3/24/2022 - Donuts and Sunshine


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. After the wicked storms last night, we have sunshine before the snow arrives for the weekend. Prayers going up for everyone who was in the path of all of the destruction from Texas all the way up north . Luckily there wasn't too much damage here. Most of mine is in the woods...a few trees came down from the high winds and saturated soil.

I have a partial day in the office since I'll be working at a kindergarten registration tonight. I feel bad because my assistant has had to work at other schools the last 2 nights.
It's cloudy, damp and dreary again today.

I worked at the library today wearing a shoe and a sandal. I did ok going up and down shelving books. I
had more things to put on the shelves today and I had to move things around. The sandal has a strap that
rubbed a lot on my foot (close to the toe). I'm wearing my slipper now.

rs, I'm glad you didn't get a damage by your house from the storm. I hope the evening registration goes
well tonight.

Wishing everyone a pleasant day.
Hi all, got more snow than a couple days ago, any brown grass that was showing is all white now. Had a medical appt. this a.m., nurse asked me about the roads/weather outside. This was about 10 a.m. roads wet, but no wind. She said roads were ICE when she came to work. It is supposed to get to 40 today, but then plunge down again. International Falls got 15" of snow!!! Nasty weather all over, for sure.
Glad you were safe, RS, how come there is school testing at night????
Once had a tree right in front of me suddenly come down..yes, saturated soil, so roots & all were showing. But tis scary.
Had to pick up a prescription, which they usually just automatically put on my credit card. I was taken aback when was told that it was refused.....but remembered I had lost the card, & had just received a replacement. So, they updated me, and I came right back home. When I go for t he mail later this afternoon, I just might run to the store, but not sure yet. Did not even get my 2nd cup coffee this a.m. so.....goin for that now. Take care.
Kat, you posted while I was typing, glad you found a way to not cover the toe (I don't own any sandals any more) but glad you are back in your slipper now. terrible when something is rubbing the skin, like that, and you are unable to do anything at the moment.
kat, I'm glad you found a way to get around without your toe being injured in a shoe.

Poirot, several schools here have day and evening kindergarten registrations so parents don't have to take off work. They're supposed to upload all documents ahead of time, but not all parents have the means or ability to do that. They also must be present to sign documents and have their children participate in developmental, speech, hearing, and vision screenings.

I have to make one more phone call before heading home for another break.
Good Afternoon,
More work system issues, so I get to take a little break with nothing to do, which means I get to pop in and say hi. Not too much new since yesterday. It's still cold and rainy, I broke down today and went back to wearing my winter coat, I did enjoy wearing my new jean jacket for a few days. Gena, being almost a teen, has decided that winter coats are dumb and she's just going to wear a sweatshirt as a jacket, I just sigh and tell her not to complain to me if she gets cold. I still make her bring a hat and gloves in her backpack for recess.

RS - enjoy your afternoon off, I'm so glad that the worst of the storms missed you.
Poirot - I'm glad the ice had melted by the time you needed to go out, stay safe in this ridiculous up and down weather.
Kat - I'm glad you found a way to get out while protecting your toe. I have to make a slow transition to sandals in the summer, to let my feet get used to them again.

Have a terrific afternoon every and stay safe and warm.
Mandy, when my daughters were around Gena's age, (tho they may have been 13 & 14......they did NOT want to wear boots in the snow, tho I insisted. So they left the house wearing them, but took shoes hidden in the pockets or something, and hid their boots behind trash cans,( mind you, the bus stop was less than 1/2 block away) and wore their regular shoes in the snow & ice....cuz it was "cool"........Tube of lipstick in the pocket, to apply in front of mirror at school. Yeah, our smart little angels tell us years later how un-angelic they were at times. LOLOLOL I just laughed, grateful that was the extent of their mischief. LOL
Hello. My niece needed to go to the bank so I rode to town with her and we ate lunch. At small-town cafes in Texas you can get food and entertainment at the same time, if you find it entertaining to listen to old codgers solving the problems of the world. The waitress told me to hurry up and get my food from the buffet because a bunch of cowboys were coming in soon. Not as soon as she thought. We were finished and gone and they still hadn't arrived. Always fun to see cowboys. :)

It's sunny and breezy here. Cool enough to need a sweat shirt or light jacket.

Everyone be safe with the weather swings.
Amazingly, sun came out, melting snow, temp went up to 45. Alas, heard Fri, weather which is horrible. Even when it was 50 here last week for 2 days, NO one wore just sweatshirts, or lite jackets. Weather so up and down, cannot trust it. LOL Hey, some of that brown grass is visible again. (won't be for long, but nice to see again..........
So, I went out for mail earlier, just a couple junk mail things. A few minutes ago, someone came to door, had a bunch of MY mail in his box, and was bringing it to me!
LOL, I take it back. Ran out to store for 15 min. (in and out, 1 item). And there is a guy going into the store in a sweatshirt and bermuda shorts! (you know, just above the knee) .
I had a toe nail removed in July 2017. It was summer and sandals ok. The next time I go out in my sandal I'm
going to wear a sock so the sandal won't rub my foot.

manda, I hope you and Gena have a nice evening.

OC, I'm glad you got out of the house and had a nice lunch with your niece.
Somehow I managed to not post this morning.... weird... I thought I had but guess not......

Manda, when I worked for a month in Palmer, Alaska teaching folks how to use their new student software system, I was amazed at the outfits the students wore. Now the schools were heated and quite comfortable.... while outside it was near 0 or below.... The amount of bare skin what shocking even for a beach town school..... and almost 50% of the girls were in flip flops.... which don't help much when walking in the parking lot to your car!!!

Hunny Bunny's doctor changed the appointment from Monday to today.... the Fracture is healed they can't find it.....!!!! he is to complete PT and doesn't need to be seen again for this issue unless something comes up...... whooo hooo!!!! we went to El Pollo Loco's for lunch.... (well the drive through anyway) and brought home our "linner"

On to the rest of the day.....
Oh, my gosh, I have not heard El Polo Loco in YEARS..... Went to one or two when out in CA, very popular chain.......but definitely do not see it in midwest.........
I never heard of El Polo Loco here in Texas either but then I haven't spent much time in cities in decades. Robin, such good news for HB and you! How's your ear?

Kat, good thinking on the sock.

Poirot, you sure are in and out a lot. I would only want to hibernate, with your weather. It was nice of the man to bring you your mail. Some people won't bother. I bet that guy in the bermuda shorts wears them at least around the house most of the time. We don't have winters like yours but there are people here who wear shorts all winter, even if it snows.

I've spent most of the afternoon cleaning my refrigerator. A couple of days ago I took a bag of blueberries out of the freezer and set them in the refrigerator to thaw. This morning I found a shocking mess. There must have been a hole or a tear in the bottom of the blueberry bag because there was blueberry juice everywhere! It had run down onto each glass shelf and into the drawers and was splattered on everything in the door baskets, and had run down the sides to the bottom. Well, it was just on everything. The door was almost stuck shut. I put in some paper towels to absorb some of the puddles and waited until this afternoon to deal with it. I've got almost everything cleaned and don't know when my refrigerator has been so squeeky clean! Resting my back now and wondering how to get the drawers and shelves back in there like they were. Ever since I've had this refrigerator I've had trouble getting those back in, whenever I have to take them out. I guess I'll eventually figure it out, like I have before, but as of now, I've made several attempts without success.