2/5/19 - Donuts & the Groundhog was right


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2014
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Southeast Virginia
Good morning everyone!

It’s a chilly 32 right now but we have a high of 73 for today. Guess the Groundhog was right about an early spring.

I’ve been working nights the past couple of weeks to reset cos walls in 4 stores and we finished yesterday. So today it’s getting myself straight so I can go back to my “normal” hours.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning....hmmm. Don't know how "right" that groundhog was for this neck of the woods......we had a warmup for a couple of days, Icy rain yesterday, snow in afternoon, currently 3*...(yesterday was 23*) and we are expecting snow every day for next few days and below zero temps. I do hope this is a fluke, and everyone gets better weather coming. Even Lil0 got a surprise snow storm, and do hope that is over for her on the Pacific Coast. I do think Muzza has continued to bask in warmer winter temps than he expected up there in Calgary, so.....just hoping everyone will be enjoying better weather.
Last night, the Good Doctor episode was just so fantastic, so moving and emotional....Wonderful!
I hope This Is Us is back tonight......Don't know why the TV has been doing all this "junk". Talking of major networks. Between all the sports and the realty shows......oh, well, guess some folks enjoy it.
Have a good day, folks. Am so glad WARM is coming for some of us.
(What are cos walls??)
Good morning all ~
Snow stopped falling around noon yesterday, but the winds continued. At times it looked like a blizzard even though the sky was blue. The snow was so light and powdery the wind easily picked it up and threw it all over the place. Schools are still closed today due to unsafe road conditions. It is still dark here, so I'm not sure what my own yard and street look like. Probably ice.
Gotta get some sewing done today!!

Stay warm and safe.
Oh, my.......gotta tell you all, Lil0 reminded me.....last night, as our weatherman was talking of the coming snow for next few days, he called it "Hollywood Snow" and was laughing. Light and fluffy. LOL, like the fake stuff in the movies. I always love when the actors are supposedly outside, no hats, caps, hoods, snow falling, and they don't have the "cold breath" when they talk. LOL, It just made me laugh to hear him christen that kind of snow with that name. LOLOL
Morning everyone. I have some catching up to do and luckily I'll have some time today to do that. I left work yesterday with a bad cough. I could feel something coming on so thought d go to a CrossFit class at lunch to sweat it out but when I got back to work I was coughing up a storm. I'm feeling better now but took the day off to rest.

The weekend was good as the cold didn't arrive until Sunday. I am less than two weeks away from opening night of The Odd Couple so I had rehearsal on Friday and Sunday. Saturday night we had a friend over for dinner and visited. This week and next week will be busiest. I have vball tonight then rehearsals Wednesday to Friday then Sunday to Wednesday, have the 14th free and then open on the 15th. Saturday is free so will be nice to just relax and make no plans. HA!! Right!! One of us will make sure that doesn't happen but I hope we stick to our guns and not do anything.

Poirot, our warm winter came to an end the other day but thankfully will be warming up. Yesterday was -29*C (-20.2*F) but it is warmer today.......-26*C (-16.6*F). We still have not had snow except for a few centimeters the other day but that's nothing. It's just been cold.

Manda, sorry to hear of your uncle falling ill. Your in my thought. Glad the tire got fixed and regarding brussel sprouts. I love them as an adult but hated them as a kid. My uncle called them Barful Sprouts and the trick to eating them, cause this was back when kids weren't given choices about what to eat and had to have a little bit of everything, was to cut them in half and swallow them with a mouthful of milk. That way you didn't have to taste them lol

Lil0 a very pretty picture you posted yesterday.

RS, you are a good friend and hope he has a quick recovery.

OC, sorry you missed the rodeo and are not feeling. Whether it be for nostalgia or not, I hope you gals plan to reschedule. What fun and I'm sure you both would be swapping fun memories.

RK, hope you were able to get a good night's sleep.

Katmouse, you are so diligent with that ditch. It really is a shame that more of your neighbours don't take the initiative to lend a hand. Like Poirot said, your neighbours are lucky to have you.

Shanrick, sounds like Seattle is like Vancouver in that if they get an inch or two of snow, the whole city shuts down. Vancouver isn't equipped to deal with that much snow either. They don't even close schools down here when we're as cold as we are right now. Nothing shuts down as I'm sure it's the same in Spokane.

Hope things turn around for many of you. Have a good day.
The sun is finally out. It's suppose to be in the 60s again today. (almost forgot
to wash my other sheet). I changed my mind about working in ditch today.
Rain coming tomorrow so it should move all the bad water. I saw bugs
last night.

Today, handyman here to caulk the windows. Then he's replacing two

Poirot, the State of the Union is on tonight. So no TV watching unless
you have
Netflix or something else to watch.

Muzzaman, you and your hubby need to come here. Ditch cleaning
is so fun to do :)
Enjoy your free Sat.

red, I hope you'll get some rest after resetting all the stores.

Lil0, will you and Falcon go out walking today?

rk, enjoy your day with the Golden Girls.

I hope everyone has a good day and evening.

I wrote before about the Butter Sanctuary that suppose to be taken down.
The bulldozers are there now. I hope some of you will pray or contact
your Congressperson to save it. I'm so upset this is happening. Thanks

Good Morning Everyone,
Colder here today than the last few days, all the puddles are frozen and it's snowing again. Tonight I have my rescheduled parent teacher conference from last week. I haven't heard of any updates on my uncle from my aunt, so I'll probably call her tonight after the conference to see how he's doing and if they were able to remove the breathing tube yesterday.

