2/21/24 - Donuts and Sticky Buns

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
I haven't had a sticky bun in years. Sure looks good. Entenmann's makes them, I believe. Avoid, avoid, avoid!

Not a bad day here, 40 and overcast. I have to remember it is Wednesday. Holidays always mess me up with days of the week.

Everyone please have a great day, and don't get "stuck" anywhere!
ooo some sticky buns would be great.... I'm currently on hold with Arizona's Motor Vehicle department.... I need to get someone who shall remain nameless' title as it is packed in a box somewhere and we need to register the van before a ticket happens....

We have high clouds but it's warm enough for a light sweater today... not that I own a light sweater.... a sweatshirt perhaps....

Good Wednesday to all....
Yesterday's news was devastating. A sweet 11 year who has been missing was found dead. Perp was already in custody. It lived in a travel trailer behind her parents' house. He had crimes with children on his record. He was a family friend. He was allowed access to their children. The day she went missing he was supposedly driving her to the bus stop. What kind of parent would allow a PERVERT access to their children. I hate to think of what their precious child must have gone through before this piece of trash killed her. He is in lock up. If he is not in "protective" custody, inmates will be looking for a chance to "take care of business."
It was in 40s when I walked this morning. It's sunny and in the 70s now. Another nice day tomorrow.

I'm going outside soon. I may work in the flowerbed. I'll be gone tomorrow afternoon. Next
week, there will be more nice days.

Wilde Woman, I had to look up sticky bun since the picture looks like a cinnamon roll. Sticky
buns have nuts.

robin, I hope the phone call went well.

rf, I read about the girl. I didn't know he lived that close.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
The day got away from me. I thought I had gotten on here this morning. I put my taxes aside for a few weeks so now I'm having to get down to business with them. Makes it so much harder when I do this....grrr, kicking myself.

I've been out twice and walked today. I've been too much of a slug this winter so I decided to take advantage of the nice weather. It has clouded up somewhat today and the wind has increased. The temperature will drop to more normal by tomorrow. Today it is 88*. Makes me wonder what summer will be like. Sure hope not a repeat of last year.

Robin, your HB keeps you on your toes. I hope the title business got worked out.

Sexton, I saw reports on the recovery of that precious little girl late yesterday. I try not to listen to the detailed reports. It's too sad and depressing. I hope your dog is doing better.

Wilde Woman, a sticky bun does indeed sound good. I didn't know what Kat said about the nuts but if I had my way, all desserts would have nuts in them. I almost never eat things like sticky buns or donuts but if you were to put one in front of me, I'd eat it. I just am never around them and don't ever think about them.