2/22/24 - Donuts and 1-2-3-4 the Flames Declare a Penguin War


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
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Calgary, Alberta
Good morning and that's right @redsquirrel ......I'm talking to you. March 2, 2024 Calgary Flames vs. Pittsburgh Penguins..........should you choose to accept.

Morning all. A beautiful week here. Today we are to be a high of 8*C (46.4*F). Been a busy week and have been on the road.

Our friend who has been staying with us secured a place close to his son for March 1. It's been nice having him here.

Heading out again for work so have a great day everyone.

Edited to add.......would one of you awesome admins add today's date to thread title please?
In line for food distribution. After a $348 vet bill I need more help than usual. Fresh fruit and vegetables and chicken today. They do drive through distributing. My trunk is already open. They start at 9.
Good morning all.....I've moved my plants outside to enjoy the day.....
Vinnie at night.jpg
I saw this cartoon/editorial comment yesterday and it is so fitting for my life.... we were up twice last night checking out the property..... the 12 foot long 4 foot wide property..... don't know what wakes him but we go out.... did he do this in AZ? Good question, we had a doggie door so I don't know....

Waiting for building management to come change out the furnace filter.... they only change them twice a year!! We did it monthly in AZ.... why the difference?? No idea Anyway it's a "Between 8:30 and 4:30" appointment..... once they've come and gone I have things to do....so of course it will be on the later side of the 8:30 to 4:30 side of the day.....

Happy Thursday to all...
It's a cloudy day here and in the 60s.

I'll be leaving soon to see the play "Company". I want to leave earlier than last time to get a better parking spot.
I missed the area last time by 5 minutes. I don't like the new parking garage they put in.

rf, I hope you were able to get some good food at the food distribution.

Muzzaman, I'm glad your friend found a place to live.

robin, I hope the building management comes earlier than later.

I hope everyone has a pleasant rest of the day.
Filter guy has been here.... package arrived too....
So now we are off to reship the package, my son ordered a book and didn't check the address so it shipped to me not him.... so now I get to ship it to him.... good times....
the filter was FILTHY.... totally blocked.... wonder if that's why the furnace runs all the time when on???

Yesterday I was FINALLY able to get a call answered and was able to obtain the title to the van!!! of course if it were my car, I'd be leaving to not only ship the package off but to head to the tag building and get new tags for my car.... but ya not today.... maybe next week..... okay....
Lil0 -- I use a glucometer but not everyday as I should. I've had several different brands because of insurance changes and then, suddenly, my current insurance refuse to pay for the one they were paying for. My "diabetes doc" would recommend one, but then insurance would veto. Finally had my pharmacist find out which one it would pay for. Short version, there was a glitch in my account somewhere and it does pay for the original. If you're going to have to buy one without insurance, maybe your pharmacist can recommend one or two for you. The meter may not be that expensive but the test strips can be pricey, depending on the brand.

lol, did any of that make sense???
Sorry, Lil0, I don't know anything about them. I hope this morning was just a fluke and you don't have an ongoing problem. I think you probably don't eat much sugar.

Not much to tell about my day. It's been mostly sunny today, a little cooler than yesterday with more wind. I went out and walked once, may go again before it starts to get dark. Or not. Have to cook something for my supper.

Robin, I've never had a furnace so maybe it's normal to change filters only twice a year. With HVAC units that wouldn't be enough.

Kat, did you enjoy the play?

Sexton, glad the food came at just the right time for you. How is your dog doing?

Muzz, it's good to see you. I hope you can take some time to enjoy your nice weather.
Hey Muzz, you know I have to cheer for Pittsburgh, since Flames and Oilers are rivals lol
I got lucky on the way home. The schools are going longer to make up snow days. I got in front of a bus.
I noticed behind me it's the one that goes down the highway to my house. There weren't any cars
behind me for miles since the bus kept stopping.

robin, I'm glad the maintenance man came early and not late. Do you think the filter was dirty because of Vinnie?

OC, the show was odd. I'll have to look it up on Google to see what was going on.

Here is synopsis is if anyone wants to look it over. When it was over, the woman next to me asked if it as dream.
The version I saw had Bobby as a woman instead of a man.

I've worked Company.... it's an okay show.... I had fun the cast was fun.... the crew where I work was fun.....

OC about the furnace, in Sacramento and Arizona we changed the furnace filter every month. I think I may find out what size the filter is and put my own in every month anyway. Filters aren't all that expensive. It's standing on a ladder that is the touchy part....
rf, I'm glad Boomer is feeling better.

robin, the cast was fun to watch. They did a good job.
Rf, hope Boomer gets feeling better every day. Medications sometimes take time to kick in, as we all know