3-1-2016 - Donuts and Voting

Good morning ladies and gents,

Looks like another interesting day weather-wise here in the NoVa (Northern Virginia) vicinity. Supposed to be 63 degrees today, which will make standing outside the polls this evening tolerable...

That being said -- and I don't want to get political but -- please tolerate me while I stress how important it is that you get out and vote today (if applicable).

Most people sitting around me this morning in my cubicle of doom are muttering phrases about "I hate x candidate" or "I hate y candidate" but their further comments are that they will simply "abstain from voting" (meaning not vote at all)...

I'm not a fan of any Presidential candidate on either side, and truth to tell, I am MUCH less of a fan of a couple of them. For the past 20 years, it seems like all we have had is a choice of the "lesser of two evils" rather than a good, viable candidate, but if you don't vote, you simply give that much more power to decide your fate to those of us who will.

Please. If you're in a state which is involved in a primary today, VOTE.. It's important. Apathy is easy. Taking a stand is important..



{edit: merged threats since OC and I posted similar at the same time}
Good morning......Enjoy your 60s, 70s, 80s folks,.......Tis 10 above here. Brrrrr.
As to voting. Well, I have voted in every single election wherever I lived, whether major or minor, since the day I turned 21. Whether for President, or dog catcher, referendums, or the local sheriff. So I never miss. Up here, in Feb. we had an election for a judge, plus a school referendum. In April, we do a presidential "preference", in August a primary, and in November the national election. Personally, I don't understand the "why" of the April & August.......but, I will be there.

Back to work, have a good day, folks.
Morning all~ well we did not get the huge amounts of snow that they predicted but it is still ugly outside today.

We had a great long weekend in Dayton it was wonderful to see our guy. Now back home to a quiet house again. Well, that is not quite true the dog has Spring fever so she is nuts.

No voting here today; ours is later.

Have a safe day all~
Rain and thunderstorms last night. A cooler day. It's suppose to
sunny and warm rest of week. Rain next week. where or where
did winter go? Except for the cold, we didn't get anything.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day.
Morning all. Actually drove into work today. Took well over a half hour due to 3, yes 3, accidents. It is common to have one accident at this time of year, as I have to drive east and that large warm fireball is directly in eye sight for the majority of the drive. And when I drive home, west, yea, it's there in my eyeballs again. I hate this time of year.

Please vote. Don't care who you vote for, but vote. It's important. And I don't get to, because I got sick and didn't get my preference changed, so as a registered independent, I don't get to cast a vote for anyone in the presidential primary. Arizona's largest group of registered voters are in the independent party. And my tax dollars are being spent on this election that I don't get to participate in. So please vote.

Have a good day.
Good Morning Everyone,

If I could vote today, I would, but alas it's not time for me yet. Although, I voted 2 weeks ago in the judicial primary for my state. I don't even think anything else was on the ballot. :)

Snowing here today. The weather guy was incorrect. Said little to no snow, so far we're at 4 inches.

OC - hope all goes well with physical therapy.

Robin - glad to hear you're feeling well enough to go to work.

TB & Barb - stay warm & safe.

Have a wonderful day everyone
Hi everyone!

I'm being bad and not voting today. I'm already annoyed and am afraid I will take that anger out on the voting machine. Besides Northern Virginia decides the vote anyway because that is where the population is. I'll vote in November to retain my right to complain.

Sunny, 70, and breezy here. And of course I'm at work.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
We have a new system at work that is really chewing up our time! We thought we would never have to do this again but the company has outgrown our current system! Yuck

It's a rainy cloudy dark day and that bitter cold dampness to the air.

Hope all of you are mending from your virus! My daughter's family had the swine flu awhile back and it took so much out of them. Her daughter has always been tiny and she just had gotten her to 30 pounds. Well she is now back down to 26 and not gaining it back as of yet. When you see her with kids her own age she looks really tiny.

Have a great day everyone
Shan, you never know--your granddaughter may take a spurt one of these days and surprise everybody. My youngest grandson, 15 months, has been small for his age so far, but he seems to be making some progress. He's had food tolerance problems. Seems like nearly everybody in my family does, but his were more severe for a while.

IamRed, I can understand how you feel. I was tempted to skip this time but I went on ahead.

Robin, I know what it's like to not get to vote in the primaries. In my county there are some years when the only ticket up for vote is Democrat, while other years it has only been open for Republicans. I was surprised this morning to see they were both up for voting.

Kat, I think winter went over the hill--or else up to Wisconsin. I heard a few days ago that one of the Dakotas had record high temperature. Here, the elm trees along the creeks are almost full with leaves now. My Chinese Pistachio, the only big tree in my yard, is already budding. Ornamental pear trees in the towns, and wild plum bushes in the country, are blooming.

Manda, FOUR INCHES of snow? That would be a major event here.

Tropical Breeze, glad you got to visit your boy! I'm still smiling about the dog having Spring Fever!

Poirot, I can't think of anything suitable to say about 10 degrees!

Wayne, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help but laugh when I read that you had merged our "threats." I got this vision of you and me standing over everyone with whips in hand, telling them to go vote! :rotfl:
I have known people who want X to be the next President, and know they would beat Y, but probably not Z, so they vote in the primary for Y......hoping that thus, Y will be the opposing candidate, and their fav, X will easily win over Y.

It is going to be interesting to see who the final candidates this year will be, and who each will get as the VP..........
Good evening everyone. We're having torrential rains and high winds tonight. My basement pumps are working over time. :angry: Snow is supposed to start sometime early in the morning.

Thank you to everyone who voted in their state primary today. Pennsylvania's primary is in April, and we usually don't have much choice by then with so many candidates dropping out on both sides.

I was in the first crop of 18 year olds who could vote back in 1971, and I have never missed an election. Yep, I want to get an award when I'm 93. My county makes a big deal out of someone voting for 75 years straight without a miss..
I am a terrible person, I have never voted. Never considered it to actually be a thing for me to do until the last two elections. But then if I do not pick a major party, my vote in the primaries does not count so that sucks. I really do not care because I feel the president is only a puppet.

Plus I do not need Big Brother having my info on command with voting being some secret way to collect info to control the masses. Yes I know that sounds dumb and crazy but you never can be too sure.

So anyways... lol.

I just saw Alison Sweeney (Sami) on the World Dog Awards. She presented an award. Wonder what else she has been up to?
