2/3/19 - Donuts and Fog!!! & Super Bowl!!!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Totally amazing that a few days ago we were 33 below zero in the a.m., and this morning, it is 33 ABOVE zero. But very foggy....it was supposed to rain, freezing rain, don't know if it did, doesn't look like it, but hard to tell, unless one goes out. Radio is all various church services until a couple hrs. from now. So far, think going out to church will be o.k.
Hope YOUR weather is lovely, and the day is definitely a nice relaxing one. Those of you who plan to watch the Super Bowl....ENJOY!
We have fog here too this morning, Poirot, but it's twenty degrees warmer here. Still, I know 33* must seem pretty warm to you at this point. Hope you don't get that freezing rain and can make it to church okay.

I think I'm going to stay inside and rest today, even though it's supposed to get to 77* with sunshine later. I've got something going on, too early to tell whether it is allergy/sinus or a cold. Could be either. I was outside a good bit the past couple of days, which could bring on allergy/sinus. But I went to town on Friday and it seemed there were sick people everywhere I went, especially the drug store, where one man had a coughing fit as he passed by me. I only went to the drug store, bank, and post office, and I drenched my hands in alcohol each time when I came out of a place. The schools in two of the neighboring towns closed down Thursday and Friday due to sickness. When I was in to see the doctor on a followup visit only a little over a week ago, he said it hadn't been too bad there. Maybe it is just now getting started, a little late this time.
Good morning.
Rain here this morning, but yesterday it was sunny by the afternoon. So, maybe we'll get that again???
OC ~ I hope you didn't pick up a bad bug when you were in town Friday. [I had lunch with a friend Friday, and last night learned that she came down with the flu Friday night! Yipes!] So darn hard to avoid those nasty bugs.
Poirot ~ how nice that you are experiencing a "heat wave". What a relief that must be. I hope it holds.

I'm feeling well. Doing a lot of research about nutrition, heart health, etc. and learning A LOT!
Will try to get back to my sewing projects and get caught up with a few other things that have been put on the back burner.

I'll be joining family members and friends for the Super Bowl this afternoon.

Wishing you all a good day.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Poirot, happy to know it has warmed up a bit in your area and it is safe to drive the roads. Enjoy church and your day.

OC: the flu is in a major breakout in the southwestern states, so good thing you cleansed your hands multiple times Friday. Rest & fluids sound like a good plan for today too.

Lilo: enjoy your projects today and hope you get sunshine again this afternoon.

My diabetic lab tests from Friday were posted yesterday. My A1c and blood glucose were great. However, after Christmas [I allow myself a roll, a cookie and a piece of pumpkin pie that day each year] my cholesterol and triglycerides were high again. I eat very little red meat or fat items, so I think it is time to up my exercise. To me that is a double-downer! So starting Monday I am going back on green veggies, fish, chicken or turkey only, and minimal fruit portion once a week. After 3 months of that diet I should have good lab results.

After church we are going to Super Bowl party with friends. Yesterday I made scratch yeast rolls, chocolate candy fudge, nachos [to be heated], and green onion dip. We combine all the food items and it is a fun day. Enjoy if you are celebrating with family & friends too.
Hi gals, I only got about less than 4 hours of sleep. I may quit taking Melatonin and see if that makes a difference. I have been taking for about 5 months. Maybe that I have been taking it so long that maybe it's not doing me any good. I need a nap this morning.
Morning all.... it is wet outside... so at some point it must have rained.... not sure what will happen with the final day of the Golf Tournament....


This the above is a sweet story from earlier in the week..... since the first one is from twitter and I don't know if non twitter users can see it I've posted it from the paper.

Hunny Bunny went out yesterday and helped one of our senior members with a handyman.... she is reverse mortgaging her house and needs some repairs.... she didn't want to trust her grandson to be home when the man showed up her grandson is a flake in the first degree.... so it appears she will be able to get the repairs made.... maybe... I'm sure I haven't seen the end of his visits yet.....

rk.... when I had issues sleeping due to my broken ankle I found that Melatonin stopped being helpful after a while..... I liked it because I didn't have a "hangover" like some of the other sleep aids..... I have used it recently and it worked well... but then I've been off it for two years..... I have you tried Chamomile tea? I am not a hot drink person but I know some folks swear by it and as a room temp drink it also didn't give me the hangover effect just the get out of bed in the middle of the night to empty bladder.... sort of defeats the purpose...

Amazing to hear about the 50 degree weather changes some of you are dealing with...... amazing planet we are living on.....

Be safe.... enjoy the game... or not.... enjoy the puppy bowl if you have that channel.... the pups sure are cute....
Whoa! It is snowing! I did not see this coming. When Falcon and I went on our morning walk, I saw a very black cloud off to the west, and it was definitely colder than I expected it to be. I guess this is what it was bringing our way. I was beginning to think we would get through this winter without seeing so much as one white flake. Nope.
Nope, don't treasure any white flakes.LOL. Fog has lifted, but skies are grey. Sloppy mess everywhere, as the snow/ice melted in places and truly a yuk to drive or walk in.
No idea if it is going to maybe rain, or maybe snow, or do both. Tis 32.....whatever the front, it is hanging over just like the polar one did. Won't move. Ha.
Well, I am not a super bowl watcher, tho hubby is. But went to store after church for paper, and a couple things, and have to say, people evidently emptied the shelves of the the snack stuff, dips, chips, pretzels, etc. etc. Sausages, cheese, lots of snacking stuff. Amazing. Sports never seem to end. Last night the local stations carried basketball, hockey, and some kind of NFL honors. I got to watch Groundhog Day. Ha.
It's cloudy and in the 60s today. I washed rags after I got home from church
and Sunday school. There's a slight wind so I'm hoping they will dry outside.

I'm watching "My Friend Flicka" tonight. I've never seen the movie.

Noel, I wish I lived closer to have some of your snacks.

Poirot, I'm glad you got to church ok.

OC, I hope you feel better.

robin, thanks for the video and link to article. I enjoyed it.

rk, wishing you a good night's sleep.

Lil0, enjoy your surprise snow.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Well, how interesting...just read an article in Sunday's paper about weighted blankets......which are supposed to be wonderful for those who have problems sleeping. Now, I have a cousin living in Ft. Worth, TX, who mentioned to be a couple months ago that she bought a weighted blanket which has helped her trememdously. I had never heard of them. Neither had the author of the article, until she got the assignment. Evidently they can weigh from 5 to 25 lbs. It is recommended not to get one heavier than 10% of your body weight. They are rather expensive, no one brand is better than another, make sure it is washable, the pick looked like a rolled up sleeping bag. I have not looked anywhere, but evidently they are available in tons of place, and are the biggest "rage" sales zooming, people swearing by them.........since the Instant pot (whatever that is, lol). Anyway, they are not for everyone, some get too hot, some claustrophobic....Why not just pile a couple folded blankets, or bedrolls, across the bed, (thus you could easily throw it off if a problem). Evidently some places even allow "try before you buy", or return within certain time frame.
Anyway, does anyone here have one? Just curious. (See, even if it helped during winter, would be a problem, it seems, during warmer months. But, my cousin loves hers.
I have seen weighted blankets advertised but had no idea they were supposed to help one sleep or why anybody would want one. I'm pretty sure it would have the opposite effect on me, as I can't stand anything heavy or confining on me. This makes me think of when I was a kid. We had propane heat in our house but most people I knew did not have anything but one wood burning stove in the living room. It got very cold at night so they would pile on the blankets until it was nearly impossible to turn over. Some would even put the kids in bed and "tuck them in," meaning they tucked the sides of the covers under the mattress so you really couldn't easily move. Not fun!