2-26-18 - Donuts and Sunshine

Good Morning,

It's a sunny morning here too and rather warm for February in Wisconsin at 30*.

After an exhausting weekend full of errands and chores, I'm relieved to be back at work.

OC - I hope you feel better soon, so you can enjoy the visit with your son, even if it is just a short visit.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Good morning.

A very light dusting of snow here, which should be gone as soon as the sun has had a little time to warm things up.

February almost over and I haven't planted my peas yet!! I don't think I've ever been this late. But this intermittent snow and hard frosts have kept me inside for the most part. Waiting for inspiration????

Wishing you all a wonderful day.
Good morning, sun shining here as well, they are saying we are to get "near 40", which I will wait and see as yesterday they said 35, and it never got over 26. (Muzza, those are all below zero C...lol) But if so, maybe some of the snow will melt. Egads it is drifted over the bottom of my windows, chest high in some places, and the where it was shoveled or plowed, the wind was filling it all back up again, and it was not snowing. LOL

However, melting snow makes a mess on the streets and parking lots.......

OC, hope you are not coming down with anything, and it just clears itself up this morning. Lil0, am thinking perhaps you won't get to plant for another couple weeks yet. Wonder when this weather is going to settle down back to near normal. Unusual in your area for sure.

Tis funny, Mandy, how some times it truly is a pleasure to have Monday appear and work on the schedule. :)

Have a good one......Am doing laundry, and the never ending bookwork.
Poirot - We didn't get one snow flake all weekend, and you just got mountains of it. We just had crazy gusty wind.

Lil0 - I can't imagine trying to plant anything this early. I'd have to get a blow torch out just to melt the ground to be able to dig a hole in the dirt. I would love to be able to start planting now. I love fresh peas in the spring.
Happy Monday,

It is sunny, breezy, and warming up to 72F today. I will enjoy all the mild weather here until it turns hot. And you never know when that will happen as last March we hit 110F. Nice to read you all are having some sun shining your way too, even if it is on top of snow!

I realized last night I have bills to pay early this week because the month ends mid week. Ebill pay is a nice convenience except in February when everything has to be individually set online for early pay. You would think there exists an algorithm for the only short month in a year. Oh, well.

My brother is coming for a visit this Friday, and Saturday, so I have much work to do every night after work. You besides, dinner, dishes, home work, ironing, now we add laundry & house cleaning. And with kiddos and pets that means vacuuming at least twice in 4 days. Still, he is worth it all and it should be a fun visit.

OC: glad to read it is sunny, and that your son is coming for a quick visit. Sure hope you are feeling great when he arrives and can enjoy every moment with him!

Manda: love that avatar with you & Gena! Glad your work pace has slowed down even if it is at the office. We women excel at multi-tasking wherever it is. Make it a great day.

Lil0: glad your snow dusting will melt away, but it definitely sounds too cold to plant peas. Still they will grow when the temperature is right. Enjoy your moderate day.

Poirot: hope you can watch tv and/or listen to music as you tackle another stack of book work. Your day sounds beautiful outside, but hope you don't have to travel out doors today.

Back to work for me. Have a great Monday everyone.
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Noel - you have to love when the end of the month sneaks up on you. Have fun getting ready for you brother to visit. I'm sure he wouldn't mind a little mess, as I'm sure he's coming to see you and the family not your house.upload_2018-2-26_12-56-29.png

My previous avatar was me as a little girl with my Grandma & Grandpa, but I do like this picture of Gena and me. I seem to always come back to this picture.
Another beautiful day here. I was outside over an hour raking leaves.
The earliest I can get back outside is Friday. Rain late Tues and
most of Wed. I hope it won't be heavy rain like on Saturday.

When I went outside, I put Goldie in the backyard. I thought it would be
good for her to be outside in the nice weather. I let her know I was
outside so she came out of her doghouse and ran around the yard.

OC, I hope your enjoyed your son's visit and that you're feeling better now.

Noel, enjoy your visit with your brother. You should have kiddos help with cleaning.

I hope everyone has a good evening.
Happy Monday everybody,

It was supposed to rain this morning but we had more snow flurries instead! Mike and Tina came up and we went out for breakfast and then grocery shopping. I am so ready for spring to come!!!

Hope you all have a great day today, especially those of you with family stopping by.

Big hugs to you all.
Good day.

It was a very busy day. I tried to get here earlier to share Squirrely and her Olympic event.

Everything is okay here. I received my jury duty notice today so in early April I will head downtown and do my civic duty.

Mr. Gus has pretty much returned to his normal self. Now I need to figure out how or when I can start adding back his normal foods.

I hope Tuesday is a better day.
Robin - sure hope Tuesday is a better day for you. Oh the joy of traveling downtown for jury duty. Hope you get the no-show call for your group. Glad Mr Gus is rebounding nicely.
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