2-29-2016 - Donuts & Leap Day


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Good morning friends.

Another 89F cloudless day predicted here.

My day is filled with a doctor's follow-up appointment and medical tests. Afterwards a nap is planned. I feel so much better but remain with weak
with dizziness.

Wishing each of you a great Leap Day!
Good morning everyone. We have a cold rain / snow mix coming down, but it should disappear by this afternoon.

I have an early meeting at an elementary school to discuss obtaining exams and glasses for 30 at risk kids. Luckily, a church has volunteered to donate the money to cover getting the glasses at cost.

Noel, I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. I hope you continue to gain your strength back.

Check out the Google Doodle for today. Too cute!!!!!

Good morning all, snowed over night, and WAS snowing about 1/2 hr. ago, but right now seems the sun is breaking out, no longer snowing. 19.
Glad you are seeing the doc for followup, Noel. I MAY have to go in myself because of the large red skin area where I got the shot. Tommorow will be a week, so that seems a bit too long, but what do I know. Still decluttering the desk area, and though the waste basket indicates I have made headway, doesn't look much different. LOL.
Good morning. I've been working on my mother's computer again this morning. She had Windows Vista when she got the computer, with a free upgrade to Windows 7, but I had to start over. Get this: Windows Update wanted to update Windows Update (if it sound confusing, it was), but it would never go through, just spinning its wheels. Go figure, lol! I couldn't update Internet Explorer, either, so I downloaded Chrome and finally got somewhere (long story, but Windows 7 seems to be loading ok now). Windows couldn't even fix its own issues, lol! I am still contemplating upgrading to Windows 10, but I probably will.

It's looking like a nice, warm day here.

Take care, folks.
Interesting, kt. I have XP, and there are NO updates for Vista or XP coming forth for a while now. They discontinued supporting both. And from what I understand, you cannot go from either to Windows 10?? Don't know nothing about any of it. Your mom is lucky you are tackling this for her. If you get 7 in there successfully, I would leave it for a bit...
Good morning. Will get to 79* here! BOLO (be on the lookout) is my motto from here on.

Kt, you are a gem!

Noel, I'm so glad you are on the mend.

Squirrel, God bless you and the church for providing glasses for the kids. Two of my grandchildren wear glasses. Their quality of life would suffer if they didn't have them. Cute Leap Year bunnies!

Poirot, something for sure didn't go right about that shot you got. My sister once got the shot for preventing bone loss and her whole arm swelled way up. Needless to say, when the doctor recommended I take that shot, I passed. Also, I don't mean to scare you but my mother once got a shot and somehow ended up with staph infection at the site. It took a long time to heal. I'm just agreeing with your idea to get it checked out.

The husband has to go and see the doctor for a "face-to-face" later this morning. It is a requirement for Home Health to continue coming. Sigh, I understand the reasoning but it sure is a hassle to get him to something like that. Especially since I woke up early this morning with a migraine and nausea. Not severe enough to shut me down yet, but enough to make me feel miserable. At least the weather is nice.
It's going to be another pretty day here. Close to 70. I'm not sure if I'll get outside
or not. I still have to fill in spot in flowerbed with dirt. Nice weather the next
few days with rain here and there. I still can't believe my area hasn't had winter
weather. Kids and teachers are upset no snow days used.

Today housecleaning day and I brush my dog on same day. Today, my mom's cat,
over and she got brushed too.

OC, good luck getting your husband to the doctor. I wish one your family members
could help you.

Noel, I'm glad you're feeling better.

rs, thanks for sharing the bunnies. I'm glad a church is helping with glasses.

kt, I'm glad you got your mom's laptop going again. Maybe you should try
Windows 8 and forgo 10 for awhile.

I hope everyone has a great "Leap Day"
Good morning everyone!

Sunny and in the 60s here today.

Glad you are on the road to recovery Noel.

kt, good luck with all the updating on your mom's computer.

Love the Google Doodle, rs!

I agree with the others, Poirot. You should definitely get your arm checked out. It shouldn't be swollen and red a week later.

Hope your husbands doctor's appointment goes smoothly OC.

Enjoy your weather kat.

Cleaning, laundry, and doing my taxes are on the agenda today.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Yikes! The elementary school has a big problem with the flu this morning. Our meeting was in the principal's conference room so we wouldn't be around the sick kids in the nurses office. We were interrupted several times when teachers knocked on the door to say they left more kids for the nurse.

When I got back to the office, I started making calls to see if kids who still needed vision screening were in class at other schools. Nope.....more flu. In fact one class only had 3 kids in attendance today. I told the teachers to let me know when the kids are back in school. Head Start Admin won't like it, but too bad. I'm not walking into a situation where I know I'll catch the flu.

Microsoft has quit supporting Vista and XP, and the programs have been removed from their websites. Windows 7 will be the next to go.

Poirot, you should definitely have your arm checked.

kt - Bless you for all of the hours you're putting in to get your mom's computer going.

OC - I hope your migraine lessens. Good luck getting your husband to the appointment.

kat - Sending wishes for a nice day. Your mom's cat sounds a lot more friendly than when you first got her.

Red. I think this is one of the cutest Google Doodles in a while. Good luck doing your taxes. I hope you get a nice refund.
Happy Leap Day. I saw an article about a man turning 15 and his son is 5. They were both born on leap day and are a bit older. It was a fun read.

I sat through the ENTIRE Oscar show last night. It was a chore. I was surprised Stallone didn't get the supporting award. And I really didn't care if Leo finally got an award or not. I did manage to see that picture Saturday. Bloody, loud background sounds, with dialog mumbled. Or maybe it was just my ears being so used to having closed captioning on at home I miss it at the theatre.

Going to try working at my desk today instead of in my recliner. Still weak and amazing things take it out of me, but if I want time to spend with my July Grandbaby, I can't take anymore time off.

OC, good luck getting the husband to the doctor.

kt, good luck with the computer rebuild.

Noel, I have high clouds today, and warm weather, but clouds.

Have a fun Leap Day.
KT, your mom is lucky to have her own personal Geek Squad! :) If I ask my son to work on a computer, he "tsk, tsks,) and wants to delete a bunch of stuff. :rolleyes: Fortunately (?,) I backed it up on an external hard drive. My desktop is still running XP; it probably wouldn't run very well with the newer OS's. I use Kaspersky anti-virus; I think they claim to provide some XP assistance.

Robin, the loud movie soundtracks (among other things) are an effective theater-visiting deterrent for me. I have to wear earplugs; don't know how anyone can stand it! :angry:

Squirrel, I will not be a happy camper if MS abandon's Windows 7! :(
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Goldie and I had our walk twice around. Then I moved dirt actually mud to the spot
in my flower bed. I wanted to get it done before the rain tomorrow. Today is volunteer
afternoon so I wouldn't have time later.

Yes, my mom's cat is more friendly. She never lived with a dog before. When I play with
Goldie some evenings, she wants to be petted too.

I like the Google Doodle too. They don't do them everyday like they used to.

rs, I hope you didn't get flu germs today.

robin, I miss closed captioning at the theater too.
Good Morning!

Yikes, busy morning at work and I'm leaving early for a doctor's appointment today.

We had a very long stressful weekend. My mother-in-law spiked a fever and took a major turn for the worse Friday night/Saturday morning. Her breathing has become very labored, the hospice nurse confessed that she wasn't sure how her heart hadn't stopped as her breathing was so poor. I fear the end is very, very near, as she looks like a shell of the vibrant woman she was just a couple months ago.

Robin & Noel, glad to hear of your continued improvement.

Barb - I would definitely get your injection site checked out.

OC - I hope you have a smooth and easy visit to the doctor with your husband today.

kt - bless you for fixing your mom's laptop.

RS - how wonderful of that church to help the school. Please be careful that you don't get the flu.

And to everyone that I missed and everyone I didn't I hope you all have a fantastic day.
Also watched the Oscarcast last night, though admittedly...well, I was watching red carpet, bored after 5 or 10 minutes, so switched over to end of Going My Way, but then Blue Skies came on, and I was only going to watch for a while, but.....did so to the end. Then turned on the Oscars. And there was Chris Rock, doing a skit about the big controversy over some actors not being nominated, and then.....he gets his daughters out there, among the rich & famous, selling Girl Scout cookies. Saw a lot of Thin Mints getting passed around. LOL. Thought it was cheeky on his part, but,...heck, they sold $65,000 worth of cookies, so, Girl Scout did benefit.
Anyway, not impressed at all, was hard to understand some of the foreign recipients, and was really disappointed that the Gene Hersholt Humanitarian awards were not done then, but instead a few days before, so we got a couple clips.
Was glad to see the "In Memoriam". Well, I have not seen any of the films, only heard of one....so...perhaps that added to the unenjoyment of the part of the telecast I saw. :(
P.S. I did contact my dr. who suggested a couple things, and if this did not fade away in a couple days, to come in so he could take a look. I have to go in anyway on Thursday for a blood check, so....that will work.
Manda, I'm so sorry about your mother-in-law. There's just no easy way to go through that.

Squirrel, I do so hope you didn't catch the flu bug! I can't use the scented hand sanitizers so I carry a bottle of alcohol and use it after going into the doctor's office or drug store--and other places.

Kat, your mom's cat is now your cat. I think the cat and Goldie have a good home!

A. Guy, I quit movie theaters a long time ago because of how loud they have the sound. After I got out of one of the last ones I went to, I had heart palpitations and felt physically sick.

Robin, that's funny about the man and his son being born on leap day. Take it as easy as you can until you are stronger.

IamRed, would you please come and do my taxes?

The trip to the doctor went okay. Uneventful, which is good. We ate in the car at Dairy Queen afterwards. Getting the husband up and down our new ramp is a real challenge. I need to weigh about 50 pounds more than I do. That's what my husband used to tell me when I'd try to push calves down the alley into the chute. For some things, it just helps to have some extra "umph."
Took a breather from work today. Walked around the plants. It always help clear my head. Couldn't figure out why the report isn't pulling the data that I think it should. But I did take a picture of my Valentine plants. The tan sticks are chopsticks, which as you can see, were useful a while ago. These plants are growing!!!!! And they have reached out and started wrapping their vines around the now bigger posts I've put in.
