2/19/24 - Donuts and Presidents' Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Woke up to 30s this morning
ActionS is closed for the holiday. I am still in bed under an electric blanket. Travel trailer furnace use lots of propane so I shut the bedroom off and run an electric heater
Kat, I can't believe you beat me to it. (Well, actually I can believe it). This is the first day I've been up and around this early in a while so I thought I'd go ahead and get this started, but it's always good to find it going already. I was just going to comment on the beautiful sunrise, which has just a few minutes ago completed its climb above the horizon here. First time I've been up to watch it lately. Been awake since 5:00 but stayed under the covers for a long time. The sky is clear here. 32* right now but promises to get comfortably warm later.

Sexton, the electric blanket sounds cozy and comfortable. Enjoy your day!
Good morning and Happy President's Day to all..... I'm old, I'd prefer Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's birthdays when they were celebrated as different holidays. But time moves on and things get better. Or just different.
We are on a warming trend here.... I follow the National Weather Service for Sacramento and Wichita.... the Sacramento area has a 10% chance for tornado's today.... That's just weird. They are experiencing heavy rains and strong winds, or they were yesterday when I spoke with them. I've got sunshine and clear skies. I'll take it.....

Enjoy your day off if you are one of the lucky ones to get it off.....
Sunny and 37. Didn't end up going out yesterday and staying in today, puttering about. First holiday of the year, no more until Memorial Day, which seems far off but will be here soon enough.

Kat: Thanks for the NCIS reminder.

rfsexton: Wishing you a warm up.

OC: Glad you are anticipating a warm up.

Robin: Great that you are enjoying nice weather.

I forgot when the two presidents' birthdays were merged into one holiday and found this:


Washington's Birthday was the first federal holiday to honor an individual's birth date. In 1885, Congress designated February 22 as a holiday for all federal workers. Nearly a century later, in 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Law changed the date to the third Monday in February.

For those who are off today, make the most of the day. For those who are not, have a stress-free work day!

woke th is a.m. to 10 above. Now at noon, it's 30!
As a kid, Loved getting off a whole day for Washington's birthday, (Feb. 22) and 1/2 day for Lincoln's. (Feb/. 12). both in February. Can't forget Valentine's on Feb. 14th., tho we did not get off school. Holidays that honor specific date, should stay on that day. You know, like Halloween, Christmas, July 4th, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day.....(Nov. 11) Flag Day (June 14).
And not all states "do" all the holidays. ....
Did you know that today was never changed officially to President's Day? It is actually still officially designated as Washington's birthday!
If you got the day off, and especially if it's a paid one........Enjoy the day. Hope the weather is nice, the sun cooperates.
It was in the 20s this morning when I walked. It's sunny now and close to 60. Wed will be the warmest day
this week. Next week, 70s for a couple of days.

My Sunday afternoon didn't go as planned. My cat spit up blood in the morning. He did it again early
afternoon. There is one vet open on Sunday and we got in. I was gone two hours. They took him in back
and I could him yelling back there. They took an X-ray and found out he has gastritis. He got medicine. He's
been sleeping since yesterday. He went out last night and probably slept in the dog house. This morning,
he seemed restless. He was sleeping when I got back home this morning. I'll give him more water with
a syringe. He needs to stay hydrated.

I'm going to sneak out in a few minutes and get more sticks in the trashcan before pickup. Then do studies.

rf, I'm glad you could stay warm in the trailer.

OC, I hope you aren't tired getting up so early this morning.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
I'm with those of you who prefer the way they used to do the holidays. George Washington's birthday was a big deal when I was in school. Lincoln too.

Kat, I hope your cat gets okay.

W,W., I'm glad you got the day off.

Robin, I heard this morning that it was going to be raining hard and flooding 15 miles from San Francisco (Pacifica?) for the next 48 hours. I don't know the name of the place where my son is but I think it's about an hour from S.F., not on the coast. Hoping everybody out there will be okay.

It's been a gorgeous day here. Kat, I did get tired, had to take a nap before lunch. Then ate and washed my sheets. This afternoon I went out and walked around for a while. After a regular walk, I puttered around out back among the trees where my g-nephew has been clearing out overgrown trees. He didn't come today but there's still a lot for him to do, including cleaning up all the fallen stuff. Wish I had a chipper. I've considered renting one for a day. Haven't decided.
Cardiologist today. Said as far as he could tell, things were good. (He listened to my heart about 5 seconds). Thinking about changing docs because he (among other things) tried to argue with me about never having seen him before. Uh yeah, several times, he even ordered an echo a few years ago. :head scratch:

Saw ENT doc last week for my tinnitus. It switched ears on me and he said that happens in less than 5% of people. So, what was my good ear is now my bad ear and vice versa. I can still hear through it, but it is faint. There's truly not much they can do for this condition. He offered to give me steroids but with diabetes, that's not advisable. Then he said they could try an injection in my ear drum! Ummm... no thank you, unless it gets worse. I go back in 3 months to have my hearing tested again.

Wednesday I do my prep for a colonoscopy on Thursday (along with an endoscopy). I bet ya'll are just green with jealousy!

Enjoy your evening/night.
jUST this past Sunday, a friend at church was talking of his tinnitis and how it switched ears!!!
perhaps more common than thought!
Nameless, you're getting quite a thorough going over! My oldest son has had tinnitis for years. It's pretty maddening. I sometimes wonder if non-traditional treatments might be more helpful for some chronic problems such as this, where traditional methods just don't work.