3/6/22 - Donuts & Wish I had some


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Donuts, that is. LOL. So......after cancelling the ice storm, yep, we got the rest...rain, snow, sleet, cold, icy roads. Our radio station was unable to stay on the air, but finally reduced power this morning, only now reaching very local area. Churches cancelled services (mine did not) but Sun. a.m. there are services on radio from around 6:30 to 10 a.m. (Tho with no power, today it was 7:15 before it came on. Guess no paper today for me, I won't venture out. Will be throwing a load of laundry in, and then will try for some order to the clutter, finish some bookwork for one project, and if lucky, can start on MY taxes.
Wishing you all a lazy, relaxing, sunny Sunday.
It's another cloudy day here. Yesterday, the forecast had rain all day. Rain now is in the afternoon
with maybe thunderstorms. I was able to walk this morning before Sunday school/church.

I'm going to finish cleaning after lunch today.

Poirot, sorry to hear about your icky weather. I hope it melts fast.

I hope everyone has a restful Sunday.
It appears we have survived yet another "Massive drop" in our temps and will slowly begin the climb back to normal temps whatever the heck they are these days.... but when the drop is 68 it's hard to feel sad for us.......Several years ago I remember a week in January where the day time highs were in the low 30's and nights were in the 20's.... but that was years ago.....

I would go for some donuts today too..... alas I'll have to settle for toast with cinnamon sugar if I want something sweet...... Going to attempt to clean off the kitchen table..... sounds like an easy plan but well y'all know how well de cluttering can go....and when you live with a hoarder......

Peaceful Sunday to all....
I went to Sunday school and church this morning. It was misting rain, north wind, 44*, which seemed cold, after reaching 86* just yesterday. We didn't get enough rain to even measure. Will start out the week getting in the 50s* but 20s* at night.

The afternoon got away from me. I washed a couple of loads and did some decluttering. I have to take my tax stuff to my CPA tomorrow morning.

I hope all of you with bad weather get relief soon.