3/23/2022 - Donuts and Storms


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. The storms from Texas and Oklahoma have made their way north. We're having heavy rain now with severe storms and high winds to hit by this afternoon. Temperatures are also dropping. I hope not too much more because it was in the mid 40s when I left for work.

Prayers are going up for everyone who is suffering from bad weather, fires, and other natural disasters.
Yesterday, the weatherman said the same for here, that the winds & storms from Texas were traveling north, and bringing us.....yes........that white stuff....& yep, it began snowing in the wee hours (rain had stopped) and it is still snowing, not melting.....definitely gonna try and stay in. Roofs all white now, grass that was showing up, brown as it was, has a white blanket now. I truly want everyone to have nice spring weather, just stay safe.
It's cloudy and dreary today. The rain and possible snow disappeared from the forecast.

I'm continuing my studies today. Hopefully, I can catch up some after my busy last week.
I need to figure out what footwear to wear tomorrow when I go to the library. You're
suppose to wear open shoes. This isn't the time of year to wear open shoes.

rs, I hope you'll be able to get home safely this evening.

Poirot, enjoy your time inside today.

Wishing everyone delightful day.
Good Sunny and pleasantly warm day here in the desert....... a COSTCO day and grocery shopping..... at least that is what appears to be on the schedule for now.... The sounds of workmen tearing up a street are coming into the backyard so travel may have to be creative......

kat ya.... open toed shoes in slush would create a challenge.... good luck......

Wednesday wonders.....
Kat, maybe you have a pair of old shoes that you could perhaps cut the off at the top, the entire toe area???? Wear a very loose sock over the foot???
Hello. Nothing going on here. It was 35* this morning, in the 50s* now. Wind still blowing. Mostly cloudy. I may take a nap. I've been going to bed late and getting up early.

Turkeys passed by my house this morning. First in a long time. Turkey hunting season starts April 1.
Afternoon Everyone,
No snow for me with 39* at the moment, but it's been raining since last night and the creek that runs behind my office has flooded way past it's banks, into the farmers field on the far side, and almost up to the walking path on the near side, normally it's a good 10 to 15 feet away from the path. Our systems needed to be updated for a bit this afternoon, so I get a break from checking my trainees work today to visit all of you.
We have a full night today with confirmation class for Gena and choir practice for me, at least we're in the same place and the same time window for both.
Saturday we're going shopping with my sister to start looking at bridesmaid dresses for Gena, she's excited to be in the wedding, but not excited about the dress. My dad and step-mom offered to buy it, so I'm excited about that.

Stay warm my friends.
Thanks for giving us an idea of what's happening with you and Gena, Manda. Glad both of you have something about the wedding that pleases you. It sounds like fun but I imagine girls don't wear dresses much anymore, so it might feel strange to her.