yard. And not the driveway right next to it. Weird. No idea.
Bad night's sleep, or lack thereof. Midnight it was 30 °
It could have been wild hogs.
If what I've heard is accurate, here you don't have a license to hunt them. Some people will even set up traps on your property to capture them. 5hey are MEAN critters. So please be careful. The game warden could tell you for sure.
Cool day here.... cool down through till Sunday.... next week could hit the 70's in February..... crazy times.....
I got the summary up for all to enjoy....
Heading to work later today at the Hoopfest, taking tickets. No idea what's expected of me, guess I'll find out when I get there.

Have a great day....
It was cloudy and almost 50 when I walked this morning. It's sunny and in the 60s now. Rain tomorrow. Colder Sat.

Before lunch, I finished trimming the honeysuckle. I told myself to stop before I took off too much. I cut off vines
that had green leaves on them. It will look better. I'll be in this afternoon working on studies.

Poirot, I hope you won't have go out today.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the sunshine.

robin, I hope your time at Hoopfest went well.

I hope everyone has a safe afternoon.
the wind has picked up now.....and the sun comes, leaves so clouds can visits, clouds leave, sun returns......and they keep taking turns. Odd.
Do have to go out for the mail, but I go in the car, very slowly. It isn't but .2-.3 (tenths) of a mile, but I won't take a chance on walking......not til it is a lot warmer and NO snow/ice. I do wish we had individual mail boxes attached to our homes, but, for whatever reason, we have a collective single thing, with about 12 mail boxes. There are some here who have their mail kept at the post office itself, which is a few miles away. They only go once or twice a week for theirs. Not for me.
Poirot, that used to happen to me in college. Sitting in class with blue skies with a few puffy white clouds. Class over walk out to either a hard rain, or lots of snow coming down. Then repeat for the rest of the day. Couldn't be nice walking to class, nooooo, that would make too easy.

Nice today 50s. Snow Friday into Saturday. Inch or so accumulation. Then highs near or in the 60s next week. My "Easter lilies" are up about 5 inches and budding. My "Naked Ladies" are up about an inch or so. For those who don't know, I think their real name is "Amaryllis Belladonna", but they are naked ladies around here. lol They come up twice, once as just foliage, then that dies down and weeks/months later they come back up and bloom. They used to come up in May and then again in August, but now they come up in Feb. then back in June or similar. By coming up this early, the frost/snow can kill them and they probably won't return and bloom.

Enjoy your afternoon, evening!
Nameless, I have surprise aka naked ladies. The foliage is about 4 inches high now. At times, the foliage is a nuisance since the leaves
get so long and over the flowerbed. I have to wait until May or June to trim them and plant annuals.
Katmouse, I understand that. Fortunately, mine are not with other flowers. Some take up an area in my yard so the biggest thing is not mowing them under before you're supposed to. I don't know how long they've been in my yard. Can't remember a time when they haven't been there. And, of course they do spread. Have had a few others pop up in unusual places. But, they're pretty when they're all blooming in one "bunch". Had a friend dig a few up on year, but hers never grew. Maybe she tried to transplant them at the wrong time of year.
Yep, they spread. I planted my surprise lilies. I'm not sure when I got them from my mom. I've thinned them out a few times. I usually take
out bulbs in the fall.
So glad your kitty is doing well, Mrs. Clean.

Good evening. A long, tiring day. Yesterday I went to the smaller town and did errands, including a little bit of grocery shopping. Then last night I found out I need to take food on Saturday for a family following the funeral of a dear 95 year old lady here in the small community. So today I went to the Walmart town and got stuff for that. When I got home my g-nephew was here, cutting down more trees out behind my yard. I spent some time outside talking with him about which trees to remove and what to do with the mess that came down. It wasn't as warm as expected today. It stayed cloudy with a north breeze. I was so chilled when I came inside just before dark, I've been sitting with a warm throw covering me for about an hour. This morning there was heavy fog laying over the river and spread up to the house briefly.

Oh my word, Robin! My jaw dropped at that cow stepping into those shoes. I watched it about five times, shaking my head in disbelief each time. What are the odds? I'm glad she didn't come here and leave those tracks out front where those other weird tracks are. I still don't have that solved. My niece is sure they are from a hog but her son is sure it was a cow. I give up.