Days of our Lives - Wed., April 1, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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If you did not know already, the first minutes of the show will be a clue that is an April Fool's show, definitely a "stand alone" stunt.

Eli is bringing breakfast in bed to Lani, knock at door, Tis Sheila in those awful torn up jeans some folks think are attractive, but aren't. She is looking for her baby daughter, had left her with a sitter, went out with a friend, returned, paid the sitter, went to check on baby....gone. Eli asks if she checked on the father. She says "is the baby here". So, evidently Eli & Sheila had a one night stand, she never told him she was pregnant. Lani upset.

Will & Sonny sit talking about Marlena being rescued, Evan out of their lives, blah, blah. Will goes to answer door, is shocked, it is Leo, is this garish print suit. Admittedly, he is as fun speaking as ever, much to his chagrin, Xander is not there, Brady doesn't live there any more, Maggie is not there. He gives condolences to Sonny about Mother Kiriakis, claims he is there with a big business deal.

Ben & Ciara in bed, hating idea of getting up, he has to job hunt. Persistent knocking at door despite do not disturb sign. Ben goes to answer, tis Clyde, who escaped over the wall, Ben has to hide him. Ciara objects, but Clyde persists, Ben says o.k. Now Clyde talks of how he created this big business empire while behind bars, & gonna let Ben in on it.

Nicole returns early from NY, Eric happy, Holly sleeping, he will make breakfast, Nicole stops him, has to tell him something important, wasn't completely honest with him about why she went to NY. Knocking at door, she answers, is shocked, tis the very dead Daniel, who claims he is alive, yaps about Dr. Rolf's serum, heard he has a daughter, goes to look, blabs on and on. He wants to take up where he left off, drops down on a knee asking Nicole to marry him. Eric is not happy. She explains she has moved on, she & Eric are together. Daniel's face falls. He tells Eric that it was because of him he lost 5 years, so Eric owes him, he doesn't want to say this......but he owes him.

And folks, right there NBC played it's own April 1 thing.......interrupted to cover the Governor's press conference. It is now 1/2 hr later, it is still going on. If I can get the show later somewhere, will finish this. Otherwise, nothing I can do.
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Honestly, from what I saw, only 15 min. ...not worth the time. But...I never saw a baby, so RS must have seen more than me. LOL
Part 2:
Abe shows up to marry Daniel and Nicole, but Eric did some research and found wedding pictures of Daniel and someone else. Nicole tries to attack him, Abe stops it. (I must add that while Nicole's dress could have benefited from some straps, it was quite pretty)

Eli calls an FBI buddy and finds out that Clyde was working with Leo to start a baby smuggling ring, and that Leo has the baby. Ben delivers the baby to Leo and leaves. Moments later Eli and Sheila show up to get the baby back, but they don't arrest Leo. Leo tries to convince them to take some other babies.

While Ben was out, Ciara killed Clyde, because he attacked her. They decide to try to hide the body rather than report it, when Lani shows up at the door looking for Clyde, Ben admits he was there but left.

Eli decides to go back to Sheila. Lani says they should get a DNA test, Eli agrees. Then Daniel shows up and says honey what are you doing her (to Sheila).

Sonny thinks Will is mad about not getting a baby from Leo, walks into their room to find Will in bed with Leo.

Back to Eric's - Nicole and Eric hug, she thanks him for stopping the wedding.

At the square Daniel and Sheila are kissing, introduces him to Eli and Lani as her husband. Admits the baby isn't Daniel's either, Abe walks up and Sheila introduces Abe to his new baby girl.

Back at the hotel, Ciara and Ben try to figure out what to do with Clyde, then decide to go on the run.

Back to Sonny and Will, Sonny freaking out at Will, Sonny goes to leave, then Leo sits up and says April Fools. End
I found it amusing. Though with these writers, all of this could have been true.

That was one cute baby. Sheila and Abe made a cute baby!

I wish Nicole and Daniel could get married. I thought it was funny "Have you heard of Dr. Rolf and this crazy serum he has?"

Loved Leo's suit! And loved him and Will in bed!! That would be typical. Will did sleep with Paul.

