2/9/2017 - Donuts and a snoring dog

OC: the professor did not tell us eating critters was part of the final until that hour. No way I was throwing away a semester of hard study and good grades! When my brother traveled to Asia, I shared with him what bugs to expect to eat. And he did because it is part of their culture and offensive to the peasants who share their sparse meals with visitors.

Kat: if I had snow to share with you I would gladly send it your way now. Thanks for posting all those great tweets today.

Robin: seriously? Those pictures are gross. Boys will often eat anything, once!

JS: hope your day was a good one.
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in biology we ate all kinds of exotic foods in order to pass our final. I closed my eyes & shivered as some huge roaches walked down my throat. I was afraid they would walk back up during the written exam!

Is that even ethical?? If my entomology professor had made me eat that to pass, I would have shoved it up her you know what. LOL Cooked and chocolate covered I might could handle, but live?
When I went to visit one of my sisters and her family, we brought out chocolate covered crickets and larvae to give to my 2 nephews and niece as a joke. My youngest nephew is the pickiest little eater so we told him we needed him to test this chocolate out to see if it was good enough to give to our friends. He ate a few, told us he liked it then told him what it was. He took it all in stride and thought it was funny. The other two tried the chocolate covered crickets and said they weren't too bad, but my youngest nephew wasn't going to be that brave on his own knowing what it was. LOL!
When Hunny Bunny and I went to Australia, we took several tours. One had us walking through a forest. The guide picked up an ant and said the Aborigines would squeeze the ants and lick the ascorbic acid. He asked if there were any volunteers. So, of course, I had to. It was like an orange SweeTart.
Ya can't get one past a woman, lol. I was dating a guy and we went to an oyster bar to eat. The guy shucking the oysters was giving my date all the nice fat ones and me the little ones. I complained, so he went and got a special oyster for me. It was huge and I mean huge, lol. I had to choke it down with four crackers, but I ate it, lol.