2-22-19 - Donuts and Bagels & Cream Cheese



Morning folks. A cold morning here at -19*C (2.2*F) but going to get to -2*C (28.4*F).
Currently on my way into work then back to performances tonight. Will be a busy but fun weekend with the play, volleyball tournament and parents coming to town on Sunday .

Poirot, I'm sure your neck of the woods is busy with the winter events going on. Sounds like a fun weekend.

Robin, nice to hear the injection worked. How did bonsai club go last night?

Noel/Robin. That is amazing you guys received snow. I read it snowed in Las Vegas and katmouse mentioned Southern California too.

Lil0 and Shan, have you dug out of the snow yet?

Have a nice Friday and weekend everyone.
Good morning. Enjoy your busy, fun weekend, Muzz. Glad your parents are coming to visit and see you in your performance. I don't know how you carry on with the fun in such cold temperatures!

Our temps are getting warmer. It's 43* right now, will have highs in the 50s* and 60s* for the coming days, but it's going to be misty/possible thunderstorms today and tomorrow, with wind. Glad I went to the city yesterday and finalized the orders of my tile and flooring. All I have left to pick out is paint. The mini-split heat/air unit was installed yesterday. I'll be staying in today. Have some phone calls to make and need to finish up laundry and decluttering so I can start on taxes.
Thank you for that bagels and cream cheese posting. I might have missed out this morning but I know what my breakfast will be tomorrow. Been ages since I had that combo. YUM YUM.

Temps not so bad today in my neck of the woods but the good old rain is back. No real plans this weekend other than to enjoy the company of family and friends and maybe make a beef roast to share with some this Sunday after church.
Good morning all. Weird here, tis just 12F, (-10C) but foggy, sort of misty. They are saying some light snow, tho I do not see it snowing, just foggy. Wind is blowing snow off the pine branches a bit..........so hard to tell if the few flakes are old or new snow. LOL Nasty, nasty forecast, under a winter storm watch/warning for Sat. nite & into Sunday. I hate the "chance of freezing rain" which is not needed on top all this snow.
Muzza, you do have a busy, fun filled weekend coming up, and Yayyy for getting to see your parents. Good luck with the play, just have fun!
Also staying in........going to finish up laundry, then pay bills etc. I really have to attack the taxes, I started, but get called away. I have some odds and ends bus. stuff as well. Never ends, does it? LOL
I am glad the town has this big event, which they count on, and brings in much needed $$$$, but I hate that one just has to stay home to avoid all the problems that come with such a huge influx of people. Newspaper said 11,000 skiers. This is a town of less than 2000 people, even if a tourist area. (Because of the rural area and lakes that abound nearby, it really is more. And then there are family/friends that come in with the skiers. Honestly, I have no idea where they all stay. I do know the high school gym, and the armory have a large number with sleeping bags, plus nearby towns motel are full up, international skiers get put up in homes, buses bring skiers in from towns...it is unreal. and a mess!
A cloudy morning. Goldie and I got spat on when we walked this morning.
Thunderstorms for tomorrow AM. I'll probably have to sneak out early
with Goldie since she won't have to be outside when I'm gone.

I plan to go to the grocery store today since I missed it last week. I usually
make other stops when I go to town, but I need out of the house.

Muzzaman, enjoy your fun weekend.

supercouple, roast beef sounds great. I haven't had any in years.

OC and Poirot, have a good day staying in.

I hope everyone has a good Friday

I just found out it's National Skip the Straw day today. Please remember that if you get
take out
today. I carry a metal straw in my purse now. It's sad how many lids and straws I
see when I'm out and about. I try to pick them and other trash up when I can.
Hi all. This afternoon our broker is coming up and meeting him at the house and my parents sign some papers. They made the final payment yesterday. So I believe we are getting the key today for the house. And then when the weather gets better we can slowly move boxes in.
Oh, rk, that is such great news! When I was moving here a couple years ago, first thing I brought was the seasonal clothing not being used currently, to hang in the closets. Pointless to pack them, so just left on hangars and brought. Then one can get an idea of where one will put other things, etc. What surprised me was this place had not medicine cabinets in the bathroom, just drawers. Shocker. LOL
Good Morning,
We had a good Girl Scout meeting last night, although it was very late by the time I got home. We had to meet at the Girl Scout office, which always causes a great deal more clean up work. However the girls had a great time making Kinetic Sand, so that was fun.

