2/2/24 - Donuts and Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
41 nasty degrees, pouring like crazy, very dreary and ugly. TGIF.

It IS Groundhog Day in more ways than one...didn't this same weather JUST occur?

Punxsutawney Phil and Staten Island Pete both predict an early Spring, but with the overcast weather, not sure about the shadows thing.

Let's all try to enjoy the day, whether or not we have good weather!

Ah, and we have sunshine , blue skies, and 22°. LOL, brrrrrr.
hard time falling asleep again. So am slow moving this a.m. Won't be going out, so who cares.
But, laundry to do, guess I should perhaps get dressed, too, just in case ....lolol. Gonna try and clear off a lot of old, unneeded items from the desk. Bad habit of opening mail and just putting it aside, even if junk mail. Tsk, and shame on me. Back and neck hurting, so......more reason to to just take it slow and easy.
Have a good day..............
It's a beautiful, sunny day here. It's close to 70 now.

I walked Fenix. Then did a chore outside before lunch. I took the compost down. I don't know how long it's been since
I took dirt out. I took out four white buckets of dirt. I could take out more, but decided to stop. I put the loose stuff back on
top. I put the dirt out front where the water sits after a big rain. After lunch, I'm plan to rake more leaves out of ditch. The
water is getting stagnant now.

robin, I hope HB didn't break anything.

rf, that's a lot of pecans.

Poirot, sorry to hear your back and neck hurt. I hope you have a heating pad you can use.

Wilde Woman, I hope you don't get too much rain.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
Sexton, wow! Nineteen pounds of pecans. My husband and I used to buy them in the fall and peeled a lot for years but nothing like that. Just to put in our freezer. I've probably said this before but one year I threw out the shells in the back yard and was shocked when a pecan tree grew up out of them. Trees are not easy to grow on this caliche hill. Most of the ones we planted died but this unplanned one lived.

Kat, sometimes I daydream about what my yard might look like it you were tending to it.

Robin, I'm hoping you've gotten good news on HB's ankle.

Poirot, seems you and I have some of the same struggles. I hope your pains have eased.

Wilde Woman, with all the gloomy weather you've had, it's a wonder the groundhogs didn't drown when they stuck their heads out. Hold onto your cheery outlook and thanks for sharing it.

We've got mostly cloudy skies here today. Waiting for the rain to arrive. My niece got out earlier and put out hay to get it done before rain. It's quicker if she doesn't have to come get me. Now I have to put my sheets in the dryer and eat my lunch.
Back from the doctors and Spangles, a fast food place for lunch 2 burgers, fries, sodas and ice cream sundaes for under $15.

X-rayed HB's ankle, no breaks, dislocations (having had an ankle dislocation, I knew that wasn't possible) but lots and lots of arthritis and since he is on a blood thinner no pain medication but Tylenol which doesn't really do anything.... we can try 4% lidocaine patches or salon pas..... along with ELEVATE and ICE..... which is what I insisted on doing yesterday.... HB is currently "watching" Hawaii 5-0 reruns with his eyes closed and a ice gel pack wrapped around his ankle.....

We are expecting an inch of rain or more this weekend.... but no snow.... for the next week anyway.....

Happy Friday to all....
Lidocaine as a cream pain reliever is great....different brands...a tube, you really only have to use a tiny bit.
Glad no bones broken or dislocated, Robin, but still, pain is pain and there can be lots of it sometimes without a break. You got a great deal on lunch. Anymore, when I eat out--even fast food--it usually costs about that much for one person!

Robin and Poirot, I hadn't heard of the Lidocaine patches or cream so that's good to know.

Mrs. Clean, it's always such a relief to get water back, after being without or even restricted for a while. Enjoy the luxury. Over a lifetime of different living situations I've come to view most of my creature comforts as luxuries and I'm so thankful for them!
and I use it ........Aspercreme.......You can google and read about both


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I've heard of Aspercreme. Didn't know what it was.

Well I've spent part of my evening in my closet in the center of the house. There was a tornado warning in my county, covering a relatively small area, which was moving head-on in my direction. Thank God the rotation played out before it reached here. Lots of lightning going on for quite a while. There was supposed to be hail but I haven't looked out. I didn't hear any.
Stay safe friends!
(Anyone know how I can post emojis on this board?)
OC, I'm glad you're safe. I hope you will have a good night's sleep.

robin, I'm glad HB didn't break anything. I hope he feels better soon.

Mrs. Clean, I'm glad the pump got fixed.