2/28/18 - Donuts and On the Road Again


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful sunny morning with temps going up to 60* F today. Then the hammer drops tomorrow for the first day of March. Yep, Poirot's snow is on the way here again after a few raindrops late this afternoon and tomorrow. Friday will be cold and white.

I'm on the road in a few minutes to the little senior center in the old bank building. A nice 1 1/2 hour drive up the interstate then another 1/2 hour on back country roads. Nothing like spending 4 hours on the road to do a 1 hour program. Will stop in our casework office in my northern county on the way back.

Prayers continue for everyone.
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Safe travels, my friend....and good morning. Doesn't seem like much snow has melted, except maybe in parking lots, lol. Roofs, probably, and under the pine trees. 2 days of 40s, so unusual. Have to run a few errands this a.m. so got to get going.

Hope it has stopped raining for those overwhelmed, and as for snow, they are telling us a cold front is coming tonight with some snow.......The whacky weather continues.
Morning all.

The weather guessers said we'd have rain around 4:30 yesterday. It was a bright beautiful day. Then 5pm arrived. During my commute home, the skies darkened, and yep we got rain. Not rain rain, but that annoying misty type of rain, where the road spray is worse. That was until about 10, then it rained for a bit. Now it's headed off. But saved me from having to water the trees yesterday.

Mr. Gus is improving. Hunny Bunny is too. He's working with his doctors to get new knees this summer.

I'm working from home today. A normal office day, but Hunny Bunny is going to a ballgame and someone has to be home with the dog. Yes, he could have come to work with me, but with his "oops, I gotta go outside NOW!" issues it works better from home with a doggie door, than me being in an office having to leash walk out hallways, down stairs or elevator, then outside.

Squirrel - drive safe.

Poirot - you be safe too.

Happy Wednesday to all.
Good Morning Everyone,

RS - safe travels my dear friend. Better today than tomorrow.

Poirot - the weather is totally wacky, I agree 100%

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful weather. Lower 50's and sunshine. Today, we are back down to the 30's with snow and ice forecast for tonight and tomorrow.

If the weather is bad later, I just may skip choir practice tonight. It's already hard this time of year with practice starting at 7 or so and ending around 8. Throw bad weather into the mix and I'm more likely to just stay home. Staying home would give me a chance to see my cousin on the "The Blacklist". If you watch, my cousin will be playing Nikki Yoder.

Have a great day everyone!
Another rainy morning. Today at church they are having luncheon for the
seniors. The pastors will be there and talk about the trip some church
members took in Dec to Israel. I'll be having lunch with some of my
Sunday school ladies.

rs, safe travels today.

robin, I'm glad Hunny Bunny and Mr Gus are doing better.

manda, be careful on the roads today. I was supposed to go out last
night. I stayed home because of the rain. I drive well, but I don't
trust other drivers.

Poirot, I hope you got out and did your errands.

I hope everyone will have the best day and evening possible.
It is overcast here, slight chance of rain. We are to reach 77*. Yes, strange weather everywhere!

Just remembering, we moved back here to my home place (after three years in NE Pennsylvania) the end of February 40 years ago. The years sure slip away.

I've been awake since 3:00 a.m., after going to bed at 11:15. Feeling so tired and crummy but I guess I will get myself dressed and drag myself to the nursing home. Husband has not been in very good spirits the past few days. I don't know if he's just tired or doesn't feel well or what. He just sits there, not engaging.

Squirrel, I never could find my way around on the country roads in PA, with all the "mountains" and tall trees. Every road looked the same to me. Pretty but not good for my sense of direction.

Wishing all of you a good day. Glad Hunny Bunny has a plan.
Good morning,

RS - Drive safe.

Katmouse - Have a nice lunch with the ladies. Where are you dining at day?

Poirot - It's the winter that won't end.

Manda - That is so cool. Is your cousin a guest star?

OC - I hope today is a good day for you and your husband. Think about you often and hope you have a big circle of support which I'm sure you do after being where you are at for 40 years.

Robinsnest - Enjoy the day working from home.

The weather here has been hovering around 0*C (32*F) plus or minus a few and the sun has been shining, which is always nice.

