3-5-19 - Donuts and Pacski for Fat Tuesday


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It is a cold 4*F here with a wind chill of -16*F. Thank goodness I'm in the office today.
I know some of you have it much colder .

The tea is ready, and the pacski (Polish filled donuts) are on the conference table. These are filled with Bavarian cream since the bakery was out of the ones with the other fillings.

Oh my goodness, the devastation from the tornadoes in Alabama is heartbreaking. Prayers going up for everyone there.
Do we have any Donuts folks in that area?
The tornadoes were a little over 2 hours away from where kt lives.
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Good morning. A nippy 16* here this morning but the wind has settled down and the sun is out. It will reach 41*. Tonight will be our last night below freezing for a while. Yea! I'm thinking of going to Wal-Mart. Not sure yet. I have to talk to my niece and see if she wants to feed, and when.

Squirrel, good to hear you are not traveling today. You sure do have a lot of different kinds of goodies available. Most of them I've never heard of, let alone tasted. I did hear of some foods that were new to me, during my time in PA.

I was on the verge of weeping as I was cooking my breakfast and listening to the news on the tornadoes this morning. We've had people killed in a tornado in our tiny community a couple of decades ago. Also helped some others clean up their devastated home. It is horrifying and heartbreaking.
Morning all.....
rk... I have a friend who moves a lot...... I believe she's moved for the final time last month..... as she has purchased this location..... but what she has always done is made a map of the new home..... and then makes each room a color..... then on the sides an tops of boxes puts that color on.... example the kitchen is yellow so all boxes with a Yellow dot go into the kitchen...... that way if she forgets to label them at least she doesn't have a bunch of boxes without labels sitting in a room wondering what they are...... either way you do it moving is exciting at first and "oh my God MORE boxes" at the end......

This is going to be a perfect weather day... if I could walk without pain I'd be out walking during my lunch.... but I do believe I will go out and sit outside for a bit.... it will send Noel into her cold cave as it will be 80 degrees today.....

Happy Tuesday all.....
OC - This is a pacski. I'm sure you've seen them before. All the bakeries here carry them, and we just normally refer to them as filled donuts. My favorites are the red jelly filled like what are shown in the picture.

Morning Everyone,
We've made it into positive temperatures at 5* today although it feels like -7* with the wind, it's warmer than yesterday. Tonight I get to stop at the eye doctor's office to get my glasses adjusted, I haven't been able to wear the new ones they pinch my ears too much, I'm so thankful that they stay open until 6 twice a week. I haven't had the stomach to watch the news about the tornadoes, it's just too sad.

RS - we had pacskis for breakfast too, Gena and hubby had Bavarian cream, I had raspberry, there's one spare strawberry one at my house, as I wasn't exactly sure which flavor Gena would want. I wish I had bought more Bavarian cream as those are my favorite.
OC - I'm glad your temps are rebounding to the positive side.
RK - good luck with the labeling, moving is a lot of work.
Robin - Enjoy the warmer temperatures and sunshine, 80 sounds divine right now.

Have a wonderful day!
rk - I don't envy you with all of the packing that's still left to do.

robinsnest - That's a good idea for packing. I'll have to remember to use a color code when I move into my new office and my new eyeglasses dispensing room.
Enjoy your nice weather.

Amanda - Good luck with your glasses adjustment. If I was closer, I'd do it for you. Raspberry and strawberry pacski ----YUM!!!
Morning all........always just called them jelly donuts......but has surprised me the past few years when I have seen them with the Polish name. (my Milwaukee relatives always called them by their polish name, which is how I grew up knowing them).
Was funny, as when I moved up here, the stores never heard of, or carried anything ethnic, unless it was Norwegian. No ricotta cheese, parmesan, pizza, Italian or polish sausage. What is a taco? Oh, eventually it all came, and we have it. But all that was here back then was a very tiny A&P, and I do mean tiny, plus a small butcher shop. You either used white bread or rye. Not much choice.
Sun is out, temp was minus 7, is up to 2 above. !!!! Wonder of wonder. It snowed a bit yesterday late afternoon, early evening. Our weatherman promises that by the weekend we should be warming up a bit more, and even lose the overnight minus temps. Got 2 impt. things into the mail yesterday, and now am left with my personal tax stuff to finish up, and get to the acct.
When I moved, tried to get as much as I could here before the major moving day. Had a problem with hubby, who did not want things taken down off walls, packed up, etc. as we "still are living here". I still have a few boxes in garage, that I should unpack.
Good morning everyone. Whew stepped outside this morning and had to go back inside and get a heavier coat before leaving for work. Our temps have feel a good 30 degrees since last week at this time. Looks like Winter said no so fast Spring.

Biggest thing I have to decide today is what is for lunch. Nice to have a day like that every now and than.

Hope all of you have a day full of smiles today and make great memories.
Morning, all! Sounds like the weather for some of us is finally starting to change for the better. Our deep freeze that gripped the month of February and into March is looking and feeling like it is changing for the better. Our high today is to reach -2*C (28.4*F). Still cold for some of you, I know, but this is patio and shorts weather now. LOL!

