3/27/2019 - Donuts and Lots and Lots of Caffeine


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
I'm going to be mainlining caffeine today..... what a wonderful trip.....I did purchase a bunch of trees... I'll send pictures of my trees later today...... I did purchase a large crab apple... waiting for it to grow more to become an amazing shohin tree.....

Sadly my knee did not enjoy the trip... can't tell if it was due to the walking on uneven ground, or the cramped sitting on a bus... or carrying heavy items.....

I have attached pictures taken of the bus... the outside the bus pictures are from YESTERDAY... it does not include the trees purchased today at the nurseries we stopped at......
. Inside bus shot 1 sm.jpg Inside bus shot 2 sm.jpg outside bus shot 1sm.jpg outside bus shot 2 sm.jpg
These are thumbnails...... click on them and they will bet a tad bit bigger......

Off to bed and then to work tomorrow....... for a really LONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG short week for me.....
Wednesday! Awake [sorta lol!] and will be leaving for work in 20 minutes. My home is 76F due to the temps this week being near 89F on the west side of town. The rest of the week I work my normal schedule. Rejoice!

Robin: now that is a 'green bus'! The trees look beautiful -- I admire your dedication, hard work and crafting skill in creating these works of art. Your yard must be stunning this time of year. Sleep well and safe travels home.

Wishing each of you to post later a prosperous and delightful day.
Good morning everyone. It was 23* when I left for work this morning, and is supposed to reach the 50s today. This is definitely pneumonia weather. I think I'm heading in that direction.

robinsnest - WOW! That's a lot of trees! Are there that few people on the bus that the trees sit in them instead? I hope you didn't mess up your knee.

Noel - I wish you could have a few days off to get some real rest.
Well, tis 42 this a.m. when I wake up. (I think yesterday was 16). Yeah, some warm front moved in and will move on.....good for the snow. However, windy and overcast....that is the proverbial "chance of rain, or maybe snow". Just no sun today, lol. And then tonite back down, below freezing for the next week or so, highs in upper 30s. Really strange weather, but snow is slowly melting. That wind makes it feel much colder. Oh, well.
Robin, how the heck was there any room for the people? Did everyone have to sit with trees on their laps, inbetween their feet??? My goodness! Good luck, please take care of that knee.....do those ice/heat things that helped before.
Hope you got some good sleep, Noel.......I think all the nurses should band together and refuse the double shifts. The hospital has to be aware that not getting additional RNs does nothing but wear out the ones they have, who then get ill and unable to work at all.
And RS......Was hoping by this time of year, the testing was all over and just office stuff, but you are still out and about. And YOU, my friend, need to concern yourself with YOUR health. Take care.
Hope everyone has a lovely day, sunshine, and a slight breeze. Blessings!
A cool morning for walking, but it's going to beautiful later. After lunch,
I'm raking on the other side of the house. Almost done with that job.

rs, I hope you won't get sick.

robin, thanks for the pictures.I hope your knee is better today.

Noel, I'm glad you're back on a normal schedule. I hope you get
the whole weekend off.

Poirot, I hope you'll see sunshine soon.

I hope everyone will have a blessed day.
Here is another in the "crazy weather" dept. Big clap of thunder, another, another, big wind, trees swaying like mad, thunder went on for 5 min. No rain. stopped. Wind continues, but the darker clouds have gotten much lighter. LOLOL (that was about an hour ago). I don't know where it rained, if it did. They don't think we will get any, but claim still a chance before noon. Still very windy.
Also heard that in 1998 it was 68 for a high on this date, but 2 years earlier, 1996, the high was 11 below. Ahh, Mother Nature, you never know what to expect. :)
Morning Everyone,
Well Gena should be sitting at the salon with her feet soaking in a foot bath right about now, with my brother next to her. Lucky kid, I wish I was with them getting a pedicure too. All the big stuff, except the TV is out of the upstairs, now to get rid of the canned foods and trash laying around. I'm contemplating taking the day off on Friday so I can work get the rest of the trash out and start some basic cleaning. Then we can get the exterminator back to take care of that, before I do a deep clean.

Noel - I hope your day is peaceful today.
RS - oh dear, I sure hope you don't get sick again.
Poirot - crazy weather indeed, yikes lightening storms are a bit ominous.
Robin - the trees are beautiful, and so many wow.
Kat - I hope your raking is easy and light today, so you can enjoy the sunshine.

Have a wonderful day.
Kates seat bus 1sm.jpg my trees bench sm.jpg my trees bench sm2.jpg pot o trees numbers.jpg
Good morning.... unloading in the dark last night some folks took the wrong trees OR had to many to put into their cars/trucks to take home OR (my personal favorite) didn't want the spouse to know how much they purchased so left stuff at my house and came back this morning to sneak more trees home.....anyway went bed late and the text messages can I come get my stuff started at 7am........
I have also bailed Mr. Gus out of the Resort... he is sleeping nicely in my lap......
one is of my seat on the bus..... I have the seat next to me filled and the floor had two boxes one with trees the other with pots beneath.....I also had my travel bag under the seat in front of me until that space was used for turntables......
the next are of the trees I purchased......the flowering Almond is really spectacular right now.... all blossoming out.....
the yellow ground cover.... ya no idea what that is.... but it sure is pretty.....
The plants in the green pot..... so I went on this trip to find a green pot.... success!!!
inside the pot
#1 is a crab apple tree
#2 is an elm
#3 is actually still on the crab apple but that branch is above the oak trees still attached to their acorns.... I'll try to get a better picture tonight...
#4 is the tree I wanted to purchase a Burt Davyii Ficus.....
#5 was a freebie elm I got when purchasing the other elm.... it was a buy one get one free deal...
Robin your trees are gorgeous! I bet you can't wait to spend time with them instead of heading off to work.

Noel - so sorry about the 76 already in the house! Good luck at work today - just 3 more days!

RS - keeping you in my prayers - NO PNEUMONIA- NO PNEUMONIA!

Poirot - I bet you sure wished it was 1998! I hate the wind! Love the picture - so sad it's true for you!

Kat I bet your yard is looking so pretty. I'm so jealous.

Manda - sounds like the guys did good yesterday getting stuff out of there. Yahoo! We had one of those old TV's with the big old picture tubes in them and no one would take it. Not even the dump - finally found one of the St Vincent De Paul's that would take it.

Our weather is overcast and 50! We just have 1 little spot in our front yard of snow and the top of the pool is now thawed so he his pumping water off of it.

Have a great day
Good evening. We got the pens ready yesterday. After my niece finished mowing we wired some cattle panels up, where the barbed wire fence was broken or sagging--in the big pen where the cows will have to spend the night, if we are able to catch them tomorrow. (The working pens are made of pipe). So today we took off and went to eat, then did some business and a little bit of shopping at Wal-Mart. Sunny and mild but very windy and is supposed to be blowing harder tomorrow.