These are my last few days in the building I've been in for the last 9 years as we are moving to a new building downtown. There are plus and minus to moving to this new building and majority are positive. Where I work now is a block from my husband, we having lunches together, and we are not in a building with many other government employees, which is nice. I say this because the building we are moving is a government building and more active in union issues, more activists, and I am not about any of that stuff. I just want to come in, do my job, and not be a part of all that.

On the plus side to moving is I will have two windows by my office that overlook the river and downtown, the food court near me is brand new in Canada’s second tallest building and has so many different choices, new people, and our offices are so much brighter, so I’m actually looking forward to this.

Mary Poppins has been very well received and almost every show has been sold out. There was a review/feedback that was shared with the cast and crew and was very complimentary. I’ve only ever had one review for Footloose when I played Reverend Shaw Moore and it was meh, however this one made me go, “Holy Schmidt”!! It was pretty cool to read that my character came across in the way I wanted it to and that she said she actually had tears in her eyes at the end when I realized what was important. WOW!! And the things she said about the entire cast, crew, stage were just really great to read and affirms the months of hard work everyone puts into putting shows on hoping they are enjoyed.

We have two more shows this weekend, a party after the final show, then return to the theatre on Sunday to take down the sets, stage, lights, etc. It will be nice to have my nights and weekends free and my husband is looking forward to not planning anything! Ha, did he forget who he married??!!?? On March 24th we are entered into the Canmore Amazing Race put on by one of the guys in the play who has his own event planning company. So I’ve rented a room at one of the Mountain Lodges and we will be participating in mental and physical challenges, in costume!!

Our team name is E-Lemon-ators. I have been told that one of the challenges will be to eat two crickets. BLECH!! I’ve had chocolate covered crickets, well I gave them to my nieces and nephews then told afterwards what they were. Ha, ha, ha, ha, only uncles can get away with stuff like that. So it’ll be interesting to see how we work together. I’m a team sport person and my husband is more of a solo sport person, like badminton and well, not so sports oriented.

I’m more competitive and he couldn’t be bothered, so he knows he has an out should he decide that he just does not want to do this but needs to let me know so I can find another partner. He’ll let me know by March 10 if he is not going to follow through with it but I hope he does. I think this’ll be a lot of fun.

Hope everyone has a nice day and rest of the week.
Manda - That is so cool. Is your cousin a guest star?
Yes, I believe it's a guest starring role. She's also had guest roles on NCIS, The Good Wife and a few other shows. Here's a link to to her IMDb page if you want to see what else she's been in.


Congrats on the great review of the show!!
Well, today I am the caboose to our train of daily posts. I am joyful because the sky has clouds! Real, fluffy, fairly large Indiana style clouds! No chance of rain - of course - just 'spits' last night as Robin described. It is a bit cooler with a slight breeze so my lunch is now being eaten on the employee patio. Lovely!

Squirrel: your drive sounds beautiful, yet long, in good weather. Sure hope it stays clear until you are home tonight.

Poirot: you have the longest and wettest winters of almost any one I know now. Working at home must make these days some what brighter, but glad you are a safe driver in slush, ice and wet streets.

Robin: so you are now a part-time vet assistant too which means Mr Gus is getting best of care. It is a positive move that your other half is deciding to have knee replacement surgery this summer. I am enjoying the beautiful day outdoors as I eat lunch, but still wishing for rain. You know that wet stuff we hear about all the time.

Manda: once in a while we just can't keep obligations due to weather, family or illness. I cannot imagine it hurting you to miss choir practice once in a while. You have a busy schedule and some rest would be a nice treat I imagine. Enjoy.

Kat: enjoy your luncheon with your lady friends. I hope the weather is better for you and the ground is soaking up all that excess weather. Last night I watched some skating, again, but miss it already.

OC: it must be a bit wearisome when your husband is withdrawn and not communicating with you while you are at the nursing home. Still, he knows, at some level, you are there, and in good marriages, sometimes that is just enough. Hoping you feel stronger and much better very soon.

Muzza: hope your uncle decides to give it a go and you both have a great time.

Lunch is almost over. Wishing each of you a great Hump Day.
RS - Your drive sounds beautiful. Enjoy it while some of us are in an office all day with 4 walls.

Poirot - Your weather is just not giving up. The winter that never ends.

Robin - I'm glad Mr Gus and Hunny Bunny are doing better. Enjoy your day at home working.

Manda - It seems the longer winter carries on we just don't want to go back out once we get home from work.