Muzz - I think you have the busiest schedule I've ever heard, try to take it easy just a bit so you don't end up sicker.
Poirot - stay warm and safe
Lil0 - blowing snow is the worst.
Red - glad you are back to your normal schedule overnights are the worst.
RK - enjoy Golden Girls, that show is hysterical.
Kat - hope the handyman does a good job, and your windows are weather tight when he's done.

Have a wonderful day!
The school in the town of our county seat has now closed down due to flu/virus. Two others closed last week. The town out here are scattered around, about 30 miles apart. Most have populations of 1,000 to 3,000. I'm located like a hub in the center of these that have been closing. I don't know how long it takes for these viruses to clear out but I'm hoping to stay at home for a while.

Another day that will reach near 80* today but clouds are moving in and it looks like they are bringing rain chances with them for a while. It will be hit and miss. At this point I wouldn't mind missing for now, at least until all the mudholes are dry enough for me to drive through them. However, the county roads are already getting dusty, so I'll take what comes and trust it is for the best.

Kat, that is sad about the butterfly sanctuary but since it is a hot political topic, I will just say, if the sanctuary can't be saved as it is, I hope the people in that area will unite to create an alternative habitat for as much of the wildlife as possible. Many of the plant types could be replanted and should grow and spread quickly, such as milkweed (butterfly's main staple), which grows wild in much of the state. I hope for a good outcome, in spite of how it seems. I will also say if they had you down there to put in charge of flowers, I have no doubt there would be a new sanctuary, possibly even better than ever!
Good Afternoon, Everyone.

Red: So glad to have you posting again and enjoying the Spring weather there. Good luck on resetting your body clock again.

Poirot: only possible to see one regular tv show tonight due to the State of the Union address, opposition remarks, and then networks discussing every detail tonight.

Lilo: good news the snow is clearing and you'll have time indoors to sew to your hearts content.

Muzza: smart move to stay home to speed up the healing from this cold or virus. Enjoy the winter weather from the indoors and hope you are well by tonight.

RK: so nice you are sleeping 6 hrs a night without aids. In time it may increase too. Love a good comedy to help me laugh -- its a great Rx for happiness.

Kat: glad your handyman is making the necessary repairs and rain should wash away the bugs and remaining debris in your area. If the flowers are replanted in a different area, the butterflies will follow so hoping for the best!

Manda: Gena should get rave reviews at your parent-teacher conference tonight as we all know she's enthusiastic about learning. Hoping for an update on your uncle and will check back later tonight. He and your family are in my prayers.

OC: our hospitals have more babies and children with this flu virus than adults. And it has lasted quite a while so you are smart to stay in your area for as long as possible.

We have an 80% prediction for rain this afternoon. Outside the window it is glaringly sunny, with white clouds [rare and delightful on my side of town] and a nice temperature. Time will tell..............lunch is over so back to work I go. Hope you all have a good evening!
Good afternoon everyone. I've had a fun day filled with state reports and fixing the mistakes of others. :rolleyes:

It is supposed to start raining here shortly while temps fall. It looks like another sleepless night checking the basement hourly as melting snow and rain come in.

I agree, Poirot. It is either feast or famine for watching tv some nights. At one point, there were 4 shows on at the same time that I wanted to see. I can catch up with 2 of them by watching the network through Roku so I kept flipping back and forth between the other 2.

For those of you who live in the northern states and Canada with reduced sunlight hours, does your doctor have you take vitamin D3? (Your skin makes D3 when it is exposed to sunshine.) When I tested showing a deficiency, my doctor started me off on an RX dose of 50,000 iu (international units) then tapered it down to OTC (over the counter) 1,000 iu daily. My coworker has to take 2,000 iu daily to stay in the normal range.
Gonna be Hallmark rerun movie for me. Viva Zapata is on Turner Classics, not interested.
Listening to State of Union is o.k., but then the rebuttals, the talking heads repeating all of it is just overkill, and boring beyond. And of course all the news will be yakking about it tomorrow. Not sure if I can find something else.........
We received an inch of snow overnight - just enough to make it slow going this morning as it was an ice rink. It's 24 and spitting snow all morning so not adding up to much. Were suppose to be like this for the next week to week and a half. We didn't get our freight trucks from Tukwila today so that puts our Montana Customers out a day or two. Which means the phone calls are just lovely - LOL!

IamRed so glad to hear from you - sorry you have been working nights though! Yahoo for the Groundhog!
Poirot - You poor thing I don't think your getting a break from the weather until May!
Lilo - Hopefully no more snow for you! Good Luck with your sewing!
Muzz - so sorry you got the cold. Hopefully taking it easy today will help! My 8 year old grand daughter told me she was going out for Volleyball on Friday. On Saturday I asked her how it was and she loved it. I asked her since she is only 2nd grade was it her PE teacher and she says - no Nana it was Jack Silvey who taught us and he is a professional! I thought of you and told her how she could play Volleyball the rest of her life - she says well I want to play in the sand!
Manda - well hopefully the weather holds up and you can go to Gena's conference! Good Luck
OC - 80 sounds so nice! Hopefully you get a little rain though!
Noel - I will keep you in my thoughts of getting a sprinkle or two!

Have a good day
Shan - we will definitely have conferences tonight, while it's colder and overcast, there's no snow or freezing rain today.

My sister talked to my aunt today, they tried to remove my uncle's breathing tube again and again his vitals crashed. They think the best solution would be to do a tracheotomy, but my aunt doesn't think he would want that, and my . My aunt being the unbelievably strong woman that she is, wants them to continue the course that he's on and if he's not willing to fight any more, then that's what he wants. My sister is catching the train from Chicago to Milwaukee and my mom is on the way to Milwaukee to bring her the rest of the way home. I talked to my boss and have permission to work part of the day from home and take the rest as vacation so we can go up together, just in case. :cry: