3-8-3016 - Donuts & PreDawn


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Good Morning.

It is beautiful outside in the inky darkness of the night. Soon the pre-dawn light will lighten my way to work in the morning. For now, I enjoy moon and star gazing.

Another busy day scheduled. Robin, you were right about the fatigue after work. I am grateful for half days this week! My stamina got up and went with this flu.

Wishing everyone a great Tuesday!
Rain started during the night. No rain again for another hours
Then rain most of the week. Thunderstorms later when I have to go
out twice during afternoon and evening. We're under flood watch
rest of week.

Noel, be sure and take some time outs during your busy day.

I hope everyone will have good day and be safe during the soggy weather.
Good morning, Don't know why I woke so early, but I think, with Daylight Savings coming this Sunday, I am not minding it, get the body clock adjusted sooner than later. However, knowing that this darkness or barely beginning to get light will be at 7 a.m. instead of 6...I'd rather have the light in the a.m. LOL.
The forecast rain never arrived, but wow, it is 46 now. Unreal. They are still talking chance of rain, but who knows? Plus fog....to be expected with all this snow and warm temps.

Glad you are on half days, Noel. It is going to take you quite a while to get back to "normal". Just get as much rest as you can. :)

Don't know why, but the tip of my left middle finger feels numb. How strange.
I'd rather have the light in the a.m.
I so agree!! I wish they would do away with daylight savings time.

Good morning, all. I'm up early too. I watched the last episode of Downton Abbey last night. There is no way I can stay awake long enough to watch it "live". Good show. I am going to miss it!!

Lots of chores and meetings today. Wishing you all a good day.
Good morning. Raining here. Kat, this round will reach you in a few hours, I guess. Our forecast is the same as yours--all week. I need some groceries. Hope I can catch a break to get out. The place where I shop, 40 miles from here, has been getting heavy rain this morning. That's good because our water comes from a lake in that same area.

I'm on the "get rid of Daylight Savings" bandwagon too! Texas lawmakers have been trying to do it for a few years but haven't succeeded yet.

I'm going to miss Downton Abbey too, Lil0. I'm glad it had a happy ending though.

Poirot, that's odd about your numb finger tip. I hope your internet has settled down this morning. I'm wondering if I'll lose mine, with the stormy weather this week.

Noel, I had to smile at your comment about your stamina going. It gave me a good memory of my dad. He was always saying his "get up and go got up and went." I hope yours returns soon!

Oh, we had unexpected visitors yesterday. A cousin and his wife, who live in the Houston area, were returning from a trip to Colorado to see her nephew receive some kind of military honor. The went out of their way a bit to come by and spend a couple of hours with us. A nice visit. We hadn't seen them in at least 20 years.

Have a good day, everyone. Looks like I won't be feeding cows this morning. Will see if the county roads get too muddy for the therapist.
KAT: we need soggy weather here but it is passing us by. Hope you enjoy the relaxing sound of the rain. A time out for me has to wait til end of work week. Thanks for thinking of me.

POIROT: Hope the tip of your finger returns to normal sensation this morning. Fog over snow is beautiful -- enjoy. My bootstraps "rest" at me by the hour so I will heed your advice.

LiLO: So glad you saw Downton. We are all going to miss it! Hope your busy day is uplifting & fulfilling.

OC: your father's statement reminds me of my grandpa. How lovely you're preinstalled by for a visit yesterday after 20 years. Hope you get to the grocery store & have a great day.
Hi all,

Just really getting started this morning. Been up since about 5, but "up" and "going" are two entirely different things. :) Hope all is well, but I see by reading that some of you are off to a rough start.

Dropped my work ID card in the elevator yesterday and watched helplessly as it fled my presence, right down the elevator shaft from the 6th floor. Lost and gone forever, but hey, it's time for a new picture anyway, right?

@Poirot -- Giving people the finger doesn't qualify as your aerobics exercise for the day.. No wonder it's numb this morning. It needs the day off (much love...)

Morning all. The pick up folks will be at the house between Noon and 3pm today!!!!!!!! So when I get home, the couch will be gone. :clap:

Sign me up for ending Daylight Savings. Sunday won't be bad, but Monday, all the appointments in my calendar shift. When making appointments with clients, I have to remember Central is now 2 hours, East is 3, ahead of us, while Alaska is 1 hour behind. And my office phone message won't be correct because it was programmed in India and I'll spend hours trying to get them to put the Daylight Savings Time message on. If I weren't so time zone challenged, this wouldn't be a problem. :)

Rest Noel, it will take a while to start feeling better. I now am dealing with allergies. Joy.

Have a great Tuesday.
Good morning everyone!

Sunny and already 65. Supposed to get to 74 today.

Yesterday was nice too so I spent it in Williamsburg. We walked around the colonial area and went to the winery. On the return trip we didn't even have to wait long for the ferry. It was pulling in as we got there.

