2-20-2020 - Donuts and Pitch Dark

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. At 6:40 a.m., it's dark as can be outside. The skies are cloudy. It's damp but not raining. At 41* now, will reach a high of around 45*. Going to be windy. I woke up at 5:00, gave it up at 6:00 and got up. Got my breakfast going. Egg/bacon/spinach burrito with plain yogurt. Be back later. Have a good day, all.
Good morning everyone.

I got a little reprieve this morning, and I don't have to be at kindergarten registration until 8:30. Yesterday was just plain crazy. At times, I had 10 kids waiting in line. Since there are only two school staff members doing the developmental screenings, the registrars funnel all of the kids to me until the others have openings. A few of the kids were screaming and lashing out so I refused to have them in my tiny room unless the nurse got the parents from the registration room to be with their kids. This was totally unacceptable behavior from kids who are 5 and 6. I haven't had it from kids of this age before, and hopefully I don't have any of it today.

OC, The electrical problems in your car sound like a mess for the mechanic to fix if a lot of different wires are chewed up.

Poirot - I loved the picture of the skiers' bridge over the highway. My local news reports on the race each year. They also highlight the handmade fudge at a local candy store.

Amanda - How was Gena's visit last night? For her sake, I hope it was a good one. That little girl deserves to be treated like a princess by her relatives on the other side of the family.

Prayers continue for Noel's recovery.
It is also good to see DrBakerFan is back with his witty posts.

I better go back and read more of the posts that I've missed.
Good morning.....I know we all are in different time zones across the country, but I am in Central, which I think is same as OC. Just noting I was awake at 4:45, & outside of trip to the little girl's room, lol, stayed in bed, trying to get back. I think I finally did, but only for about 20 min-1/2 hr. But at 6:00 it was getting light, I gave up at 6:30 and got up Living room lite was on, temp was -16. Am guessing hubby had the fireplace on as I know other lights were on as well, tho off now. Very light now......Tho sun has not risen yet.
There is one clock in my house, on the wall, that I did not change back from daylight savings time, so is still the one hour ahead. Is interesting when it is dark outside at 6 a.m., that clock says 7 a,.m. No daylight. Ha. I wish the time would just stay the same all year. I hate jumping ahead, etc.
RS, that fudge shop is famous, or maybe infamous. I have been on Main St. in summer, walking past tourists standing, looking around, wondering where is the fudge shop that is soooooooo good. I always stop and point it out. Ha.
Good morning, a nice morning here.

A quick pop in to say thanks to everyone again regarding Mike's eye. A couple of hours after I left the doctor's office and the conversation I had with him, mike received a phone call from a eye clinic and wouldn't you believe it, he had an appointment booked very fast. His eye had started to seep and drain which was not looking good and has been healing so the clinic wasn't able to drain it but glad he was seen so quickly and had it assessed.

Have a good day all.
Morning all. I have OC, darkness today with the heavy clouds. No precipitation in
forecast today. This morning, in the 30s for our morning walk. Tomorrow it will be
in the teens in the AM.

After lunch, I'm going out with my friend to look for curtains for my house. She told
me she could make me some, but she found some curtain panels at Walmart that
would be cheaper. She saw them in a bigger Walmart. Hopefully, the one we're
going to will have some.

Muzzaman, I'm glad Mike's eye is doing better.

rs, I hope your day is better than yesterday. Sounds like the kids aren't being
disciplined like they need to be.

Poirot, you, me and OC are in the central time zone. I hope you get all errands
done before the big weekend.

OC, sounds like you had a wonderful breakfast. I had my usual... oatmeal.

I hope everyone's day is a good one.
Well, I was going to dash out this a.m. but it is 16 below zero, (up from 20 below) so I am going to try for a bit later. Last nite the news had a video of Main st., skiers, kids on it. snow filled, I thought perhaps it would be available on line but no luck. They also had film of the huge trucks hauling the snow, and the groomers, mighty things, that smooth it all out. the fences are up along the sidewalks, flags, banners, etc.
Sun is out, but not gonna warm up much today, they say.....but.......tomorrow & Sat. will be in upper 30s, and maybe 40 on Sunday! Unreal!
Glad Mike is on the mend now. Betting your doc won't be so casual in the future...with anyone!
Good morning.
I woke up at 2:00 and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up around 4:00. Now I feel ready for a nap!!!!!!
Muzz ~ so glad you got that doctor's attention and that Mike got an appointment quickly.