Kat - enjoy your luncheon with your friends. I bet the pastor's Israel trip will be interesting.

OC - boy you didn't get much rest/sleep. Hopefully a nap later? Maybe today your husband will be better.

Muzz - How exciting to get such a nice review! It makes all those nights of studying all worth it. It's has to be a really awesome feeling. Enjoy your party this weekend. Kind of sad it all comes down the next day.

Noel - how nice to sit outside and eat your lunch. Hopefully peaceful.

Same weather here. Tonight we are to get 2-6 inches of snow. Oh boy! Another school shooting today. This one in Georgia. I haven't heard the specifics on it but I sure have changed my mind on home schooling. How does anyone put their child on a bus or drop them off at school and say "have a nice day, see you tonight"? SO SAD!

Have a great day.
Poirot - sending vibes that your snow is just a few little flurries.

robinsnest - that's wonderful that both of your guys are improving. I'm glad that Hunny Bunny didn't have to miss the baseball game.

Amanda - sometimes you just have to take some "me" time. A good time to do it is when the weather doesn't want to cooperate. I don't watch that show, but will tune in tonight to look for your cousin. I know you're very proud of her for making it in such a tough business.

kat - I hope you had a nice lunch with your lady friends. I wish I could go to senior programs to be in the audience, but I'm always the one giving the talk or doing the screenings.

OC - I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well today. I hope you don't pick up any bad germs while visiting your husband.

Muzza - CONGRATULATIONS !!! That's a fantastic review. I'm so jealous about your local "Amazing Race". I love the tv show for seeing the other countries and their customs, but some of the food grosses me out. I have to close my eyes when they make people go in high places.

Noel - I'm so glad that you had an "outside lunch" kind of day. It is such a good way to recharge your batteries for the rest of the work day.

Shanrick - Please stay safe if you have to drive in that new snow. It seems to draw out the crazy drivers.

Another school shooting?!?!?! Prayers are going up for everyone.
Good Afternoon everyone. It sounds like you are all really busy these days. The snow finally started melting yesterday and has continued through the evening and morning still melting and my Chihuahuas are sooooo happy now that they can move around without freezing their little bodies in all that snow!! I think it will all be gone by tomorrow, at least I hope so!!!

OC, I'd sure like to go out and help feed and water the cows with you. How many babies have you ended up with so far this year? I know that you lost a few cows this year and that's sad!

I really miss our horses and chickens, but on the other hand, I just couldn't handle going to the barn and caring for them.

Robin, I am so glad to hear that Mr. Gus is a poodle. He sure is a tiny one. My two girls would sure like to play with him! My two will be 8-9 yrs in the next couple of months. They are a lot of company for me and I love them dearly!

When we moved up here from CA, we brought 9 collie dogs, 1 doberman and a little terrier. Also had 2 Amazon parrots and a fish aquarium. It feels so quiet here now!!!

Noel, you are such a happy lady!! Love your attitude!

Hugs to you all. Joan
I didn't get to chit chat much. I got to church early and started helping the others
get tables ready. I found out later that each table had a hostess. Our hostess was
greeting people so I became the one at our table. So, I cleared the food, brought
food and drinks in between eating . I enjoyed the slide show of the trip.
Kat, I know you were a good hostess! Glad you enjoyed the slide show.

Newt, it would be so fun to feed cows with you! It must really seem quiet to you, after all those animals you had at one time. We used to have a lot of pets around too and I'll admit it is a little too quiet for me at times. Once in a while it crosses my mind to get a pet but after being as tied down as I've been for a long time (and still am, to a large degree), I'm not ready for anything else to have to take care of for now. I guess that's why I enjoy the cows as much as I do. They require some attention but not constant attention. Since my calves don't all come at the same time, I can't really say how many I've had this year. It seems every time I go out among them, there is another new one. Mostly through the winter and early spring months.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day. Today has been an okay day. I went to work which was busy, came home and had dinner. After dinner I did a few things around the house that needed to get done and right now I am kicking up my feet and relaxing. Only two more days and it's the weekend again. YAY!

The weather today was absolutely beautiful and I am sad to see it go. Right now it is partly cloudy and 45*F, a really nice evening here. Although we are expected to get snow again tomorrow night into Friday morning. ICK and here I thought Winter was over. Now that was too good to be true.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Wednesday evening. Sending each one of you so much happiness.