Noel, I hope your energy returns soon.

Stay dry kat and OC.

Hope your finger feels better Poirot.

Sounds like you have a busy day Lil0.

Maybe your ID card decided you need a new picture and ran away Wayne:rotfl:

robin, good luck with Daylight Savings Time. Sounds like you'll have a crazy Monday next week.

Working 3-10 on this beautiful day. Maybe all the crazies will stay outside and enjoy the weather. :rotfl:Yeah...like I'd ever get that lucky.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Wayne, there's something both funny and sad about your poor little card drifting down that elevator shaft! About "up and going," as I just told my daughter-in-law on Facebook, be careful about wishing for a jump-start in the mornings. In Fort Worth they were awakened to severe thunderstorms and tornado warning sirens. They now have a plastic baby pool in their back yard and a *couch in the street. One of her friends was reporting a neighbor's trampoline showed up in her yard.

I haven't heard any offical reports but it sounds like Fort Worth had some rotation activity. All of you folks north and east, who might be in line for this round, should be alert. We were just barely west of the heavy activity but we got a nice rain. There will be more over the next few days.

*Hey, Robin, I guess it would be too much to hope that the couch that showed up in the street near my son's home in Fort Worth would be yours??? :rotfl:

P.S. Robin, your post came in while I was typing mine. I'm so glad you are getting the couch taken away.
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Good Morning Everyone,

Just finished with my Tuesday morning class. I need to schedule my first test. They let us break the testing into segments to make it easier. I'll be heading out of work a half hour early today as well for parent teacher conferences. :)

Barb - could your numb finger be a symptom of carpal tunnel? My hands at times go numb because of it. Usually happened to me in the morning when I slept with my hands funny. Spent a year sleeping with wrist braces on and now I've trained myself to sleep with my wrists straight.

Noel - please take it easy, don't want you to relapse on that miserable flu.

Wayne - good luck getting your new badge.

OC - how wonderful that your family stopped by for a visit.

Robin - glad you'll be getting rid of that couch.

Red - sounds like a nice mini vacation.

Lil0 - enjoy your sunshine.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning all,
High clouds today, but a high of 72F:clap::clap::clap:

Unfortunately, I won't be able to enjoy it much. Since I'm on spring break, I volunteered to take more hours at work. Today is noon to closing (around 8PM). And tomorrow (I normally don't work Wednesdays) I'm working 8AM to noon. Well I know I'll be happy when I see that paycheck!

Went to boot camp this morning (and Total Body yesterday afternoon). It's great to be back at the gym in my favorite classes.

Hope everyone has a nice day.
Hello. JS, I don't buy Remmy toys that could go under the couch anymore, lol. I think she liked having me lift the end of the couch so she could get them, so she kept pushing them under there for the attention, lol.

It was a busy morning. I went to the store, got groceries unloaded and put up, tried to relax and watch Days, then my landlord showed up to see what was wrong with my propane heater and toilet backing up (again). He finally said he might have to call for the "honey wagon" (septic tank pumping service), lol. It's about time! I had to put Remmy in my bedroom while he was here. She gets too excited, but she was watching through the curtains. With NBC's terrible video and me having to start over a couple of times, it took me almost three hours to watch yesterday's show, grrr.

Take care!
My pups have little balls that constantly get stuck under things but their mouths are not big enough to hold a regular size tennis ball so I constantly have to retrieve them.

It is Spring Break! That means the girls are home and I am relieved of all responsibilities. *smile*
The ever entertaining Mr. Gus had that neat little trick of "losing" his toys under the couch, until I got a 2x6 and stuck it under the couch. So now when the couch leaves today, the plank will be moved to the new couch and the ball will roll under but not too far. Easy enough for him to retrieve without help. It is fun to see him on his side digging away to come up with the ball, only to minutes later lose it again. Like I said, the ever entertaining Mr. Gus.
LOL, well, right now, I only have squirrels scampering around, and they probably are wondering what the blazes is going on, with all this snow melting. More ground visible today, so the pine cones area real treat for them now. You know what? I saw a FLY!!! it is 59°. Sheesh! (back in 1967, radio said it was 31 BELOW ZERO on this date.
I just don't want to see the bears coming out of hibernation yet. LOL
Partly sunny today & hasn't rained yet! Robins are back and sound so pretty in the morning as I was getting ready.

I agree on Daylight Savings time. Just getting into the sun rising while I'm getting ready for work and now that will be gone.

Last evening I was playing with my granddaughter. I had a Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt on which just has a little rectangle box in the top right and the rectangle is half red and half white. Em says "Nana, your battery is going dead". I laughed so hard and thought for a 5 year old I guess that is how there life is. Everything they have needs to be charged at night and she knows when they're getting low! LOL So different from when were kids.

Have a good day