I had an awesome night relaxing and not doing a thing last night. We blew up the air mattress downstairs, brought out bunch of blankets, had a snack dinner with many of the leftovers from the cast and crew party the other night and watched the movie, The Equalizer. Was nice not to do anything. Now that the play is over I am looking forward to getting back into my Friday night drop in league for beach volleyball. I have volleyball tonight and I believe we are fighting to regain our first place spot as we lost one game last week that bumped us out of that position.

I'm on board for the donuts this morning. Especially cream filled ones.

OC, your morning low and our daytime high were pretty much the same.
RS, nice that you do not have to drive today.
Robin, we kind organized our boxes too for everyone who was helping us move and they were all stacked and ready to go in one area so no one had to question what else had to go, where does it go, etc. It really sucks when you go to help someone move and they haven't organized their rooms to be ready to move, or they are still packing. Years ago, I told a friend I'd help him move and he had a month to get everything organized. On moving day, I showed up and he hadn't done any packing whatsoever. I was so annoyed that I actually left and said I agreed to help him move not help him pack and then move. When he was packed I went back over to help him move.

Have a good day everyone. Thoughts are with those in Alabama.

Oh yeah, and I read this morning if my province of Alberta and Montana join, it may be called Monberta!! LOL! Not that this would ever happen but have been reading about a petition going around about Montana joining Alberta. Guess it makes news, right!! For the record, I love Montana, have spent a lot of time down there growing up due to the close proximity of where I lived in southern Alberta and always had fun there. Southern Alberta and Montana really are similar in culture, scenery and farming/ranching.\

Ok, now everyone have a good day.
Hi everyone!

rs, now I want donuts but not the filled kind. I'm not a fan of those.

OC, good luck if you decide to go to Walmart.

rk, as someone who has moved twice in the last two years good luck. Thankfully this last time was permanent.

robin, 80 degrees sounds heavenly.

manda, good luck with your glasses today.

Poirot, enjoy your sunshine and above 0 temperatures.

supercouple, hope you have something delicious for lunch.

Muzza, glad you were finally able to have a relaxing evening. I don't know how you keep up with all that you do.

Today I went to a group interview/debriefing type of thing for an insurance company. I'm amazed at what some people think is appropriate to wear to something like that. It was a professional setting not a night at the club. I feel like they watched an episode of Days and decided to dress like Salem residents for the day.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Sun is out today. It was in the teens when Goldie and I walked this morning.
She wanted to go around two times. I've been home since Sunday so I
went to the Dollar store since it's close by this morning.

Bird update. I think the purple finches will be staying this year. I've noticed
new twigs in the basket. This morning, both were at the basket. I'll keep
you dated.

I got some tax forms, but not the ones I ordered. Now I have to order
them again.

rs, I call those jelly filled donuts too. I miss having donuts. I'm glad
you're not going out in the cold weather.

robin, enjoy your spring day.

red, I hope your interview went well.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
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Just remembered that some jelly filled donuts... called Bismarks.......and are sprinkled with granulated sugar......not powdered sugar. They did used to have them up here, but have not seen them in a long time.........I guess when the local supermarket was purchased by another market from MN....things change. They used to do all the baking here, but now it is trucked in from there.
RS - I was going to ask what a pacski was! Bavarian Crème is to die for! My best friend lives in Decatur, Al so she was safe but had just been the previous week where it hit the hardest. So lucky

OC - stay warm and enjoy your trip into town if you go! We have never had the horrible tornado's that happen in the south - I can't even fathom.

Oh Robin - when your sitting in that 80 degree sun soak some in for me too! That just sounded unbelievable. So sorry you can't walk - do you have a bum knee?

Manda - Good luck with your glasses - glasses can be such a pain. I never could get used to them so I do contacts - mono vision! I love it

Muzz - so glad you enjoyed last night! Good luck tonight at Volleyball - you can do this! Living so close to Montana and our business being throughout all of Montana - I also have spent a lot of time there. (secret) --- they want to be part of Canada due to who our president is - enough said.

Iamred - I'm with you -- you wouldn't believe how some people come in to our business looking for a job.

Kat - glad you got out for a bit.

Not as cold here - however, what they are calling our LAST snow storm is coming in tonight! Hopefully they are wrong.

Have a great day
Good afternoon to all and happy birthday to JasonDiSpeech. Instead are any variety of donuts, here's a Maryland-themed birthday cake with the University's terrapin mascot on top. It reflects local attitudes towards the state flag, which are much different than those in New York. NY has a bland flag: blue with the state seal on it. Nobody would display it, much less use it as a theme for a cake. Here, people frequently display the flag and often have crab, dog, or horse shaped decals with the colors of the state flag affixed to their cars.

My sympathies to those enduring cold weather. Here, it's a routine east coast cold day -- high in the 30s. It's enough for the TV weather hyenas to get worked up. Even the possibility of a minor snow storm has them in full crisis mode.

Squirrel, I have seen those filled donuts at Wal-Mart. I think I even bought some for my husband a couple of times. I can't remember what name they used for them.

Kat, please do keep us updated on the finches.

I did go to Wal-Mart. Did a few other errands while in town too. I got back early enough for us to feed but my niece had something come up while we were on the phone talking about it. I knew it would be too late by the time she got free. But I'd seen my cows at the gate across the county road from my driveway when I came in from town so I went ahead and took a big hay bale down there and put it out for them. That will be one thing we won't have to do when we feed tomorrow.