A friend coming this afternoon for a visit for 3 or 4 days. Our weather has been beautiful, and I hope that continues for her visit. We'll see.

Hoping you all are well. Hope Noel's health is continuing to improve.


You can see the top of bridge sliding onto Main St. here

And finally, the team event with 6 people on one giant ski set.....lol

Morning all..... today is the 80 degree day.... so nice to be able to eat outside, be able to go outside like I lived in Salem in winter.....
I didn't go to the meeting last night and missed the traffic disaster that occurs whenever a person of power comes into town and has freeway and street closures.... the event was live streamed so I did get to see the demo.... HB was there it took him 2 hours to get there.... I saw the doctor yesterday I've been having knee pain... I have my natural knee cap it is rubbing up against the metal knee..... causing pain..... so I'm to elevate and ice it as often as I can.... given whats coming up that will be challenging......

eek lost track of time time to dash to work........
Kat my family were all healed several weeks ago. I have a history of bronchitis/pneumonia from childhood. Plus I had worked double shifts before getting sick and was exhsusted at the start. This is definitely a test of my patience. Thanks for asking.
Morning Everyone,
Gena's visit last night was in her words just ok, her uncle is out of town, so her dad's other sister is staying with the normal supervising aunt to keep her company. The 3 adults all love liver & onions, Gena does not, but alas that was what they had for dinner, poor kid had about 3 bites of liver and mashed potatoes for dinner. I needed to get milk after picking her up, so we stopped at a convenience store on the way home and got milk and a piece of sausage pizza for her out of their hot case. While her dad was more interested in talking to the extra aunt than Gena, they did all play a board game together, so there's something anyway.

Poirot - fun pictures.
Noel - I'm glad your family is better, but I'm sad that you are still sick, continuing to pray for you my dear friend.
RS - ugh kid behavior gets worse all the time, I see it as a Sunday School teacher.
RK - I'm glad your mom is on the mend, now I hope you can start to feel better too.
Robin - I'm glad you avoided the traffic and watched the lesson on live stream.
Muzz - so glad to hear that Mike's eye is getting better.
Lil0 - enjoy your visit with your friend, I'm sure it will be fun for you both.

Have a great day!
Hi everyone!

Okay...who sent me snow? If you were trying to send it to Noel I think your delivery service got confused.:rotfl:

It took me an hour to get home and it wasn’t even sticking to the roads.

OC, your breakfast sounded delicious. I wish I had the stuff to make that for dinner.

rs, I hope today’s kids were better behaved.

Poirot, -16?!!? I don’t think I own anything warm enough for that temperature.

Muzza, glad Mike is doing better.

kat, hope you found some curtains.

rk, glad your mom is doing better.

Lil0, enjoy your visit with your friend.

robin, the same thing happened here yesterday. Part of one of the interstates was shut down because the VP was visiting. It made our already terrible traffic even worse.

Noel, I hope you feel better soon.

Manda, I’m with Gena on the liver and onions. Also who serves liver and onions to a child unless they know it’s a favorite?

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Ugh on the liver & onions as well. Poor Gena! Guess the sun helped, as our temps went up to 13 above. That was a huge leap from the original 22 below in the wee hours. I had to go out for mail, so took a chance & decided to get over to WalMart ( only 1.5 miles or so) even if I had to drive the 4 lane hwys. Boy the signs are there, waiting to be placed out. Detour, road closed, etc. Fortunately could stay away from Main part of town. But, right where our little road enters onto the big hwy. is a business, which usually has just maybe 1/2 dozen cars or so in their parking lot. It was jam packed, and I mean JAM PACKED. it is a ski rental and purchase place. LOL
But I managed to get my milk, & some other groceries, of course. LOL. However, lots of empty shelves, as am sure a lot of folks were having the same idea. Get out, get home, and stay there.
Red - sorry you got snow, if you lived up here you'd have plenty of gear for cold like that.
Poirot - it's good that you were able to get out before everyone arrives and the streets are clogged.

My mom always made us eat liver as kids, not the onions, but the liver, I didn't care as I like it. I make it every once in a while, I give Gena 1 bite of liver and chicken nuggets for dinner. I always save a container of leftovers for my mom now, as neither my brother nor step-dad will touch it.