2/20/2024 - Donuts and National Love your Pet Day!


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good late morning.... the Beast is getting love at DayCare later today he will get a bath and groom, he will be ever so handsome when he returns home today.
Late in this day I too will go in for grooming.... the worst thing about short hair.... it grows.... and I have to keep getting it cut..... but in the words of my Hair stylist "Gurl you have hair" I do and it's currently in my eyes....

I hope everyone has a super fantastic day......

WW you don't have to love your pigeons unless you want to.......
and then you begin to age, and your hair gets thinnner, which you don't notice for a while, until a bare spot suddenly appears, how did that happen, and when did it happen, lol. And then you try to get your hair cut, but they do it too short, and the bare spot not easy to cover, so you let your hair grow a bit longer so you have something to work with.......& the salon still doesn't do it right.........ahhhh, such fun.
The paternal side of my family had hair.... my dad when he finally passed had a full head of silver hair..... same for my maternal side... they too had hair, chemo took my mom's hair....so hard to say if it would have thinned.... I'm now older than my mom.....that was a strange count down.... object now to live longer than my father.....

It is a gorgeous day today weather wise here......I'd rather remain outside with the laptop than go inside and vacuum......
Started out very cold, 23, now it is 36 and sunny. I keep thinking it is Monday, glad it is Tuesday.

Robin: Hope THE BEAST looks more like a beauty when he is done being groomed. So true about short hair. If it is not cut on a timely basis, you end up with long sideburns that look ridiculous and a hairy neck, not a good look. As for the pigeons, am learning to co-exist, nothing more I can do! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, so to speak.

Poirot - So true. My hair is very thin, so the shorter, the better, because it looks fuller on top when short. But no more shaving the sides, too severe. Somehow, we must find something in between.

Let's all have a great day and not be so hard on ourselves!

Another cool morning for walking. It's sunny and close to 70 now. I'll be outside tomorrow since I'll have
more time.

My cat is doing better. He slept over 24 hours from Sunday evening to Monday night. He went outside Sunday
night, but he probably wanted to sleep in dog house. He came in before I left yesterday AM and I found him on
couch later. He slept until 7PM when he went outside awhile. He slept on couch last night and was out this
morning. He ate this morning and now sleeping again. I gave him water several times yesterday.

I watched NCIS at lunch. So sad. Summary is posted.

It's snowing again in Big Bear Bald Mountain in California. I'm watching the eagle nest. there Jackie, female eagle, was
on nest 62 hours straight after the last snowfall.

robin, I hope Vinnie had a good day at DayCare. It was my mom's side that lost hair. My son is losing a lot.

Wilde Woman, are you expecting rain or winter weather again?

I hope everyone has a enjoyable rest of the day.
Another nice day here, only with more of a breeze than yesterday. I hadn't planned to go out but went to feed cubes with my niece, then we went to town to get something to eat. These tiny towns in the middle of nowhere have such a hard time keeping restaurants --cafes--in business. They come and go faster than you can turn your head and keep up. Most of them have traditionally closed on weekends and some on Mondays too, and now some are even closing on Tuesdays as well! It's pitiful, especially since many if not most of the people in these towns want to eat out (Lots of older people, from generations of the same families). Part of the problem is they can no longer get reliable employees or even any employees. Also, like everything else, prices have gone up so much, people can't afford to eat out, no matter how much they'd like to. Oh well, such is life. We did find one place open and had chicken fried steak, of which we each brought half our orders home with us to make another meal later.
I returned from getting my hair cut and it's a different story there..... Not enough people WANT to get their hair cut. My Hairdresser is thrilled to have a new head, this was my second time to her, but she said she is available every day of the week but of late schedules everyone on the same day so she's busy one day instead of a head in the morning here, a head in the afternoon there and two heads on Saturday......

Upon arrival we walked into the house and I pushed the button to close the garage door and it fell off it's runners..... waiting for the repair guy now..... at least we have a car outside the garage so as he's due to arrive 3-7 today to fix it....if we need to get Vinnie one can remain one can wait for the door guy....
robin, that's terrible about the garage door since you're the first ones living there. Did Vinnie have a good
day at Doggie Care?
Robin, what an awful thing to have happen with the garage door--in a new home! It's good you were able to get someone to come (assuming he has or will) right away to fix it. It always amazes me when people can get help in a timely manner.

It's 82* here, which is excellent for me, with the mild breeze. I've been outside walking and then sitting on the back steps. I even found some hand-held clippers and cut down a few dead ragweeds that were still standing.

I was hungry and came in and found most of a mini-bundt cake (like an oversized muffin) in my freezer. (I always keep leftover cake-type desserts in the freezer. They're pretty easy to cut while frozen and taste good to me that way). I'm afraid I pigged out on it. I know you're supposed to eat desserts right after a meal but I don't ever care for them when I'm full--only when I'm hungry, which means halfway between meals.
will be leaving soon to get der Beast.... a different technician was able to come out and fix the door for us. Thank goodness it was during business hours, as he was expecting us to pay for it.... ah.... no..... the landlord will cover this charge.... so 15 minutes and 3 phone calls later it was worked out and the landlord is covering the bill. The technician said if they hadn't put the cheapest doors ever made in then they wouldn't fall off the rails at random times ..... honestly I was thrilled we got same day service, I wasn't looking forward to spending the night in the car protecting the stuff in my garage.....
weather wise still a glorious day outside....
Mild temps here. Definitely feels like spring is arriving.
For the past several days, I've had a hard time getting warm. I keep wrapping up in a blanket. Wondering if there is something going wrong with my metabolism that is causing me to not be able to generate enough body heat. [My normal body temp is low.]. This morning I was walking around the kitchen and dining room in my bare feet and noticed the floor was cold. I have in-floor radiant heat, so the floor should have been warm. I checked the thermostat. 65*F. Ha!! The batteries in the thermostat were dead. I replaced them, and my house is now toasty warm. Gads! This is how gaslighting works. Someone else could have easily convinced me I needed medical attention. My body was failing. LOL
Lil0, I sure am glad to hear you didn't have a health problem. What a wonderful feeling that heated floor must be! I've heard of them but have never seen one except on tv so never have had the pleasure of walking on one.

Robin, getting beautiful takes a lot of energy--requires napping! I do like the whitened color but I still say Vinnie is adorable before as well as after!
My Boomer had to go to the vet today
They did some tests. He has an infection. With tests which were necessary due to age and health issues $348. They have changed his seizure medication to phenobarbital which will help.
He is worth every cent