3/1/18 - Donuts & lamb or lion?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning.

March seems to be coming in like a lamb in my area. What about yours?

My new "media wall" furniture is arriving today. It will make a huge difference in my living room and I am excited to see it all in place. I will have some "construction" to do after it is all installed. Always a project on my list!!!

Wishing you a good day.
It's another gloomy morning here with wind. Hopefully, sun will be out
later this afternoon. It's supposed to be nice Friday. I already know what
I'm doing.

I hope everyone has the best day possible.
Good Morning Friends,

Lil0 - so far we have a lamb-like start to March, but snow is in the forecast for today so that may change before the day is over.

Kat - enjoy the sunshine.

I ended up going to choir practice yesterday. The weather remained clear all night. The director has cancelled practice for next week, so it's probably a good thing I went last night.

Tonight Gena and I have Girl Scouts. We'll be working on earning our senses badge. I have some fun stuff planned for ways for them to be temporarily visually or hearing impaired, so they can realize just how important our senses are.

Have a wonderful day!!
Good morning, same here like Mandy....Sun is out, calm so far, already 30 ..they have taken snow out of the forecast, until Sunday nite...snow & rain mixed.....sounds not good, but if temps above freezing for a few days, perhaps we will see a bit of melting. Right now, piled up snow does some melting, running into the streets, so water, that freezes during the night, so we do have icy roads in places.

But I did something to my leg, no idea what. Behind the knee. Got up from a chair, took 3 or 4 steps, and suddenly, ouchy. So I was limping around yesterday, and am doing so today. I wrapped it in elastic bandage hoping it would help the walking a bit. Just hurts behind the knee, I have rubbed it, not a cramp. Maybe pulled or twisted something. Such is life.

Gee Mandy, you will have to tell us how the senses things works out.

Lil0, that media thing sounds like a huge project, you are one industrious lady for sure. I still have not hung all the pictures (wayyy too many) paintings, etc. from my previous home, plus I have not even shopped for a sofa. We had to get rid of the old beat up one, and I did plan on doing it right away , but 4 mos later, have not even looked, except online. But our stores here don't feature what they have, just a pic or two perhaps. Sorry, but I just don't care for driving out to surrounding towns to shop in mid-winter, cold, snow, sudden storms, big winds. LOL
Poirot - I don't blame you one bit for not furniture shopping in the snow, yuck. I'll let you know how the meeting goes, it should be interesting.

I'm excited. I just got tickets for Gena and I to see the circus on Saturday (hubby doesn't want to go)!! We got to see the tigers and tiger trainer when we visited Circus World this summer. That man just loves his big kitties (and by kitties, I mean tigers and they love him too) and he loves to teach about tigers, so they are very fun to watch. Gena was worried about the clowns. But we visited the circus groups website last night and she got to see pictures of most of the clowns and now isn't completely terrified to see them. Takes after her mama on her feelings about clowns. :rolleyes:
You know, clowns never bothered me, and I never saw anyone upset by them........but one Halloween weekend we were on a free trip to Lake of the Ozarks, (awarded by manufacturer to contractors), and were to bring costumes, dress up, etc. for the big Halloween party. So I was sort of a hobo clown, and in middle of festivities, wanted to go up to our room (bathroom break), saw this father with his little 3 year old daughter, leaned down to say hello to her......She freaked out, would not get on the elevator if I was on it. LOL. Since then, have known others who have no use for clowns, will go out of their way to avoid them.

Is it the makeup?

There was a super popular TV show in Chicago, called Bozo's Circus, starring Bozo the clown. Kids absolutely adored Bozo, such a waiting list for tickets. That is why it really surprised me to learn those who just stay away from clowns. (or flying monkeys, huh, RS? )
My youngest son was afraid of clowns when he was a kid. I thought it was strange because I'd never heard of anybody being afraid of them but now I know it is not uncommon. We have a friend who used to be a rodeo clown. Gotta love those guys, as they draw the wild bulls away from the rider when he gets off.

My weather is the same as Kat's. Gloomy and windy but the sun should come out later, in the 60s*.

Lil0, Poirot said it--you are one industrious lady! I bet your living room is going to be super nice. Wish I could do something with mine. Since my husband went to the nursing home I've tried rearranging the furniture twice (something I hadn't done in decades) and nothing works. Again, like Poirot, I need some new furniture.

Manda, you sure have some interesting and meaningful ideas for helping the girls get a feel for how things are in the world. My oldest grandson is trying to finish up his Eagle Scout thing this month. I hope he makes it. It's fun that you and Gena are going to the circus. I didn't know there were even any still in existence. I loved the circus as a child and as an adult.

I went slipping and sliding down to the well this morning to see what was happening after we got half an inch of rain yesterday. About the same as before. Trough is very full but not running over and the pump is not going off and on, which is good. So glad I didn't get stuck. Lots of mudholes down in that low area. Now it's time to get ready to go to the nursing home. I'm going to have to stay home some days to get my tax stuff ready. But not today, I guess.
OC - I can't really take the credit. The lessons are laid out for us by Girl Scouts. We just get to pick and choose the ones we want to do. The Sense badge is actually part of earning the outdoor adventure badge, which is what we've been working towards since late July. I'm hoping to wrap it all up with a camping trip in May or June, to start working on something else. Have a safe trip into town. I'm glad you didn't get stuck in the mud.
Hi everybody. We have monsoon rains here again. I ran home to check my basement when I got back from my senior center. It is just damp so far, but I'll have to go straight home after work to check again. Can't wait for the snow to come tomorrow.

CLOWNS!!!! They're even worse than those awful scary flying monkeys! Ronald McDonald, the Burger King, etc., creep me out, too. I won't stop at the fast food places when they have employees in costume.

I wouldn't even go on the local Bozo the Clown tv show when I was little even though I knew he was the father of kids who rode my school bus.

The only clowns that don't send me into a meltdown are rodeo clowns because the ones that I've seen have some of their skin showing along their necks or arms. It took me a long time to figure out that I'm mainly afraid of clowns because I can't see their real skin anywhere.

Lil0 - I bet your media center is going to be fabulous.

kat - I'm glad you had a nice time at your church luncheon and program yesterday.

Poirot - Your poor knee/leg. I hope it gets better quickly.

Amanda - Oh, I love doing lessons on the senses. If I had known, I could've sent you some cards to augment what the scouts give you. They simulate different eye conditions. Once a year, we (the services staff) blindfold the office employees here. Then we make them eat a lunch that we prepare. They always make a huge mess so it is a good thing that we tell them to bring an old shirt to wear over their clothes.

OC - You never cease to amaze me with all that you do.
RS- I bet that lunch is just a hoot to watch. We'll be doing working on senses at our meeting in 2 weeks again, so if you think the cards would arrive in time, I'd love to share them with the girls. I can always mail them back when we are finished.

As for Gena and the clowns, we have general admission seats, so I imagine we'll be up much too high for them to even come close to us. And I assured Gena we'd make sure to avoid them on the way in and out of the show.
Cookies are going out tomorrow, and I haven't sealed the box yet. I'll put some in. Will 12 be enough, or will you need more? No need to send them back. I give them out at health fairs because they have our agency info on them. The opposite side has the name of the eye condition with an explanation next to the area you look through. Have the girls close one eye while looking through the cards with the other.
Hello March:


Of course it is coming in like a lamb in the southwestern USA. A mild pretty day but no clouds in the sky. The wind is coming from Mexico [south] and then sweeping to the east from time to time.

I am in a bit of a funk, because my sister cancelled our Sibling Day tomorrow. This is the 2nd time in a row she has done and she texted me at 2am. Oh, sure, she wants me to disappoint my brother. Her excuse, and it is not a reason, doesn't tell me what she is really upset about. So it is lunch and I get to call my brother with the news. He still has a luncheon scheduled with a friend on Saturday so hopefully I can see him for an hour or so before that.

So taking my grumpy self to the phone calls and then back to a slow work day. And a slow work day here is a very good thing but the time drags until end of shift.

Wishing you all a great start to our new month!
RS - 12 is plenty. We have 10 girls and 1 usually skips the meetings lately. Thank you sooooooo much!! I think the cards will have a big impact for the girls.

Noel- so sorry that your sister cancelled on you. What a disappointment.

Lil0 - the summaries are always a bit later on Thursdays. Jason posts them instead of Barb. :)

It's snowing here now. I guess we're getting the lion after all.

Oh Lil0 - I bet your living room is going to be awesome.

Kat - I hope your wind has settled down. I despise wind.

Manda - enjoy Girl Scouts this evening. My daughter's troop visited the police department and brought them cookies and juice on Wednesday. The girls really enjoyed it, but got a little frightened when they showed them the jail cells.

Poirot - so sorry about your knee. I hate that when you've done nothing but yet it hurts bad.

OC - I'm glad your troughs were good and you made it back without slipping or sliding along the way.

RS - I hope your monsoons didn't do any damage in the basement. Hopefully this evening as it gets colder it will turn to snow.

Noel - so sorry you're in a funk. You know the old saying, we can pick our nose and we can pick our friends, but we can't pick our relatives. I have 2 brothers and a sister. One brother I have not seen since 2004 and the other one, we text on holidays and birthdays and bless each other.

My sister hated me from the day I was born. It was awful growing up with her, just awful. I learned to go my own way. Now since we went through taking care of mom & dad together, she has apologized a million times and cries to me all the time. I try to get us together at least once a month for dinner. We have taken several trips with her and her husband. Anywho, hope you day gets better.

Well, we had a weather alert warnings all evening, even the 11:00pm news was warning us a lot. I woke up at 3:45 and went and looked, nothing. Up at 4:30 and nothing. News came on at 4:30 and said whoops we called that one wrong. Those 3-6 inches of snow never came. We have had rain all morning and that's it.

Have a great day.
Isn't it up? Oh, wow. I have seen it now.........so here is a tidbit. Abby ditches the wig, so Chad doesn't see it, and chatters away with him, stopping him from checking that tunnel entrance. But the interesting thing........MY CC says her name is Dr. Laura!!!!