3/20/24 - Donuts & it's not lookin good!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Just heard the forecast for the next several days........cold temps and lots of snow! Yep, winter took a short recess and if returning full of vim & vigor. Have to pick up prescriptions at Walgreens, so guess I will add a store visit, cuz I won't be leaving home for several days, lol. I do have a medical appt tomorrow, but, won't cancel until I see what is going on here weather wise in the a.m.
The sun is out now, but at just 14°, not helping much. They said snow every day for over a week. Bah, humbug! Sure hoping they are wrong, and whatever this weather pattern is, it moves further north or east. Been so dry, just wish it was rain........
Take care all. God Bless
Good morning everyone. Just returned from the same school I was at yesterday in my southern county. It started raining on the way back up the interstate. Just as I was getting off in my town, the temperature dropped 6 degrees and the driving rain became a snowy blizzard. It was hard to see more than 2 car lengths ahead. Now back in the office, and staying put for the rest of the work day.

Poirot, I'll take your snow as long as it doesn't turn to rain on the way here.

rf, I hope you don't have to go out in that nasty weather tomorrow.
It's sunny and suppose to be in the 70s this afternoon. Tomorrow nice too. No bad
weather coming here so far.

I took my cat to his yearly visit. The vet saved me money on one medication. Cat has to have
flea/tick prevention. The medicine goes by weight and my cat size out of stock. But vet split
the next size in half and I have a dose here for next time. The medicine has crazy pricing. Small
size is a $1 less than the big size. Big size is a stronger dose.

I'm having lunch today with my two women friends to celebrate my birthday. I'm planning to go
outside for a bit after I get home.

Poirot, I hope you were able to get all your errands done today.

rs, I hope you have a safe drive home.

rf, I hope you won't get bad weather where you.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon.
Wind is kicking up, gale warnings for those living near water, 46 and partly sunny. We will have a rainy weekend, which is not good for my mood. But should not complain when so many are getting snow. Temps will be falling.

Poirot - Hope you get all that you need for your hibernation.

rfsexton - The best to you to weather your pending storms.

redsquirrel - Safe drive home.

Kat - You have a nice vet! Enjoy your birthday lunch!!

Everyone please enjoy a wonderful day.

Oh, my gosh.......went to pick up a couple prescriptions, & then at grocery store, milk, OJ, couple other things. The wind was terrible, made the 17° feel like 17 below zero. And it is gonna get worse. They say snow begin tomorrow late afternoon and every day for next 5 days, then begins again the following weekend. But really, the wind is something fierce. I
So sorry some of you are getting bad weather, now that spring is here.

Kat, good for your vet, to save you some money!

I was awake during the night for a long time, then slept until 9:00 o'clock! This is getting ridiculous. I've never liked the change to Daylight Savings but it's hit me harder this year than usual. My niece said the same thing, only she usually likes DS but this year she's having trouble adjusting.

I'm just now about to take a shower and get dressed.
Afternoon..... I got the summary up and then went to the hand doctor when we determined I'm no worse.... not better but not worse, so I'll take it....Then the storage company call the unit we requested in MAY!! finally came available we have to be out of both of ours by Saturday..... and the Dentist called they can schedule HB for surgery, soon, he's gone to get the information on that and I'm looking for work gloves because we are expecting rain the rest of this week and we have to move to 10x10 storage units in the mean time.....

Hope everyone's Wednesday is a good one....
I had a nice lunch with my friends. I have leftovers for two meals. I was able to work outside
for over an hour.

Poirot, I'm glad you got out before the snow. I hope you can stay home while the weather is
a mess. It sounds like you might have a white Easter.

OC, I hope you'll get your sleep time better.

robin, sounds like you're going to have a busy end of the week. I hope it won't rain too much
while you're changing storage units.
Oh, Robin, what a huge task ahead, and you with a hand problem. Please........try not to make it worse. Wish we all were able to help in some way, hope your friends & relatives close by are able to do so.

You know, OC, it does seem when it rains, it pours, as the saying goes. I think we all have experienced that in our lives at one time or another. I remember just a couple years ago, when my husband passed, & a couple weeks later, my very best friend from childhood. I was so lost, still am in a way, as both were the ones I leaned on, were the stables in my life, the ones I could talk to, get comfort, whine, (lol)
However, it leaves me with no family now (yes, I still have my children), long time relatives are gone, long time friends, long time neighbors. Tis odd, as I have lived here in Wisconsin longer than I lived in Illinois, but lost friends/family in both places. I am grateful to the good Lord, I am still here. My children live far away, tho one is still in this state. But, not like being in the same town/city. My sis is gone, her daughters far away as well. That all means we rarely see each other, of course. Thus communicating drifts. And I do have to stop with all this babble.
Recently I got new glasses. They do not seem to be an improvement, in fact I can read better with old ones, than new ones. I hate complaining, but I am gonna have to go back there, Will take previous ones with, of course. I don't know what can be done. Wish me luck.
Then......I have developed a hearing problem. Paid a fortune (my opinion) for hearing aids. However, the part over the ear will get dislodged by the earpiece from my glasses, thus pulling it all out of the ear. Frustration is visiting me, and just doesn't want to leave. LOL
Poirot, you summed it all up so well, I can't add to it. I can relate on just about every issue you mentioned. I haven't been wearing my glasses in about a year because I can see better without them than with them, which isn't great. Got some cheap readers from Walmart. Eye dr. keeps telling me he can't give me anything better that what he already has. What??? Walmart can do better than the eye doctor?? But I can't get distance vision from the Walmart rack. I will be praying for you.

And good night. Have to get up early and go to town for lab, then later, a doctor followup. Thought the lab was to be non-fasting until I talked to the nurse late today. That messes things up and I may have to make two trips to town because of it. I can't go all morning without eating or will be sick.
Can you perhaps take a sandwich with you? Like peanus butter & jelly? Then after lab, you can eat it, which would tide you over for a while???
Good luck with finding something to take with to eat. I keep peanut butter crackers at
my house, but maybe you can't eat peanut butter. I have breakfast bars too.