Muzz - enjoy your weekend, sounds busy but fun.
RK - great news about the house, I'm excited for you and your family.
Poirot - that's a lot of extra people in a small town, I can't even imagine
Kat - enjoy your shopping trip.
OC - wow, that's fast progress on your building project, how exciting.
Supercouple - yum, I love a good roast, enjoy the time with your family.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
I have a strange question. What bacon gets crispy? Do I need to get a certain
brand or look for something else? The last package I bought didn't get crispy
in the oven. I was going to buy bacon today, but every package $6. Walmart
should have cheaper bacon when I go shopping tomorrow. Thanks
Sorry, I fry bacon to get it crispy, and the last brand I bought was difficult.....I usually get Oscar Meyer. Bacon is VERY expensive, for sure. You can freeze it, so if on sale, I get a pkg. and into the freezer. LOL (I have never done bacon in oven...so, cannot help there)
Kat - I find it helps to put the bacon on a cooling rack on a jelly roll pan when I bake it, it gets the bacon up out of the grease, so it gets crispier, but I never seem to be able to get it really crispy in the oven either, unless I use turkey bacon.
Noel - enjoy your lunch, miss your longer posts, but I get it.

So I just learned that my step-son and his fiance, with whom he shares 3 kids, are separating. I knew things were strained between them, I could feel the tension at any family gathering, but I didn't see this coming, they've been together for 9 years. I'm so sad for all 5 of them.
Good morning.
Big wet flakes coming down right now, but nothing sticking. Temps in the mid to upper 30s.
I'm glad Falcon and I walked early this morning. It was cold and breezy, but heavy winds started up mid morning and that brought in this messy system.
Manda ~ it is sad when our loved ones are having relationship problems. I hope this split turns out to be what is best for all of them.
Muzz ~ another busy weekend! Enjoy!
OC ~ I wish I could see your guest house project. It sounds like so much fun.
Take care, all. Stay warm and safe.
Ah, Lil0............the lady who built the house she is living in herself....I would agree it is wonderful to be able to pick out tile, paint colors, flooring, fixtures yourself, instead of "making do" with whatever is already installed.
I haven't had time to stop by at all this week! Still snowing daily - we have broken all records. Snowing now! Due to the snow last week in Seattle and down through the Gorge in Oregon we didn't received any of our freight for 4 days. This week has been a night mare trying to find our freight and of course our Customers do not understand the passes were closed due to avalanche control. I have a lot of reading to catch up on.

Have a great day
Thanks for the suggestions. I've cooked bacon before in oven and it's
gotten crispy. I didn't know if bought the wrong brand.

Shan, sorry to hear about all the snow you've gotten. You can blow
some my way.

manda, sorry to hear about your step son.
Good afternoon everyone. A late check in for me due to a day of medical appointments and tests. The worst part was the 12 hour fasting then immediately to other parts of the same building for tests after blood draws. No time for breakfast in between.

I use so little bacon that I now buy the Hormel pre-cooked bacon. 2 slices crisp in 10 seconds in the microwave. I put them on a paper towel on top of a paper plate. The big plus is there is no grease to dispose of.
That's probably the best way because no grease. It's so messy.
I'll look for that tomorrow.
we didn't received any of our freight for 4 days.
Shan ~ I think I know where your freight is! There are a couple of huge container ships sitting out here in Holmes Harbor in protected water. This is a favorite spot for them to wait out the nasty road conditions. Sorry about that!
Just realized I haven't checked in today.... and it's almost tomorrow for some of you.......
today was just freaking horrible..... it started off with me being awakened early this morning with leg pain as in there was no position that relieved the pain.... from my toes to my hip..... I put a pillow under my knee no relief, I turned to side, put a pillow between legs no relief..... stood up and walked almost unable to tossed turned all sorts of different positions.... finally fell back asleep and slept through my alarm.... was in total leg pain all day.... sent more calls to my supervisor and or others than ever before.... at noon I was asked why I said I hurt and I can't handle stupid cranky people without being outright rude.... which brings work .... so 1500 people signed up early to put their darling kids into the on site before and after school day care..... for the 500 who didn't print out the paperwork, or make the effort to get the paperwork to the office about 100 came to the office an 300 called to say What do you mean you dropped my kid????????? I didn't know I had to do that.... hummmm we sent 3 letters to tell them that they had till the 21st of February to do so.... I had a woman at my window this morning who came in with her filled out paperwork, I took it from her and said okay this needs to be fixed, she fixed it an then I said alright, I've put you on the waiting list... she came unglued, I explained she had till Thursday the 21st to get the paperwork turned in, today is the 22nd her spot is lost give up to someone on the waiting list. She came completely UNGLUED.....HAVE you NEVER made a mistake..... she yelled at me..... remember I'm in pain.... I said I'm sorry but this isn't about me, you missed the cut off date and I am following the directions of upper management. Would you line people up and shoot them if your management said too??? I then sort of lost it and said well that's a bit of a leap don't you think?? your kids aren't assured of a place into child care..... I asked her to have a seat and called the director and asked him to come talk this lady down....she refused to leave her paperwork saying she'd find someplace that would care for her children and would be sure to let her friends know.....
I;m getting ready for Matsuri and then heading to bed for a full day tomorrow standing out in the cold all day... joy....