But now the real April's fool will be when tomorrow all this is true. :huh:
Absolutely stupid. I skimmed it and there's a teensy bit missing, but not worth writing up since none of it relates to anything.

If they love these so much, they should do them on the web or in prime time.
I saw as much of it as Poirot did but I was actually enjoying it. I liked the way the actors were playing it so you kind of new it was all a joke especially when Nicole opened the door to Daniel and just kind of rolled her eyes.
Maybe it is the mood we are in as we watch. Some scenes made me laugh, but mostly I was saying out loud, "give me a break". Especially when Daniel shows up & asks "honey" what she is doing there? Oh, who is this, Dr. Daniel Jonas, Sheila's husband. Same guy who just tried to marry Nicole. ????
Yes, Leo provided the much needed chuckles. Overall, to me, the episode should have been much better.

Just an aside, but years ago, when doing Early Edition, while it was 3 of us, one year we all 3 wrote up segments of an April 1 summary, sticking to current storyline, but more or less writing what we wanted. I tried to find it, to no avail. But I remember, at the end, the car with the newly married couple in it pulled away, trailing the tin cans, with a big white sign on the back......only it said "April Fool".
The actual summary was done as usual and the link to it followed. We had fun....the readers loved it. LOL.

Well, Leo was a stitch.......and enjoyable for April Fool. The rest was just a waste, in MY opinion.
I don’t think I’ll waste my time watching after skimming the summary. The writing is an insult to viewers and an insult to the actors who are talented and are capable of way better than this drivel. I have had enough of this writing regime. Can we do better than this? Where are the good writers hiding out?
You know, TennisDoc, you asked a good question. At one time we had a lot of soaps on the air, a lot of them. Then they started being cancelled, & all those experienced writers, wardrobe, set designers, and yes, actors, were let go. Yes, many were based out of NY, but there were many in CA as well. So...what happened to them? Did they retire, go work in prime time? Always thought GL had so many talented people, but everyone lived in NY or nearby.......and did not want to move or have to commute. Kassie dePaiva (Eve) does, but unusual, and she usually wants to be able to go back home for a while, just as Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) does.
I do appreciate being able to read the summary so thanks for the writeups. I won't even try to watch this one. I never do like these types of episodes and with both Leo and Daniel, and Sheila with her nasty jeans, having prominent roles, this one would be even worse to me than most. I'm glad it's an entertaining hour for some of you to spend though.
April Fool offered more bad jokes to go along with the awful Princess Gina and Steve-ano plots.

That said, I almost wish the return of the Love Doctor was real.
  • Nicole dumping Eric in a Salem second was just what he deserved after he did the same thing to Sarah.
  • There would be an opportunity to start making jokes again about him drooling over women patients dressed in hospital gowns.
  • It raises the question of whether Rolf can fully restore dead people who are missing body parts.
  • He could have been showed playing the hero by rushing over to University Hospital to save the overworked Kayla.
The rest of "April Fool" wasn't so enthralling:
  • Abe fathering a child out of wedlock -- way out of character.
  • Leo and Clyde baby brokering -- this was done in a far better way with Dr. Baker and Nicole.
  • Ben getting involved in criminal acts -- enough of this already.
  • Will cheating on Sonny -- been there done that.
Well, Dr. Dan showed to be the sleaze many felt him to be. So he plays dead for 5 years, returns to lay claim to his daughter & marry Nicole, despite the fact he is already married. AND he claimed Dr. Rolf had him those 5 years, but.....actually was down in Australia surfing! And sassy Sheila now admits that when in Salem for that short time, she had one night stand with Eli (who decides to leave Lani for Sheila when she claims he is baby daddy), is willing to be with Eli even tho later she admits to being married already to TanDan, but also had a one night stand with Abe. That gal got around.

This was more like someone's horrible nightmare than April Fool. Again, just MY opinion.
It was funny a few times, but most of the show was not worth my time and the waste of electricity! I did want to reach into the TV and hold that sweet little baby!!

Thanks for the write up I missed the first half for breaking news.