3/2/19 - Donuts & Babalu Babalu


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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LOL, o.k. Google says today is Desi Arnaz's birthday (102) and that song he sang just popped into my head, (google shows him pounding on those bongo drums, lol)
So.....hey good news, the sun is shining.......it stopped snowing....however tomorrow is another story, and I don't even want to think about it.
The weatherman made me laugh last nite, since they got no snow up in Duluth, and we got the most! This
a.m. he put this up..........lol..

Morning all.... so today.... the Bonsai club has an event I couldn't go to because it's my day to donate blood.... at 9:45..... so I'm casually sitting here munching my peanut butter toast... getting protein for breakfast when the alarm/alert pops up..... my appointment is at 9:15!!!! it's a 10 minute warning.... which is weird given I have a 15 minute drive to the blood center.... quickly close up the house and out the door..... ------->
Get there to be told I can't donate because they don't know about the chicken goo injection into the knee.... and yesterday I had a wart "frozen" off... it's a nasty blister this morning..... I completely understand.... If you are going to donate you don't want to donate blood with icky stuff potentially floating around in it.... I get that.... so all that world class nascar type driving to get to the blood bank almost on time went for naught..... oh well...... next month we can do it all over again....
I did use that time to go to Costco and pick up snack foods for my son's math classes..... he finds they study better if they aren't hungry so granola bars/kind bars and trail mix all sit in a drawer and the kids are allowed access if they feel the hunger pangs.....(don't get me started on inner city schools and the troubles with the kids it's shameful we have so much hunger in this nation and NOT just in inner city schools) off soap box....
Mr. Gus and I will be heading to the pet store to purchase some bird seed for the finches outside and then we will return home to do some pruning on trees..... he will guard me from Elephants, Tigers and Bears..... he is very good at that.....
I received my email from my tax man.... thank you very much Arizona for NOT changing your tax status to be in sync with the federal forms... because I love owing you an additional $300 especially since I was unemployed for 4 months of the year and paying taxes on that HUGE amount of money each week.... but perhaps if they had changed I'd owe more..... it will be almost a wash.... after paying the tax man and the state I will have a couple of dollars left over which is how I like it.....breaking even is better for me....
Have a decent Saturday all..... I'll be attending a house warming party this evening.... I'm not allowed a plus 1 so I have to go alone..... oh well... Mr. Gus and Hunny Bunny will do fine without me....
Another cloudy day. I'm tired of it. There is a chance of snow for tomorrow AM,
but this morning I found winter advisory so it probably won't happen now.

Just a regular Sat doing errands. No new movie tonight so I'm planning to watch
the first "Harry Potter" or maybe a movie on Netflix. I have a long list there.

I'm still waiting on tax forms. I called the IRS Wed. If I don't have by this Wed,
I'll have to
order them again.

Poirot, enjoy the sunshine.

robin, enjoy the rest of your Sat.

I hope everyone will have a good weekend.
Good afternoon. Kat, can you not get tax forms from the library or some other place in town? I think my husband used to get them from the library.

Robin, how frustrating, to go through all that and then not be able to give blood! But yeah, I see why too. Taxes, ugh!

Poirot, cute cartoon, and about right. Even people here are complaining about winter making a come back, but really, we haven't had a bad winter at all. Tomorrow and Monday are probably going to be about the worst we've had so far.

I went to town and got a haircut this morning. I went back to someone I used to go to a long time ago. She's more of an artist than most hairdressers, who seem to know how to do about three cuts and if you don't fit those, it's too bad. She did a very good cut, a bob. It's still not exactly what I want but it has helped me figure out what I do want, enough to explain it to her better the next time.

It's cloudy, misty and cold here, around 40* but doesn't feel too bad because there is no wind. Tomorrow will be a different story. I'm staying in today. It feels like a Sunday. I don't know if I'll be motivated to do anything. I've been watching how the Pyramids were built, on the Smithsonian channel, while eating my lunch. Have my heat turned up but I still feel chilled. I may have to get under some cover but if I do, I'm likely to fall asleep.

Still thinking of you and your family, Noel.
Know what you mean, I keep a throw on the sofa, works for me.
Sun vanished, is cloudy. I know they said another front was coming in, temp dropping, snow, of course. High tomorrow is to be 6. LOLOL Means bundling up for church, for sure. Brrrrrr. Heck, it's brrrrr now. Ha.
I honestly have no idea what I am going to make for dinner..........
OC, you no longer get Federal tax forms at the library unless you print them out
yourself. I can't call the local IRS office either to see if they have any. When I'm cold
inside, I wear my long bathrobe over my clothes.

rk, the treats sound delicious.

Poirot, it's suppose to get cold here early Mon morning. Maybe below zero.
Heya everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day! Everything is okay here. I woke up a little early and went out to do some banking and grocery shopping. This afternoon I organized and cleaned. It really has been a productive Saturday. :clap:

The weather has been cool and it has snowed today. I am so sick of winter, I am ready for spring and the warm weather.

Wishing everyone a splendid Saturday evening and a wonderful rest of the weekend. Much happiness to all of you. :hug:
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Sweetie, it feels good to have a productive day. I think you have plenty of company in wishing for winter to be over.

Kat, I don't have a bathrobe but it sounds like a good idea. Sometimes I wrap a winter scarf around my neck when I'm cold inside the house. It helps me if I can keep my neck and shoulders warm. You're going below zero tomorrow night? :eek:

Rk, I bet your cookie bars are much appreciated at church. Sounds yummy!

Poirot, your reports always remind me to suck it up. Our highs for tomorrow and Monday will be 34* and 29*, with overnight lows down in the teens. If you listened to people here, you'd think we are getting below zero. Yesterday Wal-Mart was so packed, it looked like the week before Christmas. I'm guessing lots of folks were stocking up for the dreadful weather to come. Lol. By Tuesday we will begin a gradual warming trend.