2/3/2024 - Donuts and Happy Birthday Ms. Camille


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
My granddaughter is 4 years old!!! Can you believe it??? When grandma asked what she wanted for her birthday she said a BIG CAKE, Blue ice cream and a Gingerbread House..... um... okay those are easy to ship...... :rotfl: I'm not even sure what flavor blue ice cream is.......Her mother took the phone and had some more practical suggestions.....
We had thunder for a bit last night.... the Beast was unhappy sleeping in the bathroom, his choice, so he kept me awake every time it boom'd so much fun yet he slept through the earthquake.....
We have a 100% chance of rain today currently just dark threatening skies.... so soon we will be wet again.....

I hope everyone has a Big Cake and Blue Ice Cream kinda day!!!!
Sounds good to me! Although I had an aunt that once said "one shouldn't eat blue food". Hoping she was just joking.

I have a "brilliant" great nephew. He's almost 10. Coming home from an out of town doctor's appt we were talking about those Stanley cup tumbler thingies. Didn't really think he was paying attention but from the back seat we heard. "You get one, use it a few times and then it goes into the back of the cabinet, never used again".

Enjoy your day, we're experiencing some unusual weather. There is a bright yellow ball in the sky. I think I remember seeing it before, not sure though.
It's a rainy day here. It's in the 50s, but feels cooler.

I must have worn myself out yesterday. I didn't wake up until after 5AM. I slept through
the earthquake that happened at 11:30 last night. The center was Oklahoma City, but
people felt it in my state and Kansas.

Nameless, your nephew is correct about things. Use it awhile then you don't.

robin, I hope Vinnie didn't keep you up all night.

I hoe everyone has a pleasant afternoon.
The rain has finally moved from my area.
Satellite never went down during the storm. Out right now....just hit reset button...this happens too often..... grrrr

Yesterday I walked a lap around the RV park circle drive.....about to do it again. Supposed to be getting physical activity.

UPDATE: I did my lap and then walked up to the mailbox.
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Good afternoon. Sorry some of you are getting the stormy weather that passed through here last night. Hope it's not severe. I was very happy it was gone from here before I went to bed. I was a bit late getting to bed because the tv weather men were so excited (concerned) about that storm with the rotation, I reckoned it to be worth taking heed, especially since a tornado had been spotted on the ground in the county just west of mine and the storm was headed in my direction. So by the time I gathered up a few things like cell phone, laptop, checkbook, a couple of meds, heavy pillows, etc., and sat in there for a while, my supper was late, I still had to finish putting sheets on my bed, and do several other things. But I was so relieved not to have any anything serious here, I did go to bed and slept at least as well as I ever do. I didn't even know it had rained until this morning. I got another 0.8" and the mineral tub next to my tank is noticeably closer to the water's edge. I need to walk down there someday and move it before it eventually gets into the water and sinks.

Robin, I can't help but wonder if your granddaughter has heard of or eaten Blue Bell ice cream. I don't know how far beyond Texas borders it is available but throughout this state it is almost iconic. One of those things that die-hard Texans are so fanatical about, they accuse you of not being a Texan if you eat any other brand. It is good and I'll eat it above most other brands but at my age I have no need or desire to impress anyone so I don't mind admitting that I prefer Haagen-Dazs. I can't believe that sweet baby you showed us not so long ago is already FOUR years old!

Kat, you're making me laugh. Sleeping until 5:00 a.m. is NOT sleeping in! It's no wonder you get so much accomplished, although if I got up that early I'd be sitting around moaning about being tired and sleepy and would get even less done than I already do. I think I fell asleep about the time that earthquake hit. I don't know if you're farther or nearer to OKC than I am but I did feel one that occurred somewhere in Oklahoma some years ago.

Sexton, it seems strange that your satellite didn't go out during the storm but did later. Sometimes mine goes off for no apparent reason and I have to shut down to reset, as you mentioned. Keep up your walking if you can. I used to walk for miles daily through my pastures on the cow trails but after two encounters with wild hogs it scared me off. I don't feel I've gotten enough exercise since then.

Nameless, your great nephew has a good point. I bought several of those types of cups some years ago, in hopes of getting off the plastic bottles, but I couldn't get used to them so to the back of my cabinet they went! However, recently my daughter convinced me to use them so I made up my mind to do it and I haven't bought any plastic bottles in months now. All of my kids and their families carry the metal tumblers around with them, which is good for me too. It used to be when they came to visit I'd have to buy a bunch of bottled water for them to drink while here. Even worse was having my trash filled up with plastic bottles! I think your aunt may have been right about eating blue food. Right off I can't think of any blue foods except for those that have mold on them. Maybe I'm just not thinking hard enough.