2-16-16 - Donuts and Snowed In


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Over a foot of snow since last night, and it just keeps coming down. I went out three times to knock the snow off my car with a broom, but it is buried again. I can't get the car doors open because of the drifting snow. The snow at the road is over my knees courtesy of the city. Two pairs of boots are wet from wading through the deep snow so they're drying in front of the heaters. I may as well do my state and local taxes since I'm not going anywhere for a long long time.
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Snowed here as well, tho not that much. But the pine trees are all Christmas wonderland full, even the maples & oaks are decorated, so you don't notice the lack of leaves.
RS, I am sorry you are so snowed in, but think perhaps it is a good thing, another day of rest for you with that pneumonia.

We got in the neighborhood of 6 in. so.....wonder how long it will take for the plow to get here. Am glad to be staying in......will also be doing tax stuff.
Good morning. Squirrel, I'm with Poirot, good thing for you to stay in another day. But I was horrified at the thought of you out there trying to get snow off your car, with the pneumonia dogging you.

Poirot, I wish your resolve to do tax stuff would rub off on me. I need to get started.

Degrassi, to your question from yesterday, I can only hope I am mouse free. Three nights with no signs is encouraging but I am a realistic person.

I have some things that need my attention so I'd best get started. I heard there were tornadoes somewhere but I didn't hear where. I hope everyone is safe!
Morning. I am amazed at you folks who live with the white stuff. I haven't spent any time living in conditions like that. I've spent time working in Alaska and Rhode Island, where it snowed when I was there. But living in a hotel is far different than LIVING in the area.

And to depress you even further, Noel's hated 90's hit today. With a "cooling" trend back to the mid 80's by the weekend. Even I agree with her, it's too soon for this.

The battle over the couch continues. Now it's too HOT to unload storage to get the complete furniture so we can get rid of it. I've had a valid suggestion. Thank you Kat, will bring that up tonight.

Have a safe Tuesday.
Hi everyone!

Yesterday morning there was snow on the ground and it was 30 degrees. This morning it's 60 degrees and we've been having downpours off and on.

Be careful with all that snow, red.

Laundry and cleaning are on the agenda today. Plus I'm going to see if I can get a haircut either today or tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Snow is still coming down, the area in front of the apron in front of my garage won't let me out to vote.......I do not relish trying and getting stuck, as has happened in the past. Nothing like getting stuck 5 ft. from your garage opening and having to call a tow truck. No.....shoveling did not help. So Hubby figured he would try and push it back up the apron. That worked, except all the paint on the bumber cracked, pieces fell off, etc. etc. In spring.....was told $400 to redo that bumper. So, I will just let the car stay inside. This is a state primary, very small, but there is ONE local thing I did want to vote on. Well, if the plow gets in, maybe I will get out. LOL
Good morning. After the fire yesterday and the bad storms half the night, I took Remmy out this morning and went back to bed! Too much excitement. OC, I know Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama had tornadoes. My weather radio was going off like crazy when the storms came through. We had a confirmed tornado in the northwest part of the county. When the sirens go off, Remmy herds me to the bathroom for safety. I'm still tired, but today is to be mostly sunny and 72*! I can take it, lol!

I'm glad you are going to be able to rest some more, RS. Please take good care of yourself.

Stay safe, folks.
Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone,

Had back to back meetings this morning and got out just in time for lunch. Sorry I didn't drop by yesterday, was busy having a fun day with Gena for her birthday. :) We both have pretty feet now, not that anyone can see them under our shoes.

I have to get caught up on my reading of all your goings on from the weekend.

RS - stay safe in your storm, we got a little bit of snow yesterday and today, but nothing like what you have.
The snow is still coming down, and I'm not plowed / dug out yet. I've been out a few more times to drag my feet through the snow to make a "sort of" path to follow. I tried to kick snow away from the car doors, but I didn't make much head way. I guess it doesn't matter much since the additional 5 inches of snow on the car will fall in the same place when it gets cleaned off. Both pairs of boots are wet on the top of the linings again so I can't do anything else until they dry out.
RS: oh my goodness that is not fun. Well, your taxes will be off your to-do-list and your pneumonia will heal quicker. You need to stay warm, dry and happy for the rest of the day my friend.

POIROT: now Christmas lovely snow-covered trees is my kind of beautiful! Thank goodness you don't have to try to shovel out your vehicle like poor RS. Enjoy the beautiful scenery but I hope you get to vote today.

OC: good luck with your taxes and chores. How about an indoor cat? They catch mice, critters and alert you when something bigger than they are is in 'their' house.

ROBIN: yay a convert to too high temps! Keep marching on in your battle of the couch until you win. And, someday I hope you get to enjoy the beauty of a snowy Christmas.

RED: your weather is not boring even if odd. Hope your to-do list is completed early and you can just enjoy some R&R today.

KT: Enjoy your quieter weather and time with Remmy today.

MANDA: so glad Gena's birthday yesterday was a fun one for both her and you.

RS - wow we haven't had snow like that in years. Stay safe and take care of you first.

Poirot - Another day for you indoors also - WOW

OC - I hope you get your chores done also and everything is going good with your husband.

Robin - good luck with the furniture. I would take the warm weather over moving the furniture. LOL

Amanda - Glad you had a great day with Gena.

KT - that Remmy is a keeper. She looks after you so well!

I hate to say it, but our weather is just gorgeous for this time of year. A little overcast but almost 60!

It's a warm and windy here. My area of the state hasn't got much precipitation this winter.
We're under a burn ban because of the wind since it's dry. I'm still waiting on
1099 forms to do my tax return. I hope they come soon.

robin, hopefully, it will cool down soon and you can get the couch gone.

rs, are you telling us you have too much snow now

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
The rain was pouring last night and this morning, causing the tent to collapse in on itself again, this time pulling the stakes out of the ground.

I have to get the water that has pooled on the top (collapsing it), out of there, which will require some finagling to avoid getting myself or the contents inside of the tent wet. I will deal with it once it warms up this weekend. Or maybe I could scoop the water out, hmmm...

So this is my life. I am coming to accept it. I just need to nip a few negatives in the bud and I will be happily retired young.

Tomorrow I am going to repair a security system at the dude I go out with all the time's business. Considering he brings dinner over every week and then we usually do something on the weekends and he is always giving me gifts, I do not mind doing this favor. I have done other things for his business and he just likes to blow cash, so our relationship works out very well.

I am so glad it does not snow like crazy here. I would not be able to survive. I would never leave the house. I need sunshine in my life. The year I lived in Washington state with all the rain & snow is just a blur. Other than that I have lived in the South since moving here 34 years ago.

Good day to you all.
Today I got the IRS forms I ordered in Jan and a 1099 I've been waiting for.
I still need one form, but I can get started now on the tax return.

rs, since the snow is so bad, don't worry about work. Just enjoy it.