4-1-2019 - April Fools Day!


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland

Walking through this day with a keen eye for humorous pranks, a firm sense of humor, and remembering how much fun this day was when we were children!
Morning Noel and the rest of you yet to chime in.

Poirot, hope your knee is feeling better.

Robin, sounds like you had a nice trip.

On the train, back to work. Friday nights poker game was a lot of fun. I came in second so I got my $50 back. Usually we play winner take all but we took a vote and it was decided 2nd place would get their buy in back so that worked out for me despite my winner take all vote.

Mike inherited from his grandparents a player piano that was built in 1903 and has been in his aunt and uncle's basement ever since they passed away. We have been trying to get a piano mover to get it out of their basement but after 3 companies and 2 individual movers attempts to get it out were unsuccessful, due to weight, having to tip it sideways and cannot get it up the stairs, we spent the afternoon taking it apart piece by piece. Such a shame. It was pretty amazing though to see how it was built and all the 88 tubes to each key. In the end, it was the metal backing that held all the metal strings, attached to a piece of wood that was the heaviest piece to move. It took 4 of us to go step by step to get it up and out. 1-2-3 UP, 1-2-3 UP. We will not be piecing the piano back together. The last little bit of the piano was taken apart with crowbar and sledgehammer.

After that, we went home got ready and went to a friend's bday party at her condo downtown. She is originally from Russia and moved here last May and I met her at beach drop in last summer along with many other Russians and eastern Europeans that I have since become good friends with through volleyball that were also at her party. We ended up having to leave early though due to Mike's toothache and constant throbbing in his head and jaw.

On Sunday, we were out for coffee when Mike's tooth started hurting again. It got so bad he went to whatever dentist was open. I left him there to have an emergency root canal done. He sure felt better afterwards. After getting the bill we were so thankful for the health benefits we receive through our employers on top of regular health care. For the root canal the final bill was $1800 but the cost to Mike ended up being $140. He has now used up his benefits for dental for the year but he is on my benefit plan so he can still get regular cleaning and work done.

I'm subbing tonight for a team at indoor volleyball tonight then beach spring league begins next week.

Have a great week everyone.
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Another sunny, cool day here. After getting my hair cut, I'll finish getting my house
clean. Hopefully, I can get outside tomorrow and work in the flowerbed.

I need to figure out how to help the
man who cleans up ditch by his house. So many
leaves came down Sat, that the water got to his garage. His house by the road and
the culvert got full of stuff. There was so much rain early in the AM, I could see
water in the ditch from my kitchen window.

Noel, enjoy your day. I never liked April Fool's Day. Kids think it's fun to hurt other
kids with their jokes.

Muzzaman, that's sad about the piano. I'm glad you found a dentist open
on Sunday to get Mike's tooth done. Enjoy your game tonight.

I hope everyone has a enjoyable day.
Hi all. Yesterday we cleaned a tiny bit at our house in town and I brought in couple boxes and put in my closet. I started on a project on yesterday and now I feel like I have to finish it but I'm bit tired only got less then 5 hours of sleep last night. Trying to get all of my stuffed animals in one box. This is the first box I want on my closet floor.
Good Morning Everyone,
The best April Fools prank I ever did was to duct tape squeaky dog toys to the back of every drawer on a guy's desk at work. He was the team jokester, playing pranks on most of us at one point or another regularly, but he always left an hour earlier than everyone else (adjusted work schedule), after he left on March 31st, we pulled out all of his drawers and taped the toys on the drawers. Every time he opened or closed a drawer it would squeak, it took him 3 days to figure out what was going on, the whole team got a good laugh and he quit playing pranks on everyone.
We had a busy weekend (shocking I know), Saturday was errands, and then selling cookies door to door for Girl Scouts, we sold 44 boxes so that was good. Sunday we cleaned out most of the remaining small items from our empty upper apartment, we filled 1 of our trash cans, borrowed the school district's dumpster for a few more bags of trash (the dumpster gets emptied twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays) and swept the floors. Today the exterminator is coming to spray and set up some traps to try to draw out any bugs that may be hiding in the walls. Still a few items to take out, but most of it is gone and once the exterminator is done we can start really cleaning the apartment. I bought the biggest bottle of disinfecting Mr Clean they had at the grocery store and a 30 pack of gloves. Most surfaces are too yucky to touch. :sick:

Muzz - I'm glad Mike found a dentist and that the procedure was covered. Have fun at volley ball.
Kat - your poor neighbor, you're wonderful to help.
RKN - congrats on starting the moving, don't stress about the project, it will be waiting for you when you're well rested.
Noel - I'm always tempted to do the gelatin milk or meatloaf cake with mashed potato frosting for Gena, but never get it made early enough.:rotfl:
Good mornin' all. Overcast and chilly this a.m. Still limping around very carefully. But, did not have to take a Tylenol, lol.
rk.......it is good to take things to the new place a little at a time. That is what I did. You could take your summer clothes to hang in closet, and items in kitchen not used all that much. Sure helps to have stuff already there on moving day. :) (speaking from having done so recently)
On radio this a.m. was interview with gal who organizes troop care pkgs which are sent to military deployed overseas. They call them "swag" bags.......as the military are more important than those celebrities who get swag bags at various award shows. When the interview ended, an e-mail came in from my bank, one of the sponsors, with the whole list of items. Not only food, but lots of pharmacy items galore. There is a huge drive going on for the next month. Plus, to mail.....cost $20 per box! Our heroes! A shame they do not get this stuff from the govt. God Bless them all.
Cowboy Gus 3 (1).jpg

Happy Birthday Mr. Gus....17 years old today!!!
We had an insanely fun Sunday..... after the amazing 2 hour drive to Tucson... so many wildflowers out..... and then the bonsai portion...... the mentor had a 5 month old male Rhodesian Ridgeback he was very interested in Mr. Gus...... but Mr. Gus was very happy in his pouch so the puppy got bored very quickly and went about enjoying being outside with strangers.....
RK.... I love that you have a box of stuffed animals...... and you want to move them.... I have several in my room that I've kept over the years... they all have meaning to me.....
Manda... eww ick... about your rental.... congrats on cookie selling.....
Poirot keep icing and resting the knee.... they are annoying when they don't work as we want them too....
Muzz good deal you were able to find a dentist..... and your volleyball friends sound fun.....
Kat I want you as my neighbor......
Noel have a good day with the babies....

Good April 1st...... to all who come later today...
Happy birthday to Mr. Gus! Mandy, out selling cookies, bless your heart! Not sure if the scouts were at the store yesterday, since I did not go out. I figured you were busy with that upstairs place. Has the guy or his friends been by to pick anything up? I give you a lot of credit, that would frustrate me no end.
Muzza, you have so much energy, bless your heart. Do you really have dentists available on a Sunday? Glad Mike was able to get relief at last.
Noel.......no donuts in title , huh. What do we get instead of donuts, LOL>>>>
Good morning everyone.

Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes and cakes last Thursday. The day ended up being a bust so my birthday dinner /celebration with friends will be this week.
Several of us ended up going home sick due to the nasty fumes from the new flooring being poured. Concrete floors look nice when finished, but nobody should be in the building when they're being done. First tip off is the workers wear self contained respirators with oxygen tanks! However, it was neat to see how the floor is done. A colored coat is poured over the old existing concrete. Then they literally toss handfuls of different colored chips on top of the coating. That sits to cure for a few hours. Then they pour clear epoxy over it. That's the really nasty part. however the flooring is gorgeous.

The next bad thing to happen that day was my friend's car being rear ended when she left work. The other woman was talking on her cell phone while driving in an area that has been under construction for almost a year. The speed limit has been 25 mph instead of the usual 35 mph. The police and witnesses said she had to to be going at least 50. She was cited for speeding in a construction zone (fine doubled), not have her vehicle under control, reckless driving, and using a cell phone while driving a vehicle. That car is totaled (the battery was pushed into the passenger seat), and the girl has a lot of major injuries. My friend is lucky to just have a fractured hand / wrist, and $3500 damage to her 6 month old SUV.

I spent most of the weekend dragging things out to the road for my town's spring clean up haul away of big items that don't go in the weekly trash bin. I got rid of a huge old steel glider that a friend decided I should have instead of her husband taking it to the recycling center. :rolleyes: That thing was a bear to drag almost 180 feet through the rain and mud. I also got rid of some old trellises that bent in a wind storm, old porch side tables, 5 old clothes baskets, 3 old suitcases, several old plant stands, along with miscellaneous pieces of wood and old shingles.

Since I was getting rid of a lot of things, I decided to treat myself to a new loveseat for my front porch. It is coming today from Amazon, and matches the deck box and rocking chair that I bought last year.

2nd attempt to write my post....

Noel - we were never allowed to pull pranks at home or school on this day. Thank goodness our new CEO at work doesn't permit them here either.

Muzza - A dentist is open on Sunday!!!! That's amazing, but for Mike's sake, I'm glad he was.

kat - I'm sure this fellow would appreciate any help that you'd be able to give him. It is too bad that your other neighbors don't pitch in to keep the area debris free instead of expecting you to do it.

rk - I hope you can catch a nap this afternoon.

3rd attempt to write my post, and it is now afternoon.

Amanda - It sounds like you're making major headway with the apartment.

Poirot - The American Legion post I belong to does the care packages all year long to deployed troops and veterans hospitals. I also donate items and cash for mailing to our local Vietnam Veterans chapter.

robinsnest - I'm glad you had a wonderful drive and visit with the bonsai master.

Happy Birthday, Mr Gus!!! Still a handsome guy.
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Poirot - Glad your knee is a little better. As for the former tenant, we haven't seen him or any of his friends in since the 23rd, so at this point I don't think they are coming back. I've tried to call several times and only get a message that the phone is not in service (it's a cell phone). The only things left to get rid of are a few more pots and pans, the shower curtain, a couple pictures, and some odd random boards that we found in closets, they look like the came out of an entertainment center or shelving unit. Oh and the dirt and bugs of course.

As for the cookies we have about 2 weeks to try to sell everything we have left over from cookie booths, so we'll try just about anything at this point to get them sold. One of the mom's is going to put some in her store at the local shopping mall to try to sell some there, another took some to go door to door with her daughter around their neighborhood after school this week.

Happy Birthday Mr. Gus!!

RS - Your poor friend, I hope your birthday celebration this week makes up for the bad day last week. It always feels good to get rid of stuff that's no longer useful.
Happy Birthday, Mr Gus

Hopefully, I can rake some of the neighbor's leaves before the next rain on Thurs.
The ditch by his house is full and no place for the water to go.

rk, good luck with your packing.

manda, good luck with cleaning the apartment.

rs, enjoy your birthday belated birthday dinner when you have it. I hope the woman who hit your friend
had insurance. It's sad how many people can't keep their phones off when driving.

Poirot, I'm glad your knee is feeling better.
What I truly do not understand is why people don't just turn their phones off when they get in their car to go somewhere, or into church, a restaurant.
I mean, people managed to get their calls without answering machines, cell phones, etc. People kept in touch, they would call back. NOTHING is so important it is worth risking a life, not only one's own, but someone else's.
If I decide I need to make a call, I pull off the road, park. My phone is always turned off otherwise.
But, everyone is different.
We were lucky to get in to see a dentist. I was just going to take him to the walk in clinic to get a prescription for pain, like T3, but Mike googled dentists and lo and behold there were two offices open with only one person waiting to get in. I'll bet these two dentists do very well by being one the few practises that open on weekends. So thankful for that.

Kat, you are such a great neighbour by the sounds of it.

Robin, happy birthday to Mr. Gus.

RS, enjoy your bday celebrations and hope your friend recovers quickly.

RK, good luck with packing and sorting.
Yes, I do love it, Poirot! Is this at your house?

Happy birthday to Mr. Gus!

Squirrel, I'm sorry about your birthday gone awry. Especially feel bad for your friend who had the accident. I don't turn my cell phone off while driving but it is in my purse and if it rings, I wait until I can pull over, then if it is important I'll call back while stopped.

I've been down all day with a migraine. The pain has moderated somewhat but isn't close to being gone yet.
Heya everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a magical Monday. Today has been an okay but pretty busy day on my end. I went to work which was pretty busy as it is the beginning of the month and there are things I need to do each month so I always try to get it done as soon as I can so I do not have to think about it. After work I came home, did a few chores that I needed to get done and then had dinner. For dinner I heated up some delicious pizza bread and had some vegetables. After dinner I did a few more chores and now I'm relaxing for the evening.

The weather was pretty cool where I live today. :beat: It felt too much like winter but the weather is expected to improve. It better or I am not going to be happy.:)

Wishing each one of you a fantastic Monday evening. Much happiness to everyone. :hug:
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