2/2/2017 - Donuts & Western Omelets

A big change in my weather. Cloudy and a lot cooler today. When I got home after class, I
took my walk. When I got home I realized, I only went one time around. Oh well. I
three times yesterday.

DaysD, I hope you get in the American Studies program. Then you can rent a house
and we all can come visit you :)

Poirot. I'm glad you're fixing the smilie faces. I haven't seen some for over a year.
I hope you were able to find the part you need for your faucet without driving
around too much.

rs, enjoy your snow.

Wayne, no need for a honeymoon right away. I didn't have one when I got married.
I hope I can get one the next time I do.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening.
Another cold one today. I guess for the next six weeks since our lovely friend saw his shadow.

We talked to our friends in Alabama last night to set up our visit in May and they said they had been very warm this winter. Maybe next year it will be us with warmer weather - LOL

Have a great day.
Hi everyone!

I'm finally done with working overnight. We finished this morning at 3 am. Thankfully this store was the closest one to my house so it only took 10 minutes to get home. I'll be glad when I move and my store is only 5 minutes away.

Apparently it's 60 degrees here. This is my kind of winter weather.

Wayne, congrats on setting a date. For my honeymoon we're probably going to go to Myrtle Beach for a few days. Hopefully in a year or two we can afford to go on a cruise.

Daysd, good luck with getting into graduate school. Going to school in Hawaii sounds amazing.

Noel, hope you get some rest after such an early day.

Poirot, hope the warm weather comes soon for you.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good afternoon. My internet was out all morning. I called the cable company and was told everyone's was out. I hope this is because they are beginning to install the new fiber optic cable. Since the new cable company took over, I've seen a lot of activity.

Since the neighbor behind me moved away, the mail delivery route doesn't run past my house to that one (it's a dead end). My mailbox isn't in Remmy's territory, but the nice mail lady has been leaving two milk bones in the the mailbox for her every time I get mail, lol. Remmy has figured that out and still gets excited, lol.

The kitchen faucet suddenly stopped working, no idea why.

It's probably frozen! LOL I have wondered how you protect your pipes in that cold. I bet they aren't PVC, like most around here, lol.

We talked to our friends in Alabama last night to set up our visit in May and they said they had been very warm this winter.

It has been warm. I'm still using propane (for heat) that I bought last year. I won't complain, not at all!

Take care, everyone.
LOL, well, I don't think any pipes froze. This house was originally a little log cabin, the well was outside, right next to the house. Well, when the owners decided to retire, they built a big addition for a kitlchen, thus making what was the living room & kitchen, now just living room.

In doing this, building the addition, kitchen and basement under it, the area where the well was became enclosed within the house. So......my well is under the stairs that go down to the basement. Washer and dryer next to it. Hot water tank on other side of basement so it sometimes takes a while to get the hot water over.

Anyway, hubby said it was a "key", (it is a single faucet) and he fixed or replaced it, said he hopes it lasts.
That is so interesting about how your well is inside your house, Poirot, and how it came to be that way. I too had wondered how you kept pipes from freezing.

My sister's house, now my niece's, although she isn't living in it yet, has a cistern inside but it hasn't been used in a long time. Most of the people out here had cisterns in the first half of the 1900s because well water was scarce. But most of the cisterns were outside. I guess the one at my niece's house was too, originally, then my grandparents tore down their first house (a beautiful Victorian--which has made all of us sad) to build a new house. They kept the cistern and built a small room around it, off the kitchen, to enclose it. My grandmother wanted a new, "modern" house but sadly, she died before it was finished and she never got to live in it.
Interesting,OC......my niece lives on a high bluff over the Mississippi River, just south of St. Louis, so for her home, a well was an impossibility. Yes, she has a cistern, told me once she gets 4000 gallons of water delivered at a time. Now THAT seemed really weird to me, but no other way, I guess. It is outside, she has a beautiful home, (only have seen pics of inside), she loves it there.
A. Guy, you gotta keep an eye on boys. When I was pretty young, one time at a birthday party a little boy spit in the cistern. The rest of us were horrified and everyone was passing the word around, "Calvin spit in the well." Never mind that the people who lived at the house had an "open door policy." Chickens, and no telling what else, roamed through the house freely. But the image of chickens on the kitchen table stayed with me.