2/23/24 - Donuts and Go Texan Day

43 and light rain. Weekend will be dry, but Saturday will be "breezy," while Sunday will be "windy." I don't mind at all, as long as no umbrellas are involved.

rfsexton: That event sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy if you go.

Glad it is the end of my work week, it was brutal!

Everyone have a great Friday!

Wacky weather continues......want to laugh......forecast was for SNOW before 8 a.m., then a few flurries, then a warm up, MAYBE rain, but up into the 40s, and then plunge down into teens. Egads. So, at 7 a.m. it was 26, between then & 10 a.m. it dropped to 23, and since then is climbing back up, currently at 25.....and not gonna get much higher.
This is that ski race weekend, (it is tomorrow) and NO SNOW here. The sun is out, so hope that foot of man made snow holds up. It is 10K, and skiers have to do 3 laps, making 30K. (the race between the two towns, usually is 55 K, ending on Main St. here)........but they will not be having anything here this year, for sure. Weak sun out. blue skies, etc.
We are in for a cold snap next few days......and then mid-week the temps will move up into low 50s. Go figure.
Usually this weekend would be a huge event.....crowds everywhere. Ha.
Good morning.... I just want to check with the group.... it's still February correct? And next week it will still be February, well until Friday that is, am I still correct? Asking because I'm new to the area and most of this looks like I didn't leave Phoenix
But that Tuesday to Wednesday slide could be rough......HB wants to put the trees out in the yard and get some more stuff planted around but I keep remembering the wise words of Poirot Winter doesn't end till after Memorial Day..... it may be earlier here.... but maybe middle to late March I'll think about it.....

rf are you going to the rodeo? Wichita will have Bull Riders early next month, I'm hoping to be able to volunteer for that weekend.... If not I may just purchase a ticket.....

Enjoy the upcoming weekend.....
It's sunny and in the 60s this afternoon. It's going to be nice Sunday through Tuesday. The south
is going to have bad weather early next week.

I plan to go outside in a few minutes even though there's a slight wind. I need to move the pile
of leaves I made a couple of weeks ago.

robin, did you bring the hot weather with you from Arizona? Send it back.

rf, I hope you'll get to go to the rodeo.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your weekend.

Poirot, I hope the ski weekend goes well with fake snow.

I hope everyone has good rest of the day and fun weekend.
I can't afford to go to the rodeo
Just had $348 vet bill
Sexton, it isn't something everybody would enjoy but just walking around and looking at the livestock being shown at the stock show can be fun for some. I haven't done that in many, many years but I think it didn't cost to do that a long time ago, unless maybe a fee to get onto the grounds. I never went to the one in Houston but I grew up going to the stock show and rodeo in Fort Worth. My grandfather competed in the cutting horse events. My niece and I have entertained the idea of going one more time but when it comes down to it, neither of us wants to make the effort. It's over 100 miles from here.

Kat your faithful walking has inspired me to try walking outside again. I'm staying close to my yard--going round and round--and counting my steps. I would like to have one of those counters worn like a wrist watch. My camper son's family has them because they are into hiking (he and his wife hiked to the top of Pikes Peak and back some years ago). I haven't gotten one because I'm so bad with electronics I don't think I could learn to use it.

Robin, that forecast looks about like mine. After you've been there in Kansas for a while you'll probably notice the local indications of the sure arrival of spring. Here I watch for the big mesquite trees to start putting leaves, and also the first Scissor Tail Flycatcher bird to make an appearance. These two things pretty well assure me there will be no more frost.

Poirot, there must be a lot of disappointed ski enthusiasts, and maybe merchants, in your area. Possibly more, if that manufactured snow doesn't hold up. I hope it works well enough to satisfy many.

Wilde Woman, I hope that dry weekend forecast proves true for you. I always think wind is the determining factor in claiming nice weather but if I got as much rain as you do, I'm sure my tune would change.

It's pretty nice here today--near 70* and mostly sunny with a light breeze. We fed cubes this morning but got started a bit late so it was almost too warm by the time we got there. Green grass is coming on. We'll probably taper off to once a week now and skip the hay. A troubling discovery this morning when one of my bulls came up limping. No visible sign of surface injury so no way to know what's wrong. Experience and observation tell me this is not an insignificant problem. There's nothing more useless than a lame bull and replacing one is a big expense. I bought him less than a year ago. I'll keep an eye on him for a little while before trying to do anything.
Thanks, Kat! I didn't know there was such a thing. I went right to Amazon and ordered one. I'm excited. Knowing how far I walk helps to motivate me. When I'm trying to count my steps I can't think about anything else and sometimes I get off track anyway.

I just now saw a big black bull outside my yard. Don't know who belongs to him. Not I. It goes on and on and on.....
OC, sometimes it's hard to remember to put my pants. I keep it by my watch at night. And when I change pants during the
day I forget to take it off. I try to reset it at end of day. Good luck.
Born & raised in big city Chicago, so.....definitely did not come in contact with cows, bulls, chickens, etc, But eventually moved to Wisconsin...........
Now, my mom was born & raised in Wisconsin, moved to Chicago to attend nursing school, met & married dad, and had me. I had and still have a lot of relatives in Wisconsin (mostly Milwaukee area) and tho Milwaukee is a big city, quite different from Chicago. But I got to go to Wisconsin State Fair every summer and.......yep, found myself a lot in the farm area........cows, bulls, pigs, sheep.....I really liked that, would watch, move on, go back, etc. Usually stayed with one aunt, but my other aunts, uncles & cousins always had us come and stay with them for a while (summers). I loved it, looked forward. And they all loved coming to Chicago, big city, exciting different, very different from Milwaukee. Hard to believe that so much later in my life, I moved to this wonderful, beautiful state. Yep, way up north, very rural, so for me.......very different. I love it, doubt I could stand big city life again. Yep, small town America, only a few miles to the farms and ranches, cows & bulls, and I see them. Better than street cars & buses. LOL Sorry, I get off tangent at times.
OC, do bulls get nasty if they find one like yours (limping) and want to be the Alfa male?
You have to pay to get in even for the carnival, exhibits, and everything and to park.
Sexton that makes sense. Another reason for my niece and me to not go. We had considered going just for the exhibits sometime, and skip the rodeo. (We've both seen plenty of those).

Mrs. Clean, bulls do have to establish superiority from time to time but I'm not aware of it happening in connection with an injury.

Kat, I've always been methodical but I do tend to misplace a lot of things these days so I'll need to decide on a particular place to put it each day. Good idea to reset it at the end of the day.

Poirot, I love hearing about your background! It was kind of the opposite of mine. It was so exciting for us to visit relatives in Dallas. Later, as an adult, I lived there for awhile and liked it but I'm with you on the thought of living in the city now. It's nice to visit my kids there but just a little while and I'm ready to get back to seeing more